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dr|z3d latest feature in the soon-to-be uploaded + dev build, query paramater support on /netdbmap
dr|z3d navigational aids to follow.
zzz I'll defer to eyedeekay on client netdb questions
orignal zzz, it's not about netdb
orignal it's about ECIES
orignal if you don't want to know about the latest attack it's fine
zzz I read the backlog
orignal I didn't explain the attack yet
orignal was waiting for you
zzz here I am
orignal basically they flood the dest with tonns of NS mesaages
orignal like few hundreds per second
orignal each contains fake LS and SYN for new stream
orignal this fake LS contains real static key that comes in NS
zzz ok, so it's not 200K leasesets on one existing session. It's 200K sessions
orignal 200K LS is differen story
orignal so, what happens we try to respond with SYNACK
orignal and sice it's not acked we try to retrans it
orignal to nowhere
orignal about 200K LS
orignal this is another attack
orignal they send new packet through existsing session with fake LS and new stream with identity with this LS
orignal and force server to create a new ECIES session
orignal I have mitignated both attacks but idk what to do with hundreds thougstand of leasesets
zzz so it's both? 200k fake ls on one session, and 200k new sessions with those ls?
orignal two kind of attacks at the same time
orignal for NS flood I'm thinking about "static key profiling"
orignal if we saw a session with that key already we let it go though
orignal otherwise we trottle
zzz 200K NS+LS in 10 minutes is like 1 MBps in
zzz thats a lot
orignal actaully 4 MBps
orignal I think they attack from many routers
zzz we should throttle at the IBGW, see proposal 168
orignal it can be legitimate traffic
orignal 1 MBps is not a buig deal
orignal I have 5 IBs there
zzz I;m still sitting on my per-throttle tunneling patches, MR 200, from 6 months ago, iirc you hated it
orignal I'm alsways for it
zzz the discussion was here on July 30, iirc you pushed back really hard, that's why I put it on hold
zzz I can pick it back up
orignal could you remind what was my concern?
orignal trotlling itself is a bad idea
orignal I was about capacity
zzz orignal
zzz worst idea
zzz so are you now for it or against it?
orignal let me read
orignal right, I'm for it but tull owner must know actual tunnel capacity
orignal so if I need really 1Mbs tunnel for yourtube I must have a way to build one
orignal if participants agree
zzz that's proposal 168
orignal I request my bandiwth and if IBGW agrees it must make it
orignal e.g. it must be driven by tunnel owner
zzz which I wrote the next day
orignal yes that's what I meant that I for it
zzz ok then let's schedule a review of proposal 168. when are you available?
orignal not sure
orignal let's finish 165 first
orignal basically weekdays afternoon like 3 pm
orignal or weekdays morning but Thursaday
orignal up to you since you are avaiable only morning
zzz 165 isn't ready, it's still just a list of possibilities
zzz 168 is ready to go
zzz I can do afternoons
zzz lets see what dr|z3d and eyedeekay can do
orignal have you updated 165?
orignal in mean time tell me how do you check LS expiration time
eyedeekay Re: review schedule - Afternoons are going to be better than mornings for me until next Wednesday. My cable will be out for part of this Wednesday and I don't know for how long so that isn't a good day for me. Thursday would be good. Friday also works well.
zzz yes I checked in 165
orignal so what's the next step?
zzz make a choice, state the reasons, add security analysis, and add specifics so it can be reviewed and implemented and copied to the specs. Same as any other proposal.
orignal so my choice is 4. how can I say it?
zzz say why it's better than 1-3, why it's secure, add details so it can be implemented
zzz we've done this 20 times before, and I gave you the same feedback in April
zzz if it's not ready to copy-paste into the spec, you're not done
zzz also need all the analysis about backward compatibility / versions
zzz say why it's better than 1-3, why it's secure, add details so it can be implemented
zzz please don't pretend we haven't done this 20 times before
orignal now tell me what's missing now beside why I thin 4 is better
zzz why it's secure, add details so it can be implemented
zzz also I suggested two flags, you only have one? the other one was to send to old routers, did you not like that idea? what's your idea to prevent spoofing new router as old one?
