IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RTP Anyone having trouble loading the console page? I've been able to use I2P, but console page last 2 days has "error occurred unable to connect" on I2P+.
dr|z3d RTP: sounds like you accidentally a corrupt update, my fault, sorry.
RTP if anyone has any clues or tips on how to fix this, would be appreciated. Thanks.
dr|z3d easy fix, cd ~/i2p/ && ./eepget skank.i2p/dev/
RTP ohhhh no problem. Thanks for the quick response ! :)
dr|z3d assuming your i2p installation is at ~/i2p/
RTP awesome - I'll try that. Thank you Dr.
dr|z3d then run ~/i2p/i2prouter restart and you should be good.
dr|z3d if your http client proxy dest starts with hope3a, you're on it :)
dr|z3d somewhat apt.
snex Doxxed
dr|z3d shut up, snex
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
dr|z3d Dixxed.
cumlord we need equality, one penis for every boob
dr|z3d no we don't. we definitely do not want. :)
dr|z3d there's a place for penises in movies, and it's called porn.
snex What’s your favorite movie with a penis in it
snex I pick Apocalypse Now
dr|z3d Home Alone (featuring Donald Trump)
snex I don’t think there was a penis in that
dr|z3d Yeah, there was. Donald Trump, massive penis.
snex He was in Home Alone 2 but he had his clothes on
dr|z3d He *is* a massive penis.
snex So you’re voting for the communist dictator?
dr|z3d Let's put it this way, I won't be voting for a massive penis.
snex One candidate wants to ban encryption. The other one doesn’t know what it even is. The choice is obvious
cumlord if we got free the nipple we have to have free the foreskin
snex I don’t think Chase Oliver knows what encryption is either
dr|z3d RTP: any progress?
RTP I'm going to try a restart now - looks like success in terminal end. So I'll probably get cut off IRC. Crossing my fingers I make it back. BRB.
dr|z3d wb RTP!
RTP :) It worked. Thank you.
dr|z3d you took a while to return, I was slightly concerned.
darius hey folks, its the weekend and that means i'm inclined to waste time on freedom softwares like the foss cuck i am
darius is there an underappreciated online protocol, or space that is underutilised and appreciated?
darius *underestimated*
darius just thinking out load, IRC fits this category possibly
darius i have NEVER seen irc as a social icon on a website
darius have you?
dr|z3d still waiting for the grand reveal of throstle.i2p ...
dr|z3d There are a set of routers that seem to be repeat blasting unsolicted search replies
dr|z3d same routers, over and over and over again
dr|z3d rhZosXS0IFnoowDK7zoU7cCZUhmzREncgqEY2HfTPQc= oJGhw7RICHFjE5HYUrskB7pxHo1tiQTPkL1ovpS6V1E= rNthkDXGGIaWCiIE68NJAO~FIN45P~tkEOwgnTc4NS8= for example.
RN thank god there are no IRC as a social icon on websites.
RN do not want.
darius2 ur too late RN, i did a modern treatment, its a bit grotesque tho
darius2 i wanted it to feel a bit retro
RN so you throstled it?
RN true retro is just an irc:// link at best, or a mention of the url and port in plaintext
RN so you are retro-styling something that isn't retro
RN I remember because I was there. most comon was just a table listing name, server-url, port, and description/notes
RN are you going to try and add forced midi-music on page load next?
darius2 creating a 'new' nostalia yes, y not utilise new techiques to pump tried and tested tech/protocols? its pretty funny because in minutes i recreated something that i realized it seen before