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dr|z3d natter.i2p back up again.
dr|z3d no guarantee it'll stay online for long, however. elon really wants nitter to die.
uop23ip Hi, got some i2psnark tunnels question.
uop23ip Something weird with i2psnark and tunnel usage. Iirc i2psnark will overwrite my tunnel config dynamically. So changing tunnels in console config makes no sense. Right.
uop23ip In i2psnark i see that i am connected to n peers doing traffic. For my understanding: Each peer connections contains of m tunnels in and out. And it is garlic, so from/to are not the same. Sum of my tunnels would be n x m.
uop23ip What is see in i2psnark are >5 peer connections. And in tunnels (i2p router console) i see 6. Console config says 3 tunnels set and i2psnark has 10. Even if it has 3 that would be 3 x 5. Ok maybe not all tunnels are shown or broken or are adjusted to peer availibility.
uop23ip But if i go into the i2p console tunnel config and set tunnels to 6, then my tunnels number gets 14 for a time and then maybe i2psnark comes in again and set i back(after tunnels expire).
uop23ip I don't understand. Do i reach some limit with included participation tunnels? But iirc local (clients?Apps?) tunnels have prio, i thought.
uop23ip ey i think i caught i2psnark changing it to 4, which i never entered. So maybe i2psnark is changing it to higher numbers, but i don't see it.
uop23ip On the other side i never seen i2psnark uses the 10 tunnels i configured in i2psnark. What makes i2psnark change the setting? Bandwith? Can the other side deny high tunnel usage? Can i fixed set the tunnels in i2psnark or is this always dynamically adjusted?
zzz correct. dynamic.
dr|z3d uop23ip: you should mostly ignore /configtunnels for configuration purposes.
dr|z3d make the changes in the webapp or the tunnel manager.
dr|z3d as for snark, it will allocated tunnels dynamically based on the number of peer connections. attach yourself to a big swarm you'll see the tunnel count go up.
dr|z3d (assuming you're downloading)
uop23ip Is my assumption that the numbers of tunnels has to peers-connected x tunnelsettings(in+out) = tunnel numbers shown in console ?
uop23ip wrong/right?
dr|z3d in essence, peer connections == tunnel count.
uop23ip If i count my tunnel number in i2pconsole and devide by connectedpeers, i got 2 tunnels(in+out) per peer.
dr|z3d snark will start with 1 in/out and ramp. if you change the settings in snark, it'll allocate max tunnel count and then ramp down.
dr|z3d don't recall the exact alogorithm to allocate tunnels, it may be peer count + 1.
uop23ip i thought 1 connection involves creating a n amount of tunnels (from the settings). For i2p in general. am i wrong here?
dr|z3d snark is different, as zzz confirmed. it's currently the only webapp that allocates tunnels dynamically. everything else is statically allocated.
uop23ip so the tunnel settings in i2psnark is more a max of all tunnels?
uop23ip It is curious that if i do the settings change in i2pconsole, tunnels will go up. So i2psnark "could have" used more tunnels, it seems
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> uop23ip: you should mostly ignore /configtunnels for configuration purposes.
dr|z3d if you change the settings on /configtunnels, it will override the dynamic allocation until the next interval when snark will readjust the tunnel allocation.
T3s|4 uop23ip: why aren't you running i2p+? If you were, you'd have 16 tunnels with 2 hops, both in- and out-bound ;p
dr|z3d so, sure, snark can "use" more tunnels, but building tunnels for non-existent connections is a waste of resources.
dr|z3d the 2-hop thing is your override, T3s|4, but 16 in/out max is a + thing :)
uop23ip Got that. I just wonder about the created tunnels if done this way. Like the algo will not max out, instead keeps it lower. Don't know
dr|z3d just know that it works. hit a large swarm when downloading, your tunnels will ramp up.
dr|z3d and stop fiddling with the tunnel count in /configtunnels!
dr|z3d the only real use for that page is to allocate exploratory tunnel count.
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d - it's been a very long time since I made those changes - and I refuse to change again :)
dr|z3d no sense changing if it works for you, T3s|4. you're on 2 with a +0/1 variance iirc.
uop23ip Does it really "building tunnels for non-existing connections", if i increase the tunnel number in console? To whom i connect, i thought it just increase per connection.
T3s|4 *others
dr|z3d you have an available pool of inbound and outbound tunnels. these are used to connect to other peers, and allow other peers to connect to you. they're not doing anything when you're hosting or making connections to other peers, so having a pool of tunnels with no inbound or outbound tunnels, or more tunnels allocated than your current connections is a waste of resources. pointless. does nothing useful.
dr|z3d *no inbound or outbound connections
dr|z3d for server tunnels in the tunnel manager, the closest you'll get to a dynamic allocation is "reduce tunnels on idle". it functions on broadly the same principle. there is no point keeping tunnels around, and rebuilding them every 10m, if they're not doing anything useful.
uop23ip "more tunnels allocated than your current connections" that's your mentioned: mostly peer connection == tunnels
uop23ip "you have an available pool of inbound and outbound tunnels" are these the settings in/out in i2psnark? A pool, not a max tunnel per connections.
uop23ip "they're not doing anything when you're hosting or making connections to other peers" so the diffrence of in to out is based on server/client behaviour. Uploading or downloading depended. While in torrent you do both mmore or less.
dr|z3d you've got enough information there to figure it out. attach yourself to some big swarms, watch what happens to snark's tunnel count on /configtunnels when you do. keep refresing the page.
uop23ip it will go up :) Does only count for downloading?
dr|z3d no, if you're seeding to multiple peers, it will also ramp.
dr|z3d you can configure inbound and outbound count asymmetrically, so use less (max) tunnels for seeding than leeching, but the default is symmetric count.
uop23ip dr|z3d, i think have to look further into i2p works. Still got it wrong. As i got the "more tunnels" more speed wrong (i assumed that a tunnel has a limit of 50kbit/s a time ago).
dr|z3d I think each tunnel has a maximum bandwidth capacity of 8MB/s, but I don't recall where I got that info from. may be wrong.
uop23ip Is i2psnark somewhat satisfied if one tunnel provide an amount of bandwith, so it does not try to add another tunnel with a probability of additional or better bandwith?
uop23ip or i2p in general
dr|z3d no, and no.
dr|z3d snark allocates tunnels based on peer connections, not bandwidth. nothing allocates tunnels based on bandwidth currently.
dr|z3d it's something we've discussed previouslty for server tunnels, allocating tunnels dynamically based on connected peers and/or bandwidth usage, but we're not there yet.
uop23ip In i2p general, connection can have more than 1 in 1 out tunnel? For example i can send build messages to 3 gateways to build tunnels for only one destinations?
dr|z3d this is the point in the conversation where I suggest you read the docs, uop23ip.
uop23ip Understandable dr|z3d :), i am reading it and this questions came up. I always assumed that it would combine tunnels and split messages to get more anonymity or if it send the same packets over all tunnels it will gain more reliable