IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz sure why not
dr|z3d are you still jizzling with your map implementation?
dr|z3d working on displaying various data points here, maybe all router b/w tiers, congestion classes...
dr|z3d now I've got the work on making it extensible done, shouldn't be too difficult.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: all looking good on the 'Bo Derek' release ;D
dr|z3d *thumbs up* T3s|4
dr|z3d did you have a look at the updated /netdbmap T3s|4?
zzz Geezz asked for voice, not sure which channel he wanted
dr|z3d Play nice, albat, sorry, Geezz :)
zzz I'll undo it if you wish
dr|z3d it's all good
zzz nick isn't regged
zzz ok. didn't realize I had the power here, was kinda an accindent
dr|z3d if I didn't trust your judgment, you wouldn't be an op :)
zzz wasn't based on any judgment though...
dr|z3d no problemo. you're good.
dr|z3d working on anything?
zzz some non-i2p clusterfucks mostly. stats/zzz back after a day of downtime, eche forgot to restart it
zzz trying to combine SSU2 RI and ACK 0, have done it two ways and about to switch back to the first way, need a little more research
dr|z3d prep work for prop. 165?
zzz no this is from back a couple weeks ago where orignal pointed out we were sending ACK 0 separately, will be more efficient if we combine it with our RI in one packet
dr|z3d ah, ok
zzz checked in some prep work and a TODO line last week
zzz could be either a RI block or a DBSM but there's implications if the pkt is lost, have to think thru it
zzz code... think... completely redo it... think... maybe switch back to first way. thats where I'm at
dr|z3d I know that routine only too well :)
zzz yeah open source allows more chances for detours than if I had a boss and a deadline, not always for the best
zzz also handing out 50% bad advice in #go-i2p-dev since I know nothing about go, but doing it anyway
dr|z3d well 50% bad is also 50% good :)
dr|z3d there's probably a lot of shared stuff in there, when you get passed the syntax.
zzz like, does len(nilptr) panic? return 0? -1? beats me. maybe your AI knows
zzz *past. yes, stare at enough code and it starts to make sense
dr|z3d > In Go, if you have a nil pointer, attempting to get its length using the len() function will result in a compile-time error.
dr|z3d You cannot apply len() to a nil pointer directly. The len() function is meant for array, slice, map, string, or channel types but does not accept pointer types. If nilPtr points to a slice or a string that is nil, you would first need to dereference it or apply len on the underlying type.
dr|z3d However, dereferencing a nil pointer will lead to a runtime panic.
dr|z3d So, if you try to take the len of a nil pointer (directly), you will get a compile error, and you would need to ensure that the pointer is not nil and that you are calling len on an actual slice or an array.
dr|z3d In summary, len(nilPtr) results in a compile-time error.
zzz from what I saw it would be a runtime panic. in that case hk has some work to do...
zzz thanks AI!
hk zzz: re: advice, not bad advice at all
hk in fact it was because of zzz that we discovered the bugs that were impeding our efforts to read router infos
hk :)
zzz yeah the struggle is to write low-level code that's robust in the presence of untrusted input from other routers, while being easy to identify bugs and unimplemented stuff at this stage
hk dr|z3d: re: len(), yup i've seen that head on. the workaround is to make sure it's initalized I think
zzz kinda hard to think 10 steps ahead, especially for ppl new to a language
hk zzz: yup, I think that's what "fuzz" is all about in our codebase; I was unaware what it was, but it's junk info meant to represent the worst case scenario and malformed input
hk zzz: indeed, anyone who can think 10 steps ahead is ahead in life all around. and that's true to i've only coded in go for
hk maybe 3-4 months
hk with prior experience in programming in general of course so it's not a clean comparison
hk I came with a C++ background so it wasn't hard to get used to go, go is very wieldy
hk that's true too*
hk So I was confused when I first saw #saltr
hk I had thought this whole time that dr|z3d was the developer for i2psnark
hk but it was actuall you, zzz?
hk actually*
hk and dr|z3d just maintains i2psnark+
dr|z3d it's a shared enterprise :)
dr|z3d mostly zzz on upstream these days.
hk nice nice
hk well, I dont know how you guys are gonna feel about this but
hk "competitor" is a strong word BUT...
