IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d file system failure, however brief, will always stop the torrent, orignal
orignal yes, but why it can't redonload that segment automatically?
dr|z3d because your disk failed.
dr|z3d if your disk has write issues, it's probably not a bad idea to abort the download.
orignal but it's not failed completely
orignal only that segment
dr|z3d so it carried on downloading/writing then, or the torrent stopped?
orignal torrent stopped
orignal but why not just mark that segment as non-available and continue?
dr|z3d if the issue's a bad sector on your drive, remember you preallocated the disk space.
dr|z3d as for recovery, ask zzz.
orignal [sda] tag#12 Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed
dr|z3d "download recovery / auto resume on fail"
orignal so snark should allocate another area
dr|z3d I think zzz will probably tell you "patches welcome" :)
dr|z3d cue zzz...
orignal the funny thing is when download speed becomes like 1 Mb/s
dr|z3d 1MB/s I think you mean. It can definitely go fast with enough peers.
scottpedia dr|z3d: i enabled floodfill and set all hop numbers to 0
zzz be serious. snap off $50 for a hard drive or sign up for netflix for the price of a sandwich. Or run fsck. There's no API to reallocate a sector. What do you want, we didn't crash.
scottpedia tried to get as many peers as possible
scottpedia then I can use i2p as a VPN
scottpedia dr|z3d: and i2p can automatically resolve onion services now?
scottpedia and it's very fast also
dr|z3d i2p doesn't resolve .onion addresses, the outproxies do.
scottpedia ohh okay
scottpedia that makes sense
dr|z3d you can alternatively use zzz's socks plugin that will use a local Tor instance as your outproxy for everything.
scottpedia thx for info
orignal zzz, I have another hard drive. Just too lazy to move
orignal I'm not asking to reallocate sector I'm asking to mark that sergment as failed and redownload it
zzz if it didn't work the first time why would it work the 2nd
orignal because it will be located in another secotor
zzz there's no way to know that
orignal the way is just to ignaore that execption and mark that segment as not available
zzz stop i2p, fsck, restart
orignal it's a headless server and it's on root partition
zzz there's no point in continuing if we can't complete the download
onon_ orignal wants too much
orignal I think it failed on upload
zzz java.lang.RuntimeException: Error writing storage (piece 793)
orignal too bad
orignal I have an idea
orignal copy the files and them "move" then back
dr|z3d we could just add a switch to turn off pre-allocation aka "ballooning"
dr|z3d maybe that would help.
zzz if the write didn't work it will probably fail on read also
orignal pre-aloocation is creating of long empty file I guess
dr|z3d it's intended to prevent fragmentation.
orignal what would happen if I just delete failed file?
zzz there is no workaround for a broken hard drive. Netflix is $7 if you're desperate to watch squid game today
orignal there are few of the,
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
orignal come on
orignal I don't want to watch squid game
orignal I'm testing torrents ))
dr|z3d zzz's rattling your cage, orignal.
orignal if I wanted to just watch squid game I would download a torrent from clearnet in few minutes
orignal and again I have a raplacement hard drive'
zzz sure, stop the torrent, copy the file and move it back
dr|z3d why don't you sudo touch .forcefsck on your data partition and reboot.
orignal what if I just delete failed file and restart snark?
zzz that should work too
orignal because fsck is interactive mode
dr|z3d sure, you might get lucky, then again, you might hit the same bad sector.
orignal I need to connect that one to monimotor and keyboard
dr|z3d no, .forcefsck will run without interaction.
zzz there's some fsck option or something to update the bad blocks list
dr|z3d just create that file with touch on the root of the partition(s) you want to check on startup, then restart.
orignal let me try
dr|z3d if (!_isWindows && !_isARM && shouldPreallocate) {isSparse = true;}
dr|z3d else if (_log.shouldWarn()) {
dr|z3d if (!shouldPreallocate) {_log.warn("[I2PSnark] Not preallocating files -> Disabled by configuration");}
dr|z3d else if (_isWindows) {_log.warn("[I2PSnark] Not preallocating files -> Windows OS detected");}
dr|z3d else if (_isARM) {_log.warn("[I2PSnark] Not preallocating files -> ARM processor detected, assuming solid state storage");}
dr|z3d snark.config -> i2psnark.preallocateFiles={true|false}
dr|z3d did you win, orignal? (.forcedfsck)
dr|z3d * .forcefsck
orignal haven't tried yet
dr|z3d ok, well that disable preallocation patch is on git now, great time to build I2PSnark+ :)
dr|z3d if you think 1MB/s is good, wait until you see 4MB/s
dr|z3d *** grins. ***
not_bob Yeah, I've been having this issue with snark as of late on more than one router. NO idea.
