IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d how's canon release looking, eyedeekay?
eyedeekay Everything went great until about 2 when I couldn't reach tracker2 for a loooong time, back on track now though
dr|z3d splendid, eyedeekay
dr|z3d I see new news in the console.
dr|z3d if you ever need a proof reader for the news items in future, ping me in advance.
dr|z3d this, for example, doesn't read quite right: " An issue with publishing leaseSets was solved which improves reliability major hidden services. "
dr|z3d probably you meant "improves _the_ reliability _of_ .."
eyedeekay yes, that would have been better...
cumlord cleans up nice, i like it 👁️👄👁️
dr|z3d more visuals, less clutter.
dr|z3d without being dec-level abstract.
cumlord i'm dc'd randomly there if i missed anything, are stats stuff still in the bottom somewhere?
dr|z3d the general idea is, where possible, iconize stuff so it has universal meaning, doesn't rely on translations, and reduces info-overload.
cumlord it does reduce the cluttered feeling
dr|z3d you running it, cumlord?
cumlord not just yet havin trouble pulling for the moment
dr|z3d ok, give it a few moments then, new build soon...
dr|z3d regression fixup.
dr|z3d whenever you can't immediately see an update, cd ~/i2p/ && ./eephead skank.i2p
dr|z3d when you get a positive response, update should work fine. new update uploading...
dr|z3d max torrents in snark also boosted, was 1000, now 2000.
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d (iirc, canon snark has a 400 torrent limit)
cumlord ah useful trick
snex there was a limit??
dr|z3d there's always a limit!
snex why
dr|z3d because your mom.
snex if i want 8 million torrents thats my choice
dr|z3d I suspect it has something to do with memory management.
cumlord a bad choice, that's a lot of swap.avi's
snex seems weird to decide how much memory users have and want to use
dr|z3d if 2000 torrents isn't enough, holler.
dr|z3d when you exceed that value, that is.
snex id just secretly self-compile
cumlord damn 400 is a bit low though
dr|z3d if there's an _actual_ demand for more, I can add a config option.
dr|z3d until then, 2000 should be plenty.
snex i only see 2000 as max files per torrent and max peers
dr|z3d because there isn't an option for max torrents.
dr|z3d unless you're talking about grepping the source.
snex yes i grepped the source
dr|z3d then you're a plank.
snex a what
dr|z3d you won't see 2000 in your source unless you git pull.
dr|z3d for the specific variable.
dr|z3d that's that part where I said I'd updated the option.
snex i should have the latest code from github
dr|z3d "should"
snex latest commit 0c47b7ea1369d661ea08f7109d153c7df51e5c52
dr|z3d actually, the value doesn't pertain to torrent limit, just the number of torrents tracked in DHT. my bad.
dr|z3d so we can all get a little less excited now :)
dr|z3d yeah, I don't think there's a hard limit to the number of torrents, but you may OOM if you're serving a ton++
dr|z3d easily remedied, just allocate more ram to the JVM heap.
cumlord it can gobble up a bit but still not that bad
snex i dont think it uses any ram at all unless theyre actively being downloaded
dr|z3d if you want another mini-project, snex, we could use an indicator in the footer that displays the current number of in/out tunnels.
snex i notice it no longer shows my dest
dr|z3d if you don't fancy it, it's on my todo list.
dr|z3d your dest is in the config section in the tunnels header.
snex i can take a look at display tunnel count
dr|z3d there's commented out code in I2PSnarkServlet, that was only showing the configured max, which is mostly useless.
snex probably have some time on sunday
dr|z3d ok, great. no pressure, but with our newly condensed footer indicators, we have some space available.
dr|z3d dht peer count is now on the peer count tooltip. all about removing distractions from view.
snex why not put dest back there
dr|z3d because it's mostly useless.
dr|z3d and it's in the config section if you need it.
dr|z3d when I said we now have space, space for dynamic indicators.
dr|z3d maybe we could have upload and dowload counters there, maybe.
dr|z3d you know, useful stuff.
dr|z3d you'll see what I mean when you're running the latest build.
cumlord i like the icons, but less info
cumlord oh total dht still in debug
dr|z3d dht peers on tooltip as mentioned.
dr|z3d aside from dest, it's all there.
snex i see DHT peers without a tooltip
dr|z3d DHT peers is one of those stats which is numbers, but mostly uninformative.
dr|z3d no, you see DHT Tracker Peers in the debug panel. different.
snex 46 torrents • 11.74 GiB • 819 DHT peers
dr|z3d oh, sorry, I'm getting you two confused.
dr|z3d cumlord's referring to the new counters.
snex counters??
snex what am i missing
cumlord ok there we go, i can rework the multisnark thing with this then
snex i dont see that at all wtf
dr|z3d *sigh*
snex is this not in the standalone?
cumlord it's new release in embeded
dr|z3d it's just been pushed, only in + dev build.
cumlord i just updated
RN doxed
RN ;)
cumlord and yet nobodies even tried my port 69 😔
dr|z3d maybe I'll add an info icon to the footer with an html tooltip with dest and other things, if I can think of anything else worth displaying.
dr|z3d that's a hard maybe.
cumlord was just thinking maybe dest isn't useful enough to have there anyway, i'm usually looking at the ports
dr|z3d it's not useful enough as it was, but on an info icon tooltip with other stuff, like uptime and whatever else, maybe.
dr|z3d it's not totally disappeared, it's still available if you really must have it, on the config page.
cumlord the dynamic in/out tunnels would be very useful
snex is there already an icon for that
cumlord little misc info tooltip would be good to have, but imo keeping dest it in the config page is fine
snex i cant do no artwork
dr|z3d info isn't top priority right now.
dr|z3d active downloads / uploads is next.
dr|z3d will probably only display those when something's happening, otherwise they're just clutter.
