IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal dr|z3d +m wouldn't help if he keeps joining/leaving from hundreds users
orignal plus flood into PM
orignal dr|z3d how about simlutenious 3000 connections from own destination each
orignal I saw like 250K incoming tags
eyedeekay Set of tweaks to the netDb page for client Db's, I think it's an improvement
eyedeekay Not exactly in line with what you proposed
dr|z3d sure, can take a look, eyedeekay, I've merged some stuff recently, too.
RN yeah orignal, I saw that. the PM's and the nicks each with their own dest. I was wondering if my irc client was going to blow up. LOL
RN seemed very similar to a floodbot that I saw on an outernet irc not that long ago
dr|z3d ah, a shitshow then, orignal :)
dr|z3d those methods mostly work as intende, eyedeekay, except I2PSnark refuses to be detected as local and published for some odd reason. And I'm still trying to figure out how to insert h2s only once for each section for local/clientDb leasesets.
dr|z3d so my current approach is to have all local leasesets we generate on one page, in sections: server (published), client(unpublished) and requested (non-local services), and leasesets we host when a ff on a separate page only if we're floodfill. I'd also like to get rid of the debug option and assimilate any useful debug info into the main display.
dr|z3d for non-floodfills, the intention is, once the sections are correctly presented, to have a summary of each section and the leasesets on a display toggle.
eyedeekay Ok so the floodfill leasesets page, that's easy to hide based on floodfill status, but it might be better to show or hide it base on whether it contains leasesets>0
eyedeekay Which I will think about
dr|z3d That's fairly easy, UI-wise.
dr|z3d All users land on l=3, and if floodfill, a link can be presented at the top of the page (not the nav) to switch to ff context.
eyedeekay In the case of remote leasesets in subdb's I still don't exactly see the point of separating them from the associated client and it's local leaseset
dr|z3d that link can indicate the number of ff leasesets.
eyedeekay Re: debug info, what do you think about an 'also appears in' feature for subdb leasesets, in case they appear in another clientdb or the main db
dr|z3d If I'm honest, I'm still trying to get my head around clientDb, subDb and the rest of it.
orignal RN I saw all this ECIES session in the webconsole
dr|z3d what currently makes sense to me is leasesets I own/generate locally, published and unpublished, and leasesets I've requested based on services I'm accessing.
dr|z3d tunnel/dest nicknames presented for those where available sheds light on what they're for.
orignal dr|z3d basically the bot looked like Plaz's bot
orignal but he swears that it was not him
dr|z3d can you throttle server joins, orignal?
orignal yes, we have confirured it
dr|z3d ok, good. that should help plenty.
orignal however it still an issue on i2p side
orignal many leasets, many sessions many tags
RN so there's another one besides plaz
orignal who knows
orignal I still don't have an explaination why it looked like plaz's bot
dr|z3d did he publish bot code to github?
orignal I don't think so
orignal however he is so mad that he could
dr|z3d wouldn't surprise me.
eyedeekay dr|zed the reason that I think client dbs aka subdbs should be associated with certain remote leasesets when we request them is because the important thing about subDb's is that: the application decides when to use a subDb based on the primary hash of the leaseSet of the client used to request the remote leaseSet
orignal the good thing for this attacke that I have found memory pool that was not cleaned proprely
orignal fixed
eyedeekay so every remote leaseSet requested by a client automatically gets bucketed into that client db based on which client requested it
eyedeekay That way you always know who received a leaseSet so it's not possible for an attacker to send a leaseSet to a client and request it back out via the router and vice-versa
orignal do you guys have limits for number of ECIES sessions per locat destination?
dr|z3d yeah, that's backend stuff, the question is how to present it so that the info isn't overwhelming.
orignal thousands sessions and leasests doesn't sound right
eyedeekay Before we had a protection against this but it could be gamed by attackers who could wait until they replied with a leaseSet to a client, then send it again to a router with different options, and then request it back out the client, for instance
eyedeekay there were like, ~4 or 5 attacks like that that subDbs were the solution for
eyedeekay various patterns of publish-reply-tweak-request
dr|z3d yup, I'm with you on the reasons behind subdbs, that's fine. it's the UI presentation that needs to be simple for end users, even if that means blurring some of the boundaries, presentation-wise.
dr|z3d local published, local unpublished, requested remote. if we can tag remote leasesets with the client/nick they're requested from, we've won. we don't need to present them per-client.
