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mareki2p I have few new bug/issue reports for I2PSnarkPlus. 1) In case of multiple trackers, changing primary tracker seems to have no effect. 2) In list of all torrents, the "link" column (no idea how the column is named, there is no tooltip) does not link back to Postman even if the torrent is obtained from Postman. 3) Changing trackers should be possible even if torrent is not stopped.
mareki2p 4) Ditto for magnet-only torrents (without .torrent file). In order for my words not be emtpy, I will create corresponing issues in GitLab and also attempt to address them in code.
dr|z3d minor thing, but it's been annoying me for long enough that I did something about it.. routerinfos now display host and port before other keys.
dr|z3d (in the latest dev build, for the intrepid)
dr|z3d orignal: you got snark plus running properly yet? - "no"
dr|z3d eyedeekay: not_bob_afk reliably informs me that proxy.i2p is blacklisted on notbob.i2p
dr|z3d mareki2p: install should work fine, what platform?
dr|z3d ah, java -jar :)
dr|z3d as for gitlab, use github, gitlab i2p is borked. :|
dr|z3d as for the snark issues, I'll have to investigate. the postman tracker link appears to be something related to changes postman's made, they used to work fine.
dr|z3d actually, the links to postman's tracker do work fine here.
dr|z3d maybe you need to click through the under heavy load interstitial.
dr|z3d if you've already done that in your browser session, should be fine, otherwise, not sure.
dr|z3d without a .torrent file, there is no edit function. that's not a unique to + feature.
dr|z3d regarding primary tracker selection, you may need to delete the existing primary tracker before selecting a new one. bug or feature, not sure.
dr|z3d and back to the windows installer, not sure why it would complain about java version if you're on Java 21.
RN mareki2p reported clicking exe didn't work on their windows, but that java -jar did. I don't think the issue has been reproduced yet. And mareki2p if you are still there, what flavor of Windows did you have problem with the .exe double click?
RN idk is aware and things it similar to something from redit he hasn't reprocuced. I don't have a free win let alone 10 or 11 to try on
RN I'd love to have VM for a few flavors of windows... but haven't had a lot of success with that past xp and 8
RN since there is a very solid alternative to just double clicking, I think at most maybe a note on the dl pages to try java -jar if other install method has problems
dr|z3d better we figure out why double click isn't working.
RN well yes.
RN but as far as immediate issue of how wide spread is the issue, a note on the site to try java- jar is probably a good idea regardless
RN I ALWAYS tell people with install problems to try that
RN and it seems (subjectively) that it helps almost always
RN all due respect to the other install methods, repos and what have you
RN it just always seems to work better that way in my experience (based on those I asked to try that reported back)
dr|z3d sure, it's an apparently effective workaround, but it doesn't address the root issue.
dr|z3d but noted, I'll update relevant docs to indicate said workaround :)
dr|z3d that suggests that the java $home variable hasn't been set in the OS.
dr|z3d so rather than a version issue, it's more a "hey, I can't find java" issue.
RN ah
RN that makes sense
RN I bet a lot of windows users don't know about enviornemnt variable
RN cuz they got java and it works for x and y, why not with z? must be z is broken...
snex Even on Linux it doesn’t like my Java 11
dr|z3d are you running java -jar ?
RN wonder if other detection methods might be employed by installer, including asking user to find it
snex But that’s only for any
snex Ant
dr|z3d for ant?
RN oh
RN I expected 'jarfiles are communist"
dr|z3d building the installer you mean?
snex Yeah it pukes when I ant build from Java 11
snex Right
RN I was building on java 20 something
RN since I share my builds though, I do it on 1.8 now
dr|z3d yeah, pack200 conflict with izpack, right, snex?
snex Probably
RN 200 FTW
RN ;)
RN ♫ ♪ turn it up to 200 ♪ ♫
dr|z3d that's why I introduced some new targets that give you a zip instead of the installer, while I identify the issue.
RN yeah, I haven't tried to make an installer, just updaters
dr|z3d I'm getting some "pack200" is hardcoded into izpack4 vibes.
dr|z3d I might need to recompile it.
dr|z3d mareki2p: while you were gone..
dr|z3d > that suggests that the java $home variable hasn't been set in the OS.
dr|z3d > so rather than a version issue, it's more a "hey, I can't find java" issue.