not_bob I'll try that config option and see if that helps.
orignal which issue?
orignal disk failure?
not_bob snark downloads dying. Then, when I restart them, they have forgotten most if not all of the file.
not_bob I do not think it's a disk issue as it's happening on more than one machine.
dr|z3d that config option will only work if you're running the latest snark+ .. you'll need to pull from the repo.
not_bob Well, fuck.
dr|z3d oh, I thought that was orignal..
dr|z3d for you, not_bob, I can build a new standalone.
not_bob No, I am not him.
dr|z3d no need to for expletives.
orignal some people think I'm jrandom ))
orignal who learned Russian
not_bob I've had people ask that of me as well. But, I am not.
not_bob неправда! ;)
not_bob I can now type a little faster in russian, but still super slow.
dr|z3d with support for: snark.config -> i2psnark.preallocateFiles={true|false}
dr|z3d it's worth noting that on ARM or Windows, no preallocation takes place.
not_bob Ever?
not_bob One of the system I'm having issues with is ARM.
not_bob ALso, thank you.
dr|z3d no, it's disabled.
not_bob Hmm, no. two systems are arm that have that issue from time to time.
not_bob I shall give it a try.
not_bob welcome back.
dr|z3d thanks!
orignal how can I run snark on windows?
orignal I guess install Java first
dr|z3d sure, install java, Microsoft's OpenJDK is fine.
orignal let me check windows store
orignal but I asso need ant, jdk, etc.
dr|z3d what, to build it from the repo?
dr|z3d note the /openjdk on the end of that url.
orignal no. build snark
dr|z3d yup, to build it from the repo you need ant and openjdk at the minimum.
dr|z3d or you could just grab the build I uploaded 10m ago.
orignal I don't see ant there
dr|z3d where?
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d you need to source ant yourself.
orignal in openjsk archiev
orignal so where can I get it from for windows?
orignal wait. why can I install it in MSYS2?
dr|z3d work it out, this isn't a creche :)
orignal let me check
orignal doesn't seem it's there
dr|z3d apache ant is a collection of jar files, you need to download the zip, extract, and add the location to your path.
orignal I tried to find openjdk there
dr|z3d why are you making this hard? I gave you the links for openjdk and apache ant.
orignal I donwload openjdk and unzip
orignal and whats next?
orignal where do I build? In powershell?
dr|z3d cd repo workspace then 'ant i2psnark'
dr|z3d assuming openjdk's install and ant's on your path.
dr|z3d *installed
dr|z3d or just run ant in the workspace root to check ant is available.
dr|z3d it you're building from the + repo, it'll tell you the ant and openjdk version.
orignal where? in poweshell?
dr|z3d or not, if you haven't correctly installed openjdk and set ant to be visible.
dr|z3d powershell, cmd shell, any shell you like.
orignal right
dr|z3d cmd works fine.
dr|z3d though if you want more colors in your shell, powershell. whatever.
orignal where do I set path?
dr|z3d system properties.
orignal see I use MSYS2's bash on windows
orignal so it would be simpplier for me
dr|z3d right click on that computer icon on your desktop, properties or something.
orignal terrible
dr|z3d yeah, that's how I rate your Windows skills.
dr|z3d you could just drop ant in the root of the workspace, maybe that'll work, dunno.
orignal do I need to install oracle java runtime?
dr|z3d like I said earlier, microsoft's openjdk is fine.
orignal it's jdk not runtime
dr|z3d grab the _installer_ from the link.
orignal will do. thanks
dr|z3d it's everything you need.
orignal installed
orignal not bad
dr|z3d which part was terrible, and what's not bad? I've lost track.
orignal installed openjdk and java/javac work from powershell
dr|z3d good. progress.
orignal now ant
orignal says not found
orignal found from files folder
orignal and what I do with it?
orignal was able to run ))
orignal can you give me a link with lastest snark+ source code?
dr|z3d you can grab a zip from there, or github's linked.
orignal I need a zip file
orignal seems I can;t connect from browser
orignal it looks like you don't reposnd
orignal 902371614✘5d4s7pcvfdpf….b32.i2p377001001500101
orignal finnaly got it
orignal but don't zee .zip
orignal got one from github
orignal C:\dev\i2pplus-master\apps\i2psnark\java\build.xml:198: Execute failed: Cannot run program "zip"
orignal and what?