eyedeekay I think the boundaries are pretty important to show in this case, I'm unsure what we're showing without them unless the corresponding client is added to the leaseSet tables when we render and display it
dr|z3d yup, that.
eyedeekay Fair enough, that's a valid approach with one advantage, which is that if they're sorted and you have multiple copies in a single db they should appear next to eachother
eyedeekay so I wouldn't recommend deduplicating
eyedeekay *multiple copies in multiple dbs
dr|z3d you can dedupe if you present multiple client nicks/icons in the LS header, perhaps.
dr|z3d "Requested by: I2PSnark, HTTP Proxy" or somesuch.
dr|z3d and/or under the leases section, separate per-client leases.
orignal plaz's bot
dr|z3d told you, github :)
dr|z3d he wants bitcoin donations for it as well. the cheek!
uop23ip Hi orignal, got a problem building i2pd static on arm64. 2 weeks before it worked.Compiler version 12.2.0.:
uop23ip from /home/i2p/i2pd/i2pd_buildStatic/i2pd/libi2pd/Crypto.cpp:17:
uop23ip usr/include/boost/asio/awaitable.hpp: In constructor ?boost::asio::awaitable<T, Executor>::awaitable(boost::asio::awaitable<T, Executor>&&)?:
uop23ip usr/include/boost/asio/awaitable.hpp:68:19: error: ?exchange? is not a member of ?std?; did you mean ?std::__atomic_impl::exchange??
orignal try to build wjth C++17
orignal most likely boost issue
orignal change to c++17 and try
orignal dr|z3d he is complete idiot then
orignal uop23ip version of boost please
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d mareki2pb: receiving, over?
uop23ip Found Boost: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.74.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found version "1.74.0") found components: system filesystem program_options missing components: atomic ,orignal
uop23ip change to 17 did not work, same error
dr|z3d tried cleaning your workspace, uop23ip?
dr|z3d 'make clean && make install' or whatever.
uop23ip always fresh git clone, if you mean that
uop23ip what about the missing atomic component in boost?
dr|z3d try: apt install libboost-atomic-dev
Irc2PGuest71319 ouch trying to build a rando C++ program
Irc2PGuest71319 I remember last time I did that. I started drinking again and nearly got shot by a Texas Ranger
orignal yes, 74 has a bug
orignal don't use camke
orignal use make only
orignal dr|z3d no we use std::atomic
orignal again I don't support cmake
uop23ip installed libboost-atomic-dev
uop23ip Found Boost: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.74.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found version "1.74.0") found components: system filesystem program_options atomic
uop23ip same error
orignal stop it
uop23ip how do i build static without cmake?
orignal if you want to use cmake
orignal make USE_STATIC=Y
orignal if you want to use cmake remove C++20 detection fron there
orignal make USE_STATIC=yes DEBUG=N
orignal that's how build
dr|z3d my bad, orignal
dr|z3d been a while since I last built i2pd.
orignal boost 1.74 has a bug with C++20
orignal and it's in some debian
orignal dr|z3d btw why you didnt built i2pd recently?
uop23ip the wiki talks a lot about cmake and so i used it as it worked before
orignal <orignal> boost 1.74 has a bug with C++20
orignal remove 20 from there
orignal if you need cmake
orignal in CMakeLists.txt
dr|z3d lost interest, orignal, after my UI patch bit-rotted.
orignal remove this line
orignal bit rotted?
orignal what does it mean?
dr|z3d it's like what happens to your feet if you don't change your socks for weeks. only different.
orignal what was your UI patch about?
RN *** opens a window to air out the foot stink ***
dr|z3d it was about 2 months work iirc.
orignal I don't know what you are talking about
cumlord *closes a window to marinate in foot stink*
orignal but it's 2 years ago
dr|z3d aka bit rot.
dr|z3d that's about when I lost interest.
orignal and didn't ask me
dr|z3d didn't ask you what?
orignal about that issue
orignal seems only R4SAS was involved
dr|z3d we had several discussions that went nowhere.
dr|z3d you and me.
dr|z3d "I don't care about UI" I think was where we ended the conversation.
orignal I don't remeber
orignal and why did you lose interest?
orignal to code logic
orignal i2pd is not anoither UI for Java ))
dr|z3d I lost interest because it seemed to be a waste of time investing my limited time in something that went nowhere.
