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RN /buffet cheeseburger
RN so I need a little clarification about encrypted lease sets...
RN ◀━━ This shows entering a b32 address into the keyring for the client
RN zzz.i2p/topics/2805-blinded-encrypted-leasesets-howto ◀━━ this says to use the b33 address not the b32 for lookup.
RN just a little confused about where you get the b33?
RN and you use the b33 in the browser for an http service?
RN asking for another user, they were getting 403 and some message about a host name.
zzz I stand by what I wrote on my forum; eyedeekay wrote the blog post and I don't recall reviewing it
zzz on the client side, if you use the b33, I think you don't need to mess with the keyring
RN thanks. does it display the b33 for you on the tunnel config page?
RN I'm not prepared to set one up just now or I could answer that for myself. ;)
zzz on the server side? I think so
RN ok... so going to have to add it to my to-do list for further investigation.
RN I also note eyedeekay's screen shot does not show selecting the "red" option for encryption...
eyedeekay I could probably go back and make revisions/clarifications to that post
RN also, zzz, glad to see your taste in banners is still top notch. :)
RN the user asking has not yet signed back on, so no rush, but I do appreciate the responses. :)
zzz the client has to know that the server LS is encrypted; iirc the keyring came first, while the b33 in the browser came later and is in theory easier
orignal b33 is just public key
orignal with signature types and crc
orignal encrypted leaseset is published with some blinded key you can't guess if you don't know real public key
RN yeah, but does it spit out the b33 for me somewhere if I am the one running the server? I guess I'll have to make a tunnel and see. or is there a cli script to give me the b33?
RN I might be able to find the public key, but wouldn't know what to paste after that in the url bar. the sigtype and crc are somehow encoded in the string?
RN I suppose I should go look at spec
orignal but it works for RedDSA only need to add EdDSA
RN yeah, the post I read was describing using the red-eddsa if I recall correctly
orignal basically erlied version of i2pd supported only RedDSA
orignal becuase I had a bug with EdDSA
orignal it has been changed long time ago
orignal should have changed i2pd-tools
orignal RedDSA is basically EdDSA with key as multipler
orignal rather than SHA512 hash of it
RN I see. Is it low on your to-do list?
orignal change i2pd-tools?
RN oh, that was quick
RN :)