onon_ It seems like it's too hard to set up a snark if even the orignal couldn't do it.
orignal I'm windows noob
cumlord If you do it the normal way it’s pretty easy but dont know anything about windows
orignal come on
orignal I don't have any problem on linux
zzz this is java, build once run everywhere. don't build on windows. build on linux. copy over
orignal do you mean I can't build on windows?
zzz maybe, maybe not; nobody does it so we don't know when it breaks or what you need
orignal then let me be the first
orignal ofc I can build on linux
orignal but don't want to
orignal what can't you use jar instead zip?
dr|z3d used to build fine on windows. did it all the time.
orignal it can't find "zip"
dr|z3d maybe try installing 7zip?
dr|z3d been so long since I built on windows.
orignal huh? why should I?
orignal why can you use jar instead?
dr|z3d zzz, take him out back and give him a good kicking.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d modify the build.xml file to your liking.
orignal doing now
dr|z3d feel free to let us know what you come up with, if it's useful I'll add it to the build.xml as another target.
orignal built
orignal <target name="standalone" depends="standalone_prep">
orignal <exec executable="jar" failifexecutionfails="true" failonerror="true">
orignal <arg value="-cfM" />
orignal <arg value="" />
orignal <arg value="i2psnark" />
orignal </exec>
orignal </target>
orignal my change
dr|z3d there, you have skills. well done. :)
dr|z3d if you're not wanting a zip, I'm not sure what is doing as an argument, however.
orignal jar is zip
orignal and you always have jar together with java
dr|z3d then you probably want i2psnark-standalone.jar
orignal nope. zip
dr|z3d ok, whatever works. it's your party.
orignal zzz, how about to fix it in Java-I2P code?
orignal I can make a PR if you tell me how
dr|z3d what are you proposing to fix?
orignal use jar instead zip
orignal for zip compression
orignal because jar is part of JDK
orignal while zip is an extrenal tool
orignal it means buildable on any platform
dr|z3d > what's the -cfM arguments doing?
orignal Explanation: * -c compress * -f specify filename * -M do not include a MANIFEST file
dr|z3d lol++
dr|z3d did you pull that from an AI?
dr|z3d it seems abnormally well constructed for you :)
orignal just found it somewhere what params must be used
dr|z3d ok, that's handy, not sure it buys us much, but useful to know you don't need zip to build a zip.
orignal I'm an old school guy and prefer to use IT forums ))
dr|z3d I'll use whatever arrives at the answer fastest.. forums, AI, doesn't matter.
zzz ant has an internal zip also, we don't use it because it doesn't support file permissions; see comments in snark build.xml, unless drz removed them
zzz if you're playing with i2pplus, send your PRs to drzod
orignal but you also have this portion of code
orignal no zip is not part of ant
orignal and your build.xml requres a standalone zip
orignal however jar would be more reasonable
zzz <target name="standalone" depends="standalone_prep">
zzz <!-- doesn't support file permissions
zzz <zip destfile="">
zzz <zipfileset dir="./i2psnark/" />
zzz </zip>
zzz -->
zzz <exec executable="zip" failifexecutionfails="true" failonerror="true" >
zzz <arg value="-r" />
zzz <arg value="" />
zzz <arg value="i2psnark" />
zzz </exec>
zzz </target>
zzz switch the commented part and it will work for you
zzz this is from my code, couldn't tell you what plus does
orignal let me check your code
orignal you are right no this coment in i2pplus
zzz but ofc ant does zip. jar is just a zip
orignal in my opinion using standalone "jar" is better than "zip"
orignal but up to you
orignal so, is windows snark also console app?
dr|z3d it is when you run it in the console context.
dr|z3d it's not technically windows or anything else. it's java.
dr|z3d just run ant in the root of the workspace to see your available targets.
orignal so how should I start it propely?
dr|z3d should be a batch file.
orignal I extracted zip
orignal yes, and it opens a console window
dr|z3d what do you mean, a console window? oh, you mean a terminal window.
orignal not sure if cmd or powrshell
dr|z3d you can probably suppress that, you'll have to research how.
dr|z3d on linux, nohup {command} &
dr|z3d or maybe you'll find the terminal logging handy.
orignal on linux I run it under "screen" instance
orignal so, no try icon or service?
orignal *tray
dr|z3d no, though they're both nice ideas.
orignal have you tried to run i2pd on windows? ))
dr|z3d I barely use windows.
orignal you run i2pd.exe and got tray icon
orignal buttons don't have hints
orignal MSEdge
dr|z3d which buttons?
