IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal what date do you plan 2.7 for?
eyedeekay October 8
eyedeekay zzz are you ready for me to merge marek's torrent edit MR?
zzz no, I've assigned it to myself and have not finished evaluating
zzz and I don't consider it "big", it's just a bugfix
zzz target: next week
zzz ok?
eyedeekay Sure thanks for letting me know
zzz if you've reviewed it please add your comments to the mr
eyedeekay OK will do
zzz I also asked him a followup q in the issue and don't think I've gotten a response
zzz eyedeekay, did you follow up with novg on the reseed fixes or do you want me to send him something?
eyedeekay I'll follow up with novg going to cut the reseed-tools release today along with i2pkeys, sam3, onramp
eyedeekay go lib update day
zzz I think i2pd recently moved from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin, was that the issue?
eyedeekay Yes it was, the symlink fix I just read about in the email should be adequate, but I'm also making it so that failure to detect a router isn't a closing failure unless it also fails to discover a netDb
orignal yes we did
orignal as was discussed for a long time
zzz seems odd to look for the binary rather than some evidence it's running? but I guess you'll look in both plavces?
eyedeekay I have some is-running checks but they're generic, like there's a "is I2CP available" and "is SAM available" and "is I2PControl available" tool in that checki2p go library I use for this
eyedeekay the trouble is that they can't distinguish between I2P and i2pd except by cheap tricks
eyedeekay I didn't want to lookup PID's because it seemed brittle
eyedeekay I could look for the executables on PATH too as well though, that's probably a good idea
RN eyedeekay, what about the version number? in conky I check the version string for the '+' symbol to see if it is Canon or Plus. the version for i2pd would be a different format than the java ones.
eyedeekay Hm, I guess that would work, as long as I2PControl is available