orignal do core stuff
dr|z3d I do, in Java. that's plenty.
orignal and UI is really not my priority
dr|z3d you only needed to build it at the time and take a look at what was on offer. you never bothered. oh well, we've moved on.
orignal I was not aware
orignal uop23ip so?
dr|z3d nevermind, plaz liked it :)
dr|z3d his words were something along the lines of "this is what I've been missing"
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d not sure plaz's approval is necessarily a persuasive argument from your perspective, however :)
not_bob_afk You both have my approval ;)
orignal not_bob_afk question for you
orignal how do you handle situation when addresses gets changed at reg.i2p?
orignal e.g. you receive a new addresses
not_bob_afk That is a serious problem. I handle it manualy.
orignal let me explain
not_bob_afk Why do they change?
orignal we have a policy if an address is not online for a months it can be replaced
orignal probably shmoogle.i2p and xmpp.ilita.i2p will be replaced soon
not_bob_afk Yes. I manually check reg.i2p for new sites manually, and if I see a new site that is "not new", then I replace it manually.
orignal why do they change? because people abandon them
orignal why can't you replace autmatically to new one?
not_bob_afk Java I2P does not allow a way to remove sites via the command line.
orignal but reg.i2p does and inr.i2p did
not_bob_afk Yes, they do.
orignal e.g. address can expire if not online for long time
orignal inr had 90 days
not_bob_afk And, yes. They can.
orignal reg has 30 days ))
not_bob_afk There is no way to programaticly remove addresses with Java I2P.
not_bob_afk I have to go into the web interface and do it manually.
not_bob_afk It's a pain, but doens't happen all that often.
not_bob_afk eyedeekay: Unless there is a solition to this via the command line.
orignal I thought you use a spearate database for notbob.i2p
not_bob_afk But, there has also been talks about how long to set for auto-expire. It was brought up in a meeting a while back.
not_bob_afk Yes and no. I use the built in router addressbook as that's needed for testing sites.
orignal it must be base of registrator's policy
not_bob_afk But, I keep a local database as well for easier processing.
not_bob_afk But, it is controlled by the router addressbook.
orignal doesn't it support hosts.txt format?
not_bob_afk It does.
not_bob_afk That's what the output is.
orignal yes update that file from your code
uop23ip is building, but not finished yet.
not_bob_afk Yes, the main issue is that there is no good way to interact with the router addressbook.
not_bob_afk It would be much simpler if it was all text files vs the binary blob that's currently used.
orignal if it stores in hosts.txt
orignal that's why I'm asking
orignal is there a way to use hosts.txt format instead?
not_bob_afk No, Java I2P does not store it like that. They use a binary blob.
orignal but you can import from hosts.txt
orignal delete binary blob and import again
not_bob_afk Right, yes. But that can't delete sites.
not_bob_afk I mean, I could?
not_bob_afk I've never tried that.
orignal it's just a file
dr|z3d deleting the db will initialize your hosts, after a restart.
not_bob_afk That would allow me to remove some cruft, yes.
not_bob_afk But, it would be better if I had a way to remove single hosts.
not_bob_afk It would be a much cleaner approach.
not_bob_afk I generally support sunsets on domain names.
not_bob_afk Though, there has been talk about how that's also a problem.
not_bob_afk *** shakes his head. ***
orignal dr|z3d why don't add such functiuon?
not_bob_afk It's a mainline feature request that I've asked eyedeekay for in the past. As far as I know, he has not added it.
orignal dr|z3d can implement it in i2p+
orignal basically one call from UI
dr|z3d already supported in the UI.
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: Yes, but how do I do that via the command line?
dr|z3d but thanks for volunteering me, orignal. I volunteer you take a look at my patch and un-bitrot it. :)
dr|z3d not_bob_afk: you don't. we've already established that.