RN cuz you seem to get lots of stuff, not just what you click on
RN errr
RN delete last two lines from RN
dr|z3d still about, snex?
RN ¿ ?
RN me? lol, no
dr|z3d or mareki2p_ for that matter?
RN that was to someone who getst lots of stuff and shares
RN wrong window paste
dr|z3d when either of you surface, or anyone else having issues building the + installer, try pulling the latest from git and then 'ant installer'
RN does it still try pack200? or do you have that back in a separate ant target?
dr|z3d I've built a custom izpack4 compiler that should make the compile issues go away for later java versions.
dr|z3d had to modify the source and compile a new version because otherwise it tries to find pack200 in the java binary its compiling with.
RN how many lines did you need to change? or from
RN I thought you turned pack200 on after Canon turned it off...
dr|z3d not a huge ton of lines, more a question of making the pack200 source available to izpack.
RN curious why it sounds complicated not to turn that back off
dr|z3d because izpack hardcoded pack200 and made it dependent on java having it, in essence.
RN or at least have a intaller-noP200 target
RN if you get what I mean despite my spelling...
RN :)
dr|z3d doesn't matter, not for izpack4. you don't have to compile with pack200 for the installer, and in fact we don't, but it still expected to find pack200 in java.
RN I heard today some people consider elipsis " … " aka three dots to be offensive
RN ah
RN this is compiling on later versions of java than 1.8?
RN for Canon I was on linek 20 something before I had any issue
RN s/linek/like
dr|z3d java -version
dr|z3d openjdk version "23" 2024-09-17
dr|z3d if you run ant installer on a later java, everything will build up until the izpack (exe) creation.
dr|z3d (with the pre-exisiting izpack compiler)
dr|z3d with the new compiler, it _should_ build with any version of java.
RN yeah, I think I was building with 23 but javadoc was broken
RN then I considered reccomendations "if sharing your builds" and went back to 1.8
RN still not sure about javadoc, I have roshambo git each time to get the javadoc updater to build...
dr|z3d failonerror="false"
RN I mean my script does a git pull same as I do manually
RN maybe it isn't actually changing to my local branch berore doing the pull
RN not sure, but WIP
dr|z3d git checkout {your_branch_name} ...
dr|z3d but if you have changes in your workspace that correspond to tracked files, then you won't be able to pull.
RN yeah, git checkout, switch both didn't work in my script yet
RN even tried to stash first
RN might work fine without switching to my local branch... should play with that
RN prety sure I configured git to use your reccomended merge tool, but it never seems to trigger
dr|z3d it won't trigger until you have a merge conflict and type git mergetool
dr|z3d that has its own copy of pack200 so it doesn't need to go looking for one in java.
dr|z3d ofc there are alternative methods to fix it, but that was the simplest, otherwise it's more work finding calls in various files and modifying them.
RN sounds ocamish
dr|z3d if you like. it's a question of "how do I get this to work with the minimal amount of effort"
RN I'm gonna have to try building Plus
RN *** wonders how long RN has been saying that ***
dr|z3d you've got all the dependencies, you just need to clone the repo.
dr|z3d or if you just want a single branch, clone that instead with git clone -b master {}
RN yeah, but
RN I R lazy
RN more clicks is more work
RN *** takes the form of a couch potatoe ***
dr|z3d there's lazy, and there's potato.
RN and then there is Le Potato
RN ;)
RN *** wanders off to save the world from itself ***
T3s|4 LOLs - Only Dan Quayle insisted to schoolchildren that potato is spelled 'potatoe' while being filmed ;p
eyedeekay Somebody attack ilita again?
mareki2p I'm here, but tired as hell. My system is Windows Server 2022 x64, my Java is openjdk version "21.0.4" 2024-07-16 LTS, I dont have any Java related env var set, java.exe is on %PATH%. I also suspect that the .exe cannot find ANY Java, rather than 1.8 is too old for it. I have some diagnostics tools, debuggers, etc, could investigate more, but now I need sleep.
Irc2PGuest67227 mareki2p: what exactly is the problem?
mareki2p Double click on "i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe" shows "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0" and exits. But "java -jar i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe" works fine.
mareki2p Same for 2.6, so this is not a regression.