dr|z3d most do, the obvious ones don't.
dr|z3d MSEdge.
orignal buutons on the main screen
dr|z3d I think you'll find most do.
orignal they are not obvious
orignal like green cross
dr|z3d Unless your MSEdge is broken.
orignal it's MSEdge in Windows 11
orignal 16 tunnels?
orignal by default
orignal are you kidding
dr|z3d yup, those are the obvious buttons, but I take your point. if you're a total newb, more help wouldn't hurt there.
dr|z3d that's 16 tunnels max, my friend.
dr|z3d unless you've got 16+ peer connections, it won't use that many. scales with peer connections.
orignal now we know where flood of empty tunnels come from
dr|z3d no, we don't.
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
dr|z3d hover over that section, tooltips.
orignal 16 tunnel for each fucking i2cp session
dr|z3d are you fucking listening?
orignal seriously you shouldn't do it
dr|z3d obviously you're not.
dr|z3d the number of tunnels SCALES according to peer connections.
orignal Tunnel Configuration
dr|z3d hover over the dropdowns.
orignal what messages is being sent?
orignal I care about I2CP messages
orignal and want to know how you change number of tunnels
dr|z3d they scale according to the number of peer connections.
dr|z3d for a debugging panel, hover under the control buttons in the main view, in the table footer. a green bug should appear. click it.
orignal again what I2CP meaage is being sent when you change number of tunnels?
orignal how can I start a dest?
orignal without any torrents
dr|z3d you can't.
dr|z3d until you're download or seeding, your tunnel is closed.
dr|z3d i2cp options you should be able to work out on /configure
dr|z3d also check your logs.
orignal I care about I2CP message for tunnels
orignal I need to make sure if I handle it properly
dr|z3d i2psnark/logs
orignal snark doesn't send such message
orignal btw, fsck heplped
dr|z3d I mean in your folder.
dr|z3d good.
dr|z3d file that away under handy thing to know. ./forcefsck :)
dr|z3d or rather /.forcefsck
orignal it doesn't work anymore
orignal in newer ubuntu
dr|z3d news to me.
orignal since 20.04
orignal you need to use tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda2
dr|z3d 20.04?
dr|z3d last time I checked it worked fine in 25.04
orignal ubuntu 20.04
orignal that one is 24.04
dr|z3d no, 25.04
dr|z3d aka plucky puffin.
dr|z3d maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.
dr|z3d but it appeared to do the job.
orignal have you checked the log?
orignal 25.04 is not released yet ))
orignal it's still 2024 ))
dr|z3d it's not released, but it's available :)
orignal how can I see peers?
dr|z3d click the peers button in the table header. three dots in a triangle.
orignal got it
orignal 100 kbs from 3 peers ))
orignal not bad
dr|z3d are you varying your hop length?
orignal need to check how I can handle that message
orignal should be
dr|z3d it's a UI option.
orignal and 3 hops right now
orignal 2 tunnels in each direction
orignal I need to undersatd how I handle in i2pd
dr|z3d 3 hops + variance in/out is fine. and you can leave it at 16/16, it won't use that many unless you're in a BIG swarm or downloading / uploading a ton.
orignal I set 5
dr|z3d up to you. if you're running snark from the i2p+ console, the footer shows current tunnel count.
dr|z3d you also get better logging controls.
orignal I run standalone with i2pd on windows
dr|z3d sure. just letting you know.
dr|z3d if you're running more than a couple of torrents, filter bar recommended.
orignal with vannilla snark I run like 20
dr|z3d click a magnet, copy to clipboard.
orignal i2p+ snark started just now on wndows
orignal already downloading
dr|z3d 20 is enough to merit the filter bar. 5, even.
orignal I2CP options changed to: i2p.streaming.profile=2 inbound.length=3 inbound.quantity=5 outbound.length=3 outbound.quantity=5
orignal 20 is on vanilla and on linux with that failed drive
orignal windows one is M2
orignal some old laptop
dr|z3d you should also, in theory, see the progress of individual files if you check the torrent info page.
orignal and now it's 5Kb
dr|z3d it will vary hugely.
orignal leave it for now. will see
dr|z3d > that's the nature of the network. plus, you're seeing realtime stats.
dr|z3d > vanilla snark averages the up/down/eta stats over 45s.
orignal my goal is i2pd I2CP
dr|z3d oh, and if you want old school, maybe try the zilvero theme. you might like it.
dr|z3d some themes have more "signposting" for newbs than others.