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: Exactly.
dr|z3d it's possible you could script a form submission, however. not out of the realms of possibility.
not_bob_afk Anyway, my general policy is that domains don't expire. But, they can change from time to time.
orignal dr|z3d you patch must be recreated because it's too old
not_bob_afk dr|z3d: I've tried. It's a pain due to the way the page works.
orignal so many changes since
dr|z3d orignal: that's the un-bitrot part.
orignal so if UI is just a web page
orignal what's a problem to call it from curl?
dr|z3d > it's possible you could script a form submission, however. not out of the realms of possibility.
not_bob_afk orignal: Because it uses features that make that very difficult.
orignal let dr|z3d make it through simple GET request
not_bob_afk There is a tag, a "noice"? That must be present in the request to do things. So, I have to pull the page, extract that and then run my request. A pain.
dr|z3d "nonce"
not_bob_afk Yeah, that.
not_bob_afk i2psnark uses them as well.
cumlord i could probably throw that together
not_bob_afk I understand why they are there, but it's annoying to deal with.
dr|z3d mareki2p, meet zzz. zzz, meet mareki2p. :)
mareki2p dr|z3d, mareki2pb: receiving, over? Yes, I'm here.
dr|z3d zzz wanted to discuss your snark patch I think./
not_bob_afk The other issue with a 30 day auto-expire is that some sites do come back after long periods of downtime.
mareki2p OK, please leave comments in GitLab issue. I think it is better place to discuss that over there. What do you think?
dr|z3d I think he was waiting for some feedback there, but he'll confirm or deny.
not_bob_afk This site is a good example. Almost three months of downtime, and then it's back up.
mareki2p OK, but I'm not sure I notice the comment if it happesn over here.
dr|z3d mareki2p: I mean he was waiting for some feedback on gitlab, apparently.
dr|z3d feedback or clarification.
not_bob_afk Even inr had roughly a month of downtime about six months ago.
mareki2p Yes, he posted question for me. I answered. I'm monitoring both the GitLab issue and merge request roughly 1x per day or 1x per two days. No updates since then.
not_bob_afk And then there are sites like stats.i2p and zzz.i2p. If they auto-expire, that allows someone else to take control of the names.
not_bob_afk *shakes head*
not_bob_afk Another with about a month of downtime.
not_bob_afk And another.
not_bob_afk So, while I generally support sunsets, 30 days is too short. And even with a longer timeframe, some sites should never expire.
cumlord think i can recycle some parts from multisnark tool if it'd be useful to have delete function with cli, i wanted to make a multi router tool at some point anyway
not_bob_afk cumlord: That would be very useful.
dr|z3d sounds good, cumlord
not_bob_afk Part of my overall goal with my site is to collect historical data on sites. This means keeping old data around forever.
not_bob_afk But, there are times when it makes sense to not do that.
cumlord it's on the todo list then :) want to get a little farther on the tracker project then do some copy pasting
mareki2p Can somebody give me chat permission to ip-dev please? I would like to respond to zzz with "Hi zzz, yes the bugfix is minor, nothing serious. You asked me question and I replied with 3 examples.".
mareki2p Or copy & paste this message to that chat please.
dr|z3d zzz's here, he'll see your reply, mareki2p
orignal not_bob_afk they come back
orignal but nobody guarantees that address will not be given to someone else
not_bob_afk So, you continue to monitor them, but allow others to take the name if it's been dead for too long.
not_bob_afk Understood.
orignal we have some reserved addresses
not_bob_afk I need to take leave. I'll be back here later in a few hours.
orignal and can't be taken
not_bob_afk Yes, that's the way to deal with it.
orignal the problem is schmoogle
not_bob_afk But, I still think 30 days may be too short.
orignal that guys wanted to show fuck to everybody
orignal we are going to reaplace it to new one
not_bob_afk I see that site has been dead for roughly two weeks now.
orignal yes, two more weeks and will be repalced
orignal ofc we can reaplce it even now
not_bob_afk Perfect.
orignal but don't to vilate own rules
not_bob_afk Do you have the new address for it now?
orignal not yer
orignal will build later
not_bob_afk Message me when it has a new address and I'll update.
orignal same with xmpp.ilita.i2p
orignal will do
dr|z3d why is shmoogle a problem?
not_bob_afk Good to know on that.
not_bob_afk Thank you.
not_bob_afk *** is really AFK now. ***
orignal dr|z3d because we want to keep it
dr|z3d if you're planning on a new search engine, you can think of a better name than shmoogle.
orignal not a problem to start an instance of YaCy
orignal shmoogle is well known now
dr|z3d it's well known for being abandoned.
uop23ip running well so far, thanks orignal
uop23ip notice for myself: do not mention the "cmake" ;)
orignal wrong
orignal it need to fixed if boost if <= 1.74 don't use c++20