zzz please review my comments from april and may
orignal I wrote it about old routers
orignal got it I will explain in details
zzz yeah but my idea fixes it now, not 'at some point' years from now
orignal then YOU should add #5 explaining it
orignal right?
zzz I explained it in May, check backlog
orignal because it's your idea and you have argument to defend it
orignal I know but it's your idea
orignal I defend my idea, you should defend yours
zzz I'll defend it, you write it up, or come up with a better idea
orignal I'm going to defend my idea
zzz you have no solution in there at all
orignal just didn't elaborate it
zzz look in the May scrollback. I told you and you liked it
zzz without this part the whole proposal is useless for many years
orignal disagree
orignal anyway I will write it down
zzz here's the way I'd say it
zzz define 2nd flag 'bob is old'
zzz if bob is really old, he ignores the flag of course, he doesn't know about it
zzz if bob is really new, he drops the session request
zzz without this, fake old routers can't be prevented until we refuse to connect to old routers, many years from now, so the whole proposal is a waste of time
zzz maybe if bob just updated, wait a day before starting to look for the flag, because otherwise it will be a mess when we upgrade
orignal my point is different
orignal this issue is not critical and we have years
orignal with older routers use my algorithm:
orignal 1. if you have a profile for that router connect it without exctra MixHash
orignal 2. if a router is not known before, connect through NTCP2 first
orignal 3. if router is SSU2 only bypass it until you receive an incoming connection
orignal but remember that majoriry of routers(including floodfills) will update soon after a release
orignal even if advsary floods with fake routers with older version they also have to clone an old router
orignal hence they have less amount of routers to choose from
orignal that's I'm going to write in the proposal
zzz that algorithm is a PITA for us to implement over here, and it doesn't need a proposal at all, you already did it, and you admit it has problems because it prevents use of SSU2
zzz the flag bit is 100x easier and gets rid of all those problems
orignal two flags make things overcomplicated and harder to understand
orignal while I prefer to keep things simple
orignal and don't produce extra entities if not necessary
zzz what you did is a workaround. the 2nd flag bit is a real fix
orignal it prevents using SSU2 now but it will not soon after the release
orignal because majority of routers will be on new version
orignal and you can connect through SSU2 immediately
zzz no because attacker creates fake old RIs
orignal frthermore new routers will also be on new version
zzz without 2nd flag bit nothing is changed from today
orignal attacker can't create old fake RI
zzz why not
zzz clone s/ip/port, set old version, done and done
orignal attacker can only create fake RI with copy of address of another old router
zzz right, copy address, but set old router.version
orignal let me think
zzz 2nd flag bit is one line of code: if (bob is new) set flag 1; else set flag 2
zzz bob side: if (flag 2 set) drop
orignal right, Alice connect it as to old and doesn't set flag
orignal agree
zzz two lines of code. your workaround would take me a month, and it's just a messy workaround, not a fix
orignal but two flags remain in th protocol forever
orignal will add second flag
orignal but not today probably tommrowo
orignal need to finish stuff with current attack
orignal but what if attacker clones old router?
zzz that's what will take years, but as you said, most of the network will update pretty quickly
zzz unless you have a better idea
orignal I mean for this you would need this messy workaround
orignal or bypass older routers completely
zzz hasn't been a big problem so far for us, it's been a year and a half
orignal brb. rebuild
orignal so, what are going to do with unsolicited leasests?
RN I may be wrong, but I thought unsolicited means drop
RN (probably wrong)
zzz but 'unsolicited' could actually be 'got it after I asked and gave up waiting'
zzz do whatever you need to do to avoid getting dos'ed
zzz this is back to the part I defer to eyedeekay
eyedeekay Re: unsolicited leaseSets in client db's I've been analyzing all the ways they come in and trying to see whether there are any characteristics we can use to decide whether to accept or reject them when they're sent to us
eyedeekay We should be able to know if we requested a leaseSet as part of a lookup but unsolicited stores are harder to figure I think
eyedeekay I don't know whether we could reject unsolicited stores in a consistent way based on things we know about where they came from at the router-context netDb
orignal in my opinuion LS should be accepted in 2 cases
zzz orignal sprayed a bunch of q's at me yesterday about do we check public key match, do we handle solicited vs unsolicited any different, do we have throttling or limits, etc etc etc
orignal if it response to a request
orignal or if static key matches session
orignal eyedeekay the problem is
eyedeekay Yeah I've been reading the scrollback and trying to find my own answers
zzz let us know how that works out in practice orignal
orignal attacked send fake LS througgh another ECIES session
orignal *attacker
orignal he also send SYN packet with ident from this LS
orignal since we store such LS we find it locally and trying to send SYN ACK to nowhere
orignal because real LS is fake
orignal that's the reason of my question if we should drop such LSes or it's allowed
eyedeekay I don't know from "should" right now my questions are about "can" "when" and "how"
eyedeekay As in "can we do this," "when is it OK" and "how should it be done"
orignal zzz, what you do if you see Lease's exp time more than 10 mintues?
