IRCaBot 2.1.0
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Irc2PGuest42165 imdb? cmon snex you can do better than that, what do pplreally want to know everyday? the weather, i'm surprised we dont have weather websites.
Irc2PGuest42165 when i'm able that would be what ill be throwing my support into
RN some irc have weahter bots that remembers users and serve up their weather. but they're not privacy conscious about it.
RN i mean you can use Tor or use I2P outproxy to look up weather, but don't you have something for day to day non-secret stuf?
RN we don't need to move everything into i2p, Mr Throstle
RN do we?
RN though, I don't mind imdb haveing a small set of data about info I look up... lots of tracking blocking and stuff on my r"regular internet" but is there really a use case for imdb inside anonymized network? do imdb and similar sites really collect that much? (assuming some basic measures to minimize tracking)
Irc2PGuest42165 i have found good weather reporting to be quite difficult to lookup with privacy systems, yes. seem 3 people know hpw to use internet anonymizers to do it, lol
Irc2PGuest42165 reporting/forecasting
RN well, 3 are willing to tell a throstle they know how to do it. ;)
Irc2PGuest42165 maybe they do maybe they dont ;p
RN yeah, maybe they are liars and there is no solution to a problem we didn't notice did not exist
RN weather
RN pashaw, I look out the window
RN even go touch grass for a few minutes
snex “How can I look up the weather in my area without telling anyone my area?”
RN yo have to tell whoever is looking it up for you (aka automated response system of some kind)
cumlord there’s some libermdb instances in i2p that just proxy, in my indexer project it gives links to tmdb clearnet and i2p libremdb
cumlord Why not mirror an IMDb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
RN not objecting to it. it is an interesting technical exorciese with the db.
snex Proxying exposes info
RN having info exposes info
snex Weather would be ez just download the full info constantly
cumlord Although tbf from what snex been saying it would take a lot more than I though lol
RN yeah, a fun project for idle hand
Anomaly hello everyone
RN good idea there... how much data is it to ask for weather in every subregion of the golbe simultaneously....
RN Anamoloha Anomaly
Anomaly have i joined at a bad time ?
Anomaly how r u RN?
cumlord I thought the weather apps pull from the same govt sources but no idea what that data set looks like
RN no time like the present
RN I'm ok
Anomaly thats good
RN we were just pondering weather info anymous acces and imdb database browser in I2P idea
Anomaly wdym ?
RN when it comes to leaking info, I proposed: Having info exposes info.
snex I’m not even sure anybody will give you full weather datasets
Anomaly *** scratches head ***
not_bob Weather data is public data.
RN just catch up Anomaly, conversations in progress
cumlord not_bob exactly
not_bob and friends get rich off of government funded work.
not_bob Not to say what they do is useless. The raw data is not exaclty the most user friendly. But, those apps. Privacy sucking holes.
snex Public doesn’t mean they’ll give it to you
snex They’ll give you small bits at a time
snex I wonder if you could just get a direct satellite feed
not_bob You can.
not_bob You can use a radio and just pull the sat data direclty from the sky.
not_bob I've done it.
snex Sounds like you should be the host for this hypothetical eepsite
not_bob weather.i2p (we just need your address).
not_bob Ahh, there was once a weather.i2p
snex I’m a city boy I don’t have that kinda stuff
not_bob What do you mean?
snex I don’t have a satellite dish or a place to put one
not_bob That would be easy enough to scrape and cache.
not_bob snex: You don't need one. You can do it with a handheld radio.
not_bob Though, you will need a radio that lets you shift the rec frequency as the doppler shifts.
not_bob Depending on orbit.
cumlord That’s cool shit, never messed much with radios
not_bob It looks like NOAA provides data pretty easily. One would need to make a database of the lat/lon of every zip code in the USA and then do a lookup from that and send the data to NOAA for further parsing/caching.
not_bob Doable, but a privacy hole.
cumlord Only way around that then is to pull all of them so often maybe but that’s like 3000 counties
not_bob_afk I'm pretty sure NOAA only collects data for the states.
RN wouldn't just loading any ol weather site through Tor or an outproxy give enough anonymity?
RN I just don't get the use case
cumlord Probably yeah
dr|z3d one of plaz's, orignal? sha512sum.i2p
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d that's up there with "do not the lemon."
dr|z3d "helicopter, helicopter"
snex The use case is to have a self sustaining system without need for “them”
dr|z3d if you're referring to imdb, there's already an imdb lookup service on the network, no?
dr|z3d as for replicating imdb on the network, good luck with that. you're going to need terabytes of storage.
not_bob_afk A suitcase full of money?
dr|z3d yeah, not_bob_afk
dr|z3d throw it out of the helicopter, helicopter!
dr|z3d RN: this is what I'm talking about: 2.5.2-1 (revision 695a30240ea06bcb99ffd9088d2328100fddc5f2)
dr|z3d either keep your javadocs build synced with the non-javadocs build, provide a javadocs build only, or remove it.