dr|z3d or maybe those counters should persist. anyways, implemented.
dr|z3d all in flux, maybe I'll decide it's too noisy in time. we'll see. cost (visual cluter) to benefit ratio.
dr|z3d on github now if you want to take it for a spin, snex. dev + build shortly.
dr|z3d verdict's out on whether it looks too busy with, or too sparse without.
snex i say fill it all
dr|z3d the xmas tree approach. make it dazzle.
cumlord that's kinda hot, tbf
dr|z3d but no. it needs to be useful without being distracting or overwhelming.
dr|z3d glad it meets your approval, cumlord :)
dr|z3d the upload/download counters will only trigger for active downloads, so anything that's stalled won't show.
dr|z3d *active uploads/downloads
cumlord looks much less busy than the old way but i'm pro put the things everywhere kinda person so...maybe best not to listen to me
dr|z3d it can handle another readout for in/out tunnels, this much I know.
cumlord oh doing counters now, upload would be interesting
dr|z3d and I'll probably link the last 3 readouts to the show/hide peers toggle and the relevant filters.
dr|z3d well, we already have a per-session data upload counter.
dr|z3d and the up/down are indicators more than counters, they tell you what's actively happening, not a total count.
cumlord ah that we do ;) so those are for the active ones then, got it
dr|z3d something you may not be aware of, cumlord, I forget if I mentioned before, but if you enable your snark download rate graph, you'll see a 24hr graph layer in snark's message logs.
dr|z3d obviously it only works when you're running snark via the console, not for standalone.
zzz dr|z3d, look at the tracker2 homepage for me?
dr|z3d you're seeing a floating size badge, zzz?
zzz yeah on hellraiser
dr|z3d yeah, postman's been notified.
zzz ok thx
dr|z3d btw, your map cropping for the experimental geomap..
dr|z3d with svg, you can do the cropping with viewBox.
zzz ofc, but pre-cropping is more efficient and easier
dr|z3d well, you're left with a slightly smaller svg, true, but I'd dispute easier.
zzz easier for _me_
dr|z3d heh. well that means you haven't got your head around viewBox yet then :)
zzz not true
dr|z3d ok, maestro, I stand corrected :)
zzz it would require puker api tweaks among other things
dr|z3d would it? you're just rendering to an svg, the svg is pre-rendered.
zzz it messes with the coordinate system and transforms when drawing the overlay
dr|z3d speaking of the map, your overhaul of the netdb search now makes layers a lot easier.
dr|z3d I may get around to adding toggle layers for bandwidth tiers, floodfills.
dr|z3d and re the tunnel lines, etherape might be a good template to start from if you want to map b/w to thickness.
cumlord dr|z3d wasn't aware itd show up in the logs like that, that's useful ;)
orignal i2p.streaming.profile=2 works fine in snark 2.7.0
dr|z3d *thumbs up* cumlord
eyedeekay Anybody got an idea where to get ahold of not_bob?
eyedeekay Somebody seems to have registered a hostname for `proxy.i2p` somewhere
RN do the reg services know that is supposed to be a reserved hostname?
RN is it in spec?
eyedeekay I'm not sure it's clear, or if the addressbook has a spec as such
eyedeekay It's got some loose docs on the website
dr|z3d not_bob will appear shortly. he's probably here on an Irc guest nick.
dr|z3d oh, except he's not.
dr|z3d if he's around, he'll be here, eyedeekay
dr|z3d yeah, proxy.i2p _should_ be a reserved name. did you talk to R4SAS, eyedeekay?
eyedeekay Not yet
eyedeekay But I shall
mareki2p When I run the "i2pinstall_2.7.0+.exe" file, it tells me that Java 1.8 is required. But the "java -version" tells me I already have openJDK 21.0.4. Is this intentional or problem on my side?
snex 21.0.4 > 1.8
RN 1.8 is minimum
snex ehhh java doesnt work that way
snex new major versions are very backwards incompatible
RN unlike biglybt where newer java breaks things, I2P is meant to run on all java versions above 1.8
mareki2p I stopped doing Java during the Java7 time frame, long time ago.
RN mareki2p, it didn't stop you from installing did it?
mareki2p Yes, it stopped me. It says that it needs Java 1.8 and then exits.
RN oh
RN that's not great
RN did you try the java -jar method?
RN or did you just double click the .exe file?
mareki2p Nope. That seems to work.
RN :)
RN j-j FTW
mareki2p Yes, WTF, it is an .exe, it should behave just like any other .exe on the planet. But no.
RN might have been a mistake in the release... but I always recommend the j-j install method
RN the file is an exe jar hybrid... it is supposed to work when you double click it
mareki2p And the GitLab server is returning 500, that is ... normal?
eyedeekay just a sec
eyedeekay Back now
RN mareki2p, your first problem is that you are using Windows. ;)
eyedeekay Well if it's checking for java 1.8 specifically we should probably make that more general
eyedeekay I'll have to look at how the installer works
mareki2p Yeah, is normal operating system, just like any other.
mareki2p You dont like it - OK.
mareki2p People are on it, whether you like it or not. Games are on it, generating lots of $$$, scientific SW, 3D CAD SW and more.
RN hey, chill out mareki2p, it was 80% in jest.
RN (note the wink emoji)
mareki2p Yeah, I'm fine, just dont like if people are hating on stuff, on Windows. It is fine OS, questionable UI and marketing, but OS and kernel is fine. Linux had lots to catch up during 90's and 00's.
mareki2p POSIX especially, to this day there is no async IO. There is non-blocking IO, but no async IO. WinNT 3.1 in 1993 was miles ahead.
RN it is just their user tracking that most here bristle at
RN but, I use windows too for some things.
RN when you mention windows in here though, expect someone to comment. :)