Irc2PGuest67227 you're trying to install i2p?
mareki2p Yes, I succeeded. On Windows I'm running the Java one. On Ubuntu I'm running the C++ one.
mareki2p OK, solved this shit. It is fucking parsing paths from env var. If you do plain old i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe from command line, it does not work. If you do set path=%path%;"c:\path\to\java\bin" i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe then it still does not work. But instead if you do set path=%path%;c:\path\to\java\bin i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe then it magically works!
dr|z3d > that suggests that the java $home variable hasn't been set in the OS.
dr|z3d it's probably down to the java installation.
mareki2p Where do I contact the .exe wrapper?
dr|z3d also, ant installer should now work with any version of java if you pull the latest from git.
dr|z3d contact?
mareki2p Where to fill bug report / issue?
dr|z3d launch4j I think is responsible for setting windows environment variables.
dr|z3d see installer/lib/launch4j/i2plustoexe.xml or similar.
dr|z3d <path>%JAVA_HOME%;%PATH%</path>
dr|z3d Launch4j (
dr|z3d or rather, launch4j determines where java is installed based on %JAVA_HOME or %PATH, it's still down to your java installer to set those correctly.
dr|z3d probably if you'd installed microsoft's JDK you'd not have the issue. or Oracle's. So maybe the issue is OpenJDK's installer.
dr|z3d and maybe there are tickbox options in the installer to modify the system path variable. also possible.
mareki2p Yes, launch4j is searching Java at many places, some of them are %JAVA_HOME% which is not present on my system, some of which is %PATH%, it almost gets it correctly, it searches for c:\path\to\java\bin\bin\javaw.exe, almost finds it.
mareki2p When I edit my %PATH% to remove the last /bin part, then the installer works just fine with doubleclick. But java.exe stops working. When I include the trailing /bin in my%PATH% java.exe from commandline works, but isntaller could not find any Java.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks - I like the new icons / info in the snark summary bar!
mareki2p I think I have it, will create new issue for launch4j later. The problem is, that launch4j is searching many places for Java, one of such places is %PATH%, that would work just fine if launch4j would search for java.exe over there, but no, it searches for bin/java.exe in all the %PATH%s.
T3s|4 mareki2p: I remember this from years ago on i2p/Win. Did you launch the installer with 'Run as Administrator'?
mareki2p Other places are %JAVA_HOME% for example, other places are registry. None of which is present on my system.
mareki2p Yes, run as admin is neccessary, because it auto-elevates itself.
mareki2p Eh, my english is not englishing any more, good night.
T3s|4 OK, that must have been fixed; before it was required on Win installs :D
mareki2p It cannot be run non-elevated.
T3s|4 sure, but I don't know how any random app can 'auto-elevate' itself. That would seem to break MS privilege escalation rules, no?
T3s|4 Blinded message
mareki2p No, app can tell in its manifest either no elevation logic. Meaning if run from non-elevated cmd or explorer, it will continue be non-elevated. If run from elevated cmd or explorer, it will be elevated. Or it could tell maximum possible, meaning Windows will show UAC and the app will or will not be elevated depending on user choice. UAC not shown if run from already elevated parent. And third opti
dolphinandcat windows having privilege escalation bug? that's your average monday
mareki2p on is to always request elevation. UAC will be shown and if dissmissed, the app will not start. This is the case of this installer.
T3s|4 thanks mareki2p
mareki2p Sorry, could not explain better. Something could be read here:
mareki2p And of course Raymond Chen has article about this somewhere in his archives:
T3s|4 mareki2p: maybe others will find those links useful, but been a straight up Arch guy for a very long time
dr|z3d thanks for the feedback, T3s|4!
dr|z3d mareki2p_: installer needs admin privs, otherwise it won't be able to install the service (wrapper) component.
dr|z3d Raymond Chen! Of course!
dr|z3d *** has no idea who Raymond is. ***
RN Good ol' Ray. Who is that?
dr|z3d probably some Windows expert.
Irc2PGuest67227 mareki2pb: the solution is not to use the installer
RN that's a work around, mesh, not a solution
RN the .exe is supposed to work. but if the user didn't set java home it will have trouble
RN java -jar install works, so this is a work around from the intended design
orignal how is the release going along?