orignal adjust or drop?
zzz or just slap a 1000 LS limit on client subdbs, done and done, no need to get complicated
zzz when you're being attacked, anything is 'allowed'
zzz don't need our permission
zzz same as RIs. too far in the future and we drop
eyedeekay Fair enough, even in the client subDb's that can get huge I've never seen 1000
orignal then good users will not be able to connect
orignal I'm asking about the protocol
RN why would a good user send an expire that's more than 10min... that is wrong
orignal RN that's another question
orignal my answer was about 1000 limit
orignal why good user can do it? say, clock skew
zzz unless you're doing a point release, you have two months to think about it and test and report back to us on your recommendation
RN other than wrong clock... shouldn't send more than 10m
zzz so make it 5000 or 10000, who cares. something less than 200,000
orignal zzz, so what you do with sch lease?
RN wrong clock is user error, other is not conforming and therefore suspicious to me
zzz same as RIs. too far in the future and we drop
orignal do you drop whole LS or just one lease?
zzz whole
orignal 5k or 10K doesn't matter
orignal I have 200k+ LSes and Ilita works
orignal what's your threshold?
orignal I use 11 minutes
orignal but not sure if it's right
zzz so if it's not a problem why panic and make a bunch of changes and need answers from us right away? take your time
orignal no panic ofc
orignal I have fixed it yesterday
orignal that's why I'm asking you how to solve the problem propery
zzz our limit is 16 minutes in the future, which sounds too long to me. probably 11 or 12 is better
orignal the problem with such number of LSes is memory
orignal thanks
orignal both for whole LS and individual leases?
orignal how about past? 30 seconds or so?
zzz oldest lease > now - 10 minutes
zzz newest lease < now + 16 minutes
zzz newest lease > now - 1 minute
orignal thanks
orignal and any of this condition is not satisfied you drop it
orignal about point release
orignal they attack only me and R4SAS ))
dr|z3d presumably because they don't like their treatment on your irc server?
dr|z3d maybe it's a russian state sponsored exercise and they just don't like freedom of speech, and you're a big target.
zzz dr|z3d, availability for a prop. 168 review meeting?
orignal no it's someone from kislitsa with mental disorder hired sha512sum for 500 roubles
dr|z3d got a window, zzz?
zzz say some afternoon at 3 eastern the week of Dec. 2?
dr|z3d 8PM UTC or thereabouts. should be ok.
zzz ok I'll propose 8 PM UTC Tues. Dec. 3 in #ls2. orignal eyedeekay ok with you?
orignal week of Dec 27 doesn't work dor me
orignal Dec 3 at 15:00 is fine for me
dr|z3d where did 27 appear from?
dr|z3d you added an errant 7, orignal :)
dr|z3d and the 3 is a bit of a wildcard, too.
orignal Dec. 2?
orignal I read ? as 7 ))
zzz easy to do
zzz ok just waiting for ack from eyedeekay
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d orignal's been welding all day and the screen's a little fuzzy right now.
eyedeekay 3rd or 2nd? 3rd works, 2nd is awkward for me but I can make it happen
zzz and y'all please review it in advance, don't make me break out the baffer
zzz tues. the 3rd eyedeekay
eyedeekay Perfect the 3rd is fine by me
zzz super
dr|z3d what's the venue? #ls2?
zzz yes
zzz topic set in #i2p-dev and #ls2, and I'll put it on zzz.i2p
dr|z3d we could light that up with indicators of the floodfills we're currently talking with, zzz.