IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d orignal: yeah, he got in touch earlier and then disappeared.
StormyCloud Might be a sort outproxy downtime while we implement a new config.
orignal <orignal> а че дрозду сказать?
orignal <Most2> .<delirium> Это освобождает от воинской обязанности. Дома буду в течение нескольких часов
orignal <orignal> и зайдешь на saltr?
orignal <Most2> .<delirium> Да
orignal <Most2> .<delirium> Может надо наркотики принять перед днём до повестки
orignal <Most2> .<delirium> Сдать анализы и показать что наркотики в моче
orignal dr|z3d
orignal to your question
dr|z3d can you give me an english summary?
orignal summary: he is mad completely ))
orignal I asked him about saltr
dr|z3d tell him I've got some pointers for his CV.
dr|z3d *** chuckles. ***
dr|z3d no rush, when he's ready.
dr|z3d just tell him he must be mad to use jquery for a CV.
not_bob_afk What is this about getting tested for drugs? :)
snex I don’t get tested for drugs. Drugs get tested for me
orignal <Most2> .<delirium> Orignal. Dr z3d. Her ignoring diagnose of f19.2. and give document that I will be in expertise 10 September. Will be home soon and write to pm then
orignal for you ))
orignal not_bob_afk it's about army
orignal he dpeosn't want to get drafted and pretend to be drug addicted
dr|z3d yeah, thanks, orignal, he got back in touch and then disappeared again. he's doing a great job of pretending to be erratic.
orignal gents, I'm trying to run i2psnark-standalone I don't understand how
orignal seem it have been moved to apps/i2psnark
Titlacahuan orignal: ant i2psnark
Titlacahuan apps/i2psnark/java/build <- find .zip file and unzip
orignal and then?
Titlacahuan Blinded message
orignal from where?
Titlacahuan from the unzipped tree
Titlacahuan make sure java in $PATH
orignal I'm in i2p-2.6.0 folder
Titlacahuan the source or binary? idk if the binary distro has the standalone snark
orignal source
orignal should I cd apps/i2psnark?
Titlacahuan ok, then export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/openjdk
Titlacahuan no, from top level - "ant i2psnark"
orignal already did
Titlacahuan may want to export LG2=en to skip translations
Titlacahuan ok, cd apps/i2psnark/java/build
Titlacahuan what's in there?
orignal yes jars are there
orignal i2psnark.jar messages-src resources
orignal i2psnark-standalone.jar obj standalone-resources
not_bob orignal: "java i2psnark.jar"
Titlacahuan java -jar i2psnark.jar
orignal Error: Could not find or load main class org.klomp.snark.CommandLine
orignal Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/i2p/util/CommandLine
Titlacahuan find
Titlacahuan that file should be produced by ant
Titlacahuan should be in apps/i2psnark after ant finishes
not_bob Titlacahuan: Yes, that. My bad.
not_bob I know nothing about ant though, or building it.
Titlacahuan and you need to launch from the script because there is a .war file
orignal yes it's there
snex ChatGPT: take this Java code for snark and convert it to rust
dr|z3d you want the standalone build, orignal?
orignal I want to connect to i2pd
dr|z3d ant i2psnark <- standalone; ant buildI2PSnark <- module.
dr|z3d unzip the standalone zip anywhere you like and run the launcher.
orignal through i2cp from snark
dr|z3d just start snark then.
dr|z3d > launch-i2psnark
dr|z3d look at what you unzipped.
orignal where?
dr|z3d > unzip the standalone zip anywhere you like and run the launcher.
orignal Error: Unable to access jarfile i2psnark.jar
orignal I'm building from source
Titlacahuan I think he is missing the
dr|z3d ant i2psnark
dr|z3d then unzip the resulting zip file.
orignal guys I have unzipped source code
orignal then ant i2psnark
Titlacahuan ant i2psnark creates
orignal what do I do next?
Titlacahuan if it prints BUILD SUCCESSFUL
dr|z3d > unzip the standalone zip anywhere you like and run the launcher.
orignal yes see one
orignal works. thatnk you
orignal connected to i2pd
orignal let me try some torrent from postman
orignal why does it use Edge by defuelt? )))
snex I recommend the canary in the cage podcast
orignal can anyone explein?
dr|z3d because edge has decided it's your default browser.
orignal but why?
orignal I'm on Linux
dr|z3d but why what?
dr|z3d because edge has decided it's your default browser.
orignal why snark picked Edge
orignal where?
not_bob It's set in your default apps.
orignal where does it take this info from?
not_bob Press the start menu and type in "default...." It will bring up default apps and you can change it from there.
orignal ha ha it shows Firefox
dr|z3d something something config alternatives something something.
not_bob That's odd.
Titlacahuan http vs https defaults?
orignal I have Edge just for testing
orignal it's not real Edge it's one from Microsoft's repo
dr|z3d sudo update-alternatives --list x-www-browser
cumlord was testing side by side earlier on same content, max can seem to send out of i2pd per snark is 400-500kbs
dr|z3d sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
Titlacahuan cumlord: were you comparing it with java i2p?
cumlord yes with i2p+
orignal /usr/bin/microsoft-edge-stable
dr|z3d all the chrome browsers will set themselves as default.