dr|z3d (or ignore me :))
snex IMDb is nowhere close to terabytes
dr|z3d yes it is.
snex That’s only with media files. The data is tiny
dr|z3d right, media files.
snex Yeah I’m not doing that
snex Who cares about a poster
dr|z3d posters, trailers..
cumlord i feel like this video is a psyop
dr|z3d all the associated screenshots, thumbnails. terabytes, I tell you!
snex We only need text
cumlord there's 2 libermdb's up now i think only the cat one works though
snex But those are just passthrus or actual local data?
cumlord just passthroughs
snex Yeah that’s lame
snex Soon as they catch on you get banned
cumlord any idea how many titles the db has in it?
snex Iirc it was 11 million
dr|z3d 3,375,496
dr|z3d (that's shorthand for "no idea")
snex 11 million which includes movies tv series and tv episodes. 60 million alternative names
cumlord dr|z3d lmao
snex I mean tbh I think a better site would be subversive web comics
snex Maybe we can do like a hosting option where creators can sign up and upload
dr|z3d can't you just present imdb as an i2p proxy/mirror?
snex Yes but they’ll IP ban you
dr|z3d what about via Tor?
snex They ban like 10-20% of tor already but I’m not sure what the pattern is
dr|z3d sounds like a challenge more than a brick wall.
cumlord was trying to see what possible size would be if resized a poster for each title to something reasonable, that's just a lot of titles
cumlord that'd be kinda cool though snex
snex Postman limits attachments to 100k. Multiply by 11 million
cumlord like it's a manageable size at 100k
dr|z3d you'd get less than that.
dr|z3d downscale, webp.
snex Yeah 100k x 11m is worst case scenario
dr|z3d you could aim for around 30-40K per image.
cumlord i did recently do a bulk pull of 2000 from tmdb through tor, worked
cumlord it'd still look decent at 30-40 probably
snex I’m not sure what % of the 11m are tv episodes but you don’t need a separate image for those
dr|z3d sure, if you downscale to something like 800x600, or maybe even 640x480.
dr|z3d hell, if you just want a visual indicator, a max 320 width thumb would probably be fine.
snex And do you even need posters for obscure or garbage shit? Like anything below a 4.0 rating why bother
snex Even IMDb doesn’t always have one
cumlord glorious 25k
dr|z3d try that with 70 compression quality, 0 alpha, webp.
dr|z3d probably get it down to ~20K or less.
snex The real issue is who actually wants to run this like you’re gonna need a 32G ram beefy boi at least
cumlord oh shit, it's harcoded i'll have to change that
snex I didn’t get a chance to test solr but elasticsearch is a hog
dr|z3d I don't think anyone's in a hurry to volunteer, snex :)
snex Yeah well I don’t have that hardware
snex And it might even need more who knows
cumlord yeah that's a lot, i'd need a separate box just for that probably
snex Really only the full text search needs to be alone
snex The web app can go anywhere
snex And relational dev
cumlord how about a local caching thing
snex caching what
snex the hard part is just the search bar
cumlord yeah you're right that don't make sense
dr|z3d you'd process the images and then cache, so they only need to be requested once.
snex i mean like i can give you a site that runs on a rasp-pi but your search bar will be all but useless
dr|z3d what's wrong with that?
snex its a passthrough
dr|z3d it's a proxy. and all requests are via the .i2p host.
snex it compromises the privacy of the host and the host is at the mercy of imdb banning them
cumlord it works, there's 3 other ones but 1 is broken and the other 2 been down
dr|z3d yeah, it works, exactly.
dr|z3d if you want to not-compromise the host, push it through Tor.
snex so then they ban tor
dr|z3d now you're just speculating.
dr|z3d push over Tor, cache content as it's requested, you'll stay under the radar.
dr|z3d if you're serving thousands of requests per hour, they might notice.
cumlord probably the simplest way to go
dr|z3d but over i2p, you're probably not worth their attention.
snex anyway focus on webcomics
cumlord do it
cumlord we don't have that do we
dr|z3d yeah, we got that.
cumlord Timeless 🤣
dr|z3d don't be surprised when it's translated into 25 languages and becomes an international best seller. only a matter of time :)
dr|z3d wetpussy: when you don't have a totally offensive nick, maybe voice.
snex we need webcomics that say what you cant say on the clearnet. and are funny
dr|z3d welcome to #saltR, wetkitten
dr|z3d wetkitten: to send a message to you here, I reference your nickname, which probably tells your client to sent an alert.
cumlord hello wet one
wetkitten dr|z3d: Thank you
wetkitten the first was all red like in the other channel but nevermind
cumlord need to find people that can make darknet webcomics
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d *** whispers. ***
wetkitten Hello cumlord
wetkitten are you from
cumlord lol no must be a different cumlord
cumlord i was named after the australian pomeranian (rip)
snex cumlord: AI can do the artwork. just do the dialog. hell maybe AI can do the dialog too. just give it good prompts
dr|z3d there are ai generators that will generate comic strips for you.
snex yeah but will they be anti-government