hk I am creating an i2p-only cross-platform bittorrent client
hk will release soon with the name
dr|z3d bring it.
hk bring it on?
hk >:D
hk hahah
hk yeah it's still a work in progress, nothing compared to XD and definitely not i2psnark
dr|z3d there's already psi's implementation.
hk psi's implenetation?
dr|z3d plenty of space in the market for more implementations.
hk ohhh
hk yeah yeah majestrate
hk so he's known as psi here gotcha
hk yeah this is
hk totally different market
hk like im talking... mobile
zzz sure, more the merrier
hk and everywhere, WITH A WEBGUI
hk im getting giddy talking about it but it may as well be vaporware until I have something to show for it
hk im just... I dont know what should be 0.0.1. It can download and it has a very shitty gui (just being honest), but it cant seed. it's becoming more resilient though
hk i dunno, ill keep you guys updated
hk more the merrier amen
zzz let us know when it's in a swarm and I'll join in and see how it's behaving
hk really? thanks
hk it's actually in a swarm right now but the download is finishing up
hk im testing with uh
hk Antenna Engineering Handbook, 4th Edition.rar from tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TorrentDetail&id=13621
hk I'm already testing on my end with biglyBT, it's alright but im gonna initiate another download
hk I can't get to get the client name to be broadcasted so it's gonna show up as "Unknown"
zzz yeah you need to implement extensions to get the name out there unless we hardcode it, which I can do
zzz why don't you stop the d/l and start over since you can't seed
hk oh yeah thats what i did
hk it's downloading now
hk you should see it
hk Unknown [-Pz-j---o--i---/-h--]
zzz have you picked a peerID string yet or is it going to change?
hk it uhh
hk it's buggy right now, it should've been set
hk -ET0001-
hk wait a minute
hk I have it set to rand
hk that makes sense
hk man it just stalled
hk it's not doing anything, just failing I have to restart
hk man this is embarrassing... lol
hk out of all the times for it to completely be in a complete free fall stall; it chooses now
hk at least you can see it in the swarm
zzz i'm not connected to you yet, may have joined just before you restarted
hk im gonna shorten the timeout time and recompile
hk I saw yours
hk hold on let me short the timeout to force faster reconnects
hk zzz: im tempted to release the source code right now
hk do you think that's advisable even if it's unfinished?
dr|z3d put it on git, WIP, you can say that in the
hk yeah fuck it im releasing this today
hk fuck it
dr|z3d easier for you to develop then, if nothing else.
zzz if you want testers and/or helpers, that's how to do it
hk maybe it'll motivate me
hk yeah im doing it thanks guys.
zzz I'm a seed now, when you see it connect to me, holler
hk Welcome to EepTorrent
hk nice ill let you know once I get postman's tracker working, I forgot to mention. im using cumlord's simp tracker
hk thoughts on the logo and font?
dr|z3d celtic knot, ok, font, needs work.
hk hm gotcha gotcha, maybe add gradient to have it fit with the logo
dr|z3d it's your project, don't mind me.
hk nono, I seriously appreciate the feedback
hk :D
dr|z3d when it comes to design, I'm opinionated. :)
dr|z3d not a huge fan of eep{anything} either, but that's just me.
hk hehe, respectfully I cannot concur. I think it's cool to have something directly reference i2p
dr|z3d maybe, but eep doesn't convey much at all unless you're already an i2p user.
hk that's true, it's subtle
hk At least it has torrent in the name, people looking it up will know
hk well now im
hk feeling a healthy pressure to develop this even faster
orignal what's up?
hk orignal: hello orignal, how are you?
