IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Main release has been up for a couple hours, things look nominal, see you in the morning for packages
zzz eyedeekay, the release notes linked from the news aren't on the website yet
eyedeekay Aww damn the dates disagree I forgot to change them from the draft
eyedeekay I'll fix it
zzz eyedeekay, release version and tag not pushed
zzz eyedeekay, you have to put the blog at /02/03 because that's what's in the news
eyedeekay I just changed it from the news side
zzz you changed ALL the translations and rebuilt? Even if you did, it will be wrong again if you re-pull translations, and it's wrong for people that already have the news
zzz you can't do it that way
eyedeekay Ok I'll switch it back and do it from the web site
zzz yes please.
zzz the only way it would kinda work is if we re-pushed to tx and re-pulled but even then, ppl are clicking on the link in the console now, not 2 days from now when they'd get the fixed flavor
zzz also eyedeekay please push the tagged release to gitlab
eyedeekay Ack will do that firsr
zzz ok, it's been a while since the last release, follow the checklist, let's do things in the right order
zzz eyedeekay, you did not push the izpack isntall.xml files, see checklist
eyedeekay WTF they're here locally and there's no git diff and I pushed, something weird has happened there
dr|z3d git push --tags doesn't push the code, only the tags.. maybe that?
eyedeekay OK they should be there now but that means the tag is probably wrong, now I gotta fix that
eyedeekay Sure is, OK big mess up there I have to re-do that today, will be i2p-2.8.1, will explain in the news
zzz I wouldn't bother with a new tag or news
zzz it's just the installer
eyedeekay Yeah I guess the version in the running router will be correct
eyedeekay Dumb mistake on my part though
zzz did you build the installer with 2.8.0 in the xml or not?
eyedeekay No in my i2p.i2p.releasedir checkout the xml read 2.7.0
eyedeekay Because it was from the 2.8.0 tag
zzz the only thing it affects is the izpack popup at the beginning 'welcome to i2p 2.7.0' or something like that
zzz it would be confusing to people but not super serious
eyedeekay Yeah the splash message and the top bar, they'll still get the right router
zzz up to you if you want to rebuild the installers
zzz postmortem: checklist, verify release # by starting the installer you built, and maybe we should add a xml version check to the release target
eyedeekay I'll decide today while I'm doing maven and Debian
eyedeekay I like checks, constantly trying to make sure I don't footgun myself
zzz ok I'll work on adding a check
eyedeekay Thanks zzz I can try and do it if you want but you'll probably figure out a neater way than I would
zzz today you focus on the release, I'm off on 2.9.0
eyedeekay OK thanks, I'm off to Launchpad then
zzz I guess you will want to change the filenme and version but it depends how the download page macros work
zzz I do have the build check implemented here
eyedeekay Filenames are always the same, directories change by version, I checked the download links
zzz you probably don't want to change the file with the same name or else people checking checksums later get freaked out
RN <Afkaid> The SHA256 don't match the downloaded files on i2p-projekt.i2p/en/download
RN oops
zzz ^^ eyedeekay
eyedeekay How long ago RN? Should be right now
RN within about a minute of when I pasted
RN Afkaid, is here and has temp voice if you need more info. But I'm reading that as you just fixed it?
eyedeekay I fixed it within 30 minutes of you posting which is the website update interval but let me check manually real quick...
RN already told them this was discussed yesterday and....
RN :)
eyedeekay Yeah should be fixed now
RN can you re-check it Afkaid?
eyedeekay It was right in the blog post wrong in the macros file
RN probably should have a checklist...
RN ;)
RN *** giggles and runs ***
Afkaid I just checked for i2pinstall_2.8.0.jar and it is fine now
Afkaid but i2pinstall_2.8.0_windows.exe isn't
Afkaid I have downloaded i2pinstall_2.8.0_windows.exe again, and now the SHA256 match well
Afkaid I don't know why it wasn't matching, perhaps a glitch during download
RN :)
RN of equal or higher importance, eyedeekay, did this release get a name?
RN I propose post release "mismatched hashes"
eyedeekay What names have been proposed so far?
RN erm... there were a few... but I'd have to see if I still have logs of this channel
RN mostly me
RN but I think the one I just said is apropos... ;)
eyedeekay Works for me
eyedeekay Maven should be up shortly
RN deepseek-yrmom, periscopes up, AI-Free-Edition, Personal_Use_Only, Winter is Coming, squidgames-2, Trump-Card, Full_Pardon, Mu Deng, TicTokTroubles, Banned Application, original Sin, Severence2,
RN first one from zzz, a couple from dr and the rest from me