T3s|4 hk: dr|z3d knows his stuff, so please consider his inputs carefully :)
orignal the attacker have given up after last commits ))
hk T3s|4: amen
hk orignal: good to see the attempts thwarted :D
orignal becase his attack has zero effect now
hk was this the leaseset spam attack?
orignal this is not first attemot
hk hm hm
orignal not only leasesets
orignal basically SYNs
hk wow
orignal we resend SYNACK for eacj stream
orignal and never get ack back
hk so how do you counter this? just drop connection?
orignal as reault a destination gets flooded
orignal only one resend for SYNACK
hk gotcha nice
orignal delete ECIES session if not etsblished quikly
orignal check LS for expiration time
orignal limit number of incoming connections
orignal previous attack
hk nice, so no side effect meaning it wont affect legitamate connections with these fixes?
orignal they send SYN withoiut LS
orignal and we tried to re-request it
orignal then I start dropping such stremas
hk very nice
orignal although zzz has some doubts that it';s completely rght
orignal then they started sending fake LS
hk hmm
orignal no waiting for new vaariant of the attack
dr|z3d free auditing.
orignal something like this
hk a game of cat and mouse :)
hk kot and mysh
orignal mblw )))
orignal мыш
hk hahaha
hk there we go :P
orignal but keep in mind that no "male mouse" in Russian
orignal this word doesn't exist
orignal only мышь
hk ohh
hk is that unusual? like most other animals have female and male?
hk in the language of course lolz
orignal yes it's rare
hk interesting
orignal most of aother animals have male and female words
hk and you append it with ь to make it female right
orignal uusually -а
orignal like in most other langiages
orignal -ь is more rare
hk ohhh
hk nice nice
Geezz back, hi everybody
hk greetings Geezz
T3s|4 lols, quite certain that an average American could not differentiate a male and female even while holding both, but they surely know the difference between Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse ;p
orignal why can't they just say mousesse ?
Geezz *** is not reading, too tired ***
orignal but well no genders in English at all
Geezz french and german is better
Geezz for genres
Geezz *** is reading now ***
hk orignal: too hard ))
Geezz genitive for german
Geezz means mine
orignal french has 12 types of verbs
orignal if I remeber right
Geezz can't remember
Geezz too far
Geezz je parlé le frencé tre bien lol
orignal va chier ))
hk moi francais c'est petit bien
Geezz english is full of fuck
orignal moi or mon ?
hk true
Geezz french is more... floarl ;p
Geezz florar like we say
Geezz floral
hk orignal: mon I think, I think moi is different idk XD
Geezz si on savais mettre les cons en orbite, ils auraient pa finit de tourner
Geezz mine
orignal moi is like "me"
hk ohhhh lol
Geezz à moi, le mien
Geezz sorry, talked to many wesh
orignal probably Russian is the worst lanaguage
Geezz i lost a bit my level
Geezz why?
orignal because simoly no rules ))
Geezz cirilix right?
Geezz da mr bond da
orignal I know that somthing is right but I can't say why it's right
orignal well there rules. tonns of rules
Geezz Mr is right
orignal but nobody knows them )))
Geezz i german :
Geezz verb can go anywhere
Geezz verbs*
orignal in Russian too
Geezz and there is B esset
orignal futhermore words can appear in any order
orignal only endings matter
Geezz original, you have an original langage ;)
Geezz pavroska lol
Geezz did you have the fèveka?
Geezz *(sorry lol)
orignal no it's not Russian
orignal what is февека?
orignal there is no such word
T3s|4 lols: think of 'dog bites man' vs 'man bites dog' - noun - verb - object order matters in English
Geezz fève for galette des Rois
orignal T3s|4 "собака кусает меня" and "собаку кусаю я"
orignal see the difference?
orignal different endings of nouns and verbs
T3s|4 nope orignal - I cannot read Cyrillic
orignal sobak-a and sobak-u
orignal if in translit
orignal different endingds
orignal different cases of noun
orignal 6 nouns in Russian
T3s|4 wow!
orignal *6 cases
orignal and 7 in ukrainian
orignal 7-th in Russian is obsolote and not used anymore
T3s|4 interesting orignal - can any average Russian know they are speaking to someone from Ukraine within 2-3 sentences of the Ukrainian speaking? If so, I also assume the reverse is true...
orignal T3s|4 immediately
orignal Ukrainins speak Russian with accent
T3s|4 got it, thanks!
not_bob Russian is very diffficult. And, yes. If it sounds right, it's right. So many rules. I've been mostly playing it by ear.
orignal and nobody knows these rules ))
not_bob That's how it seems.
orignal it's just sense of language
not_bob Often it just "sounds rightt"
orignal that's why it's difficult
not_bob My progress continues.