IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal not yet
dr|z3d well, you should be.
orignal but what can I do if a request coming to me
dr|z3d because a rejection is a polite way of saying "go somewhere else".
dr|z3d ignore those rejections, and they turn into less polite drops.
orignal even I set code 30 I have to send it to the next peer
RN but he isn't getting reject response, he's getting ghosted
RN as the kids say
orignal right, my tunnel requests got dropped
RN stop texting her for a while, wait longer and see if she texts you back
RN hehe
orignal LeaseSets: 342
orignal they have changes strategy?
orignal number of leasesets
orignal too much
dr|z3d yeah, I see that. I'm wondering what you're asking.
orignal they start publishing thier destinations
orignal for whatever reason
RN so they publish, but ignore your requests, and they keep on publishing?
orignal I'm talkign about the attackers
RN ah
orignal because the attack keeps going on
dr|z3d attackers, or someone's doing something different.
RN I wonder if it could be connected to the "so called TLD grab"
dr|z3d some sort of new peer-to-peer filesharing thing that's got people excited. dunno, just guessing.
RN do we still have the christmas routers effect?
RN I mentioned it elsewhere in another channel recently... but...
dr|z3d that of course doesn't account for the poor build success happening right now, that seems a bit strange.
RN I've got about 21% on one and exactly 58% on the other two
RN +/-10min
RN but squinting my eyes to make the graphs appear more like an average... I don't see a persistent low trend
RN my graphs, not the ones on stats
RN my graphs of exploratory bsr
orignal poor build success because many routers are overloaded
dr|z3d well, those should be publishing congestion caps so they can be avoided. that's how it's meant to work.
dr|z3d anything with a whiff of congestion and + avoids it.
RN even though trusting caps seems to be dubious
orignal yes, but when they publish not everybody see it
RN I suppose trusting the "im busy" signals shouldn't hurt
dr|z3d wasn't there a proposal/idea floating around somewhere to refresh RI's a bit more frequently, or perhaps before requesting tunnels? can't remember.
orignal many routers still have old routerinfo
orignal well I pick first hops from connected routers
dr|z3d yeah, would make sense to request an up-to-date RI before requesting tunnels, even if there's a bit more traffic involved.
orignal and they are supposed to send new RI every 20 minutes or so
orignal yes I suggest such message in SSU2 and NTCP2 like "request RI"
orignal just from peer
dr|z3d yup, sane.
orignal like "give me your current RI"
dr|z3d indeed, indeed.
orignal costs nothing but can avoid many problems
dr|z3d yeah, it's about 2K of nothing.
RN does either implementation notice if they don't send their new RI every 20 min? or if they stop and start again later?
orignal I don't think so
RN like if you have one that's 40 min old and no new one, do you forget the old one?
orignal no I check if it's still connected
orignal and keep it
dr|z3d there's an expiry time in java, which scales depending on number of known RIs.
dr|z3d in + it's also dependent on the "quality" of the router.
orignal yes, but current connected shoudn't be removed
orignal as long as they are connected
dr|z3d right, I don't think we do that.
RN noticing it has stale ri but still connected, do you ask for a new one?
orignal how can I do it?
RN ah
orignal no message for this
RN so that's the feature you are proposing?
orignal right
orignal to implement such message
dr|z3d you'd ask a floodfill right now, but asking the router directly would be more efficient.
orignal even not a message, just block
orignal asking a floodfill is too much overhead
zzz no new feature proposal needed, just send a DatabaseLookupMessage
orignal shoudl non-FF reply to such message or ignore it?
orignal or reply with closest floodfill?
zzz reply for your own RI, or any RI
zzz closest for LS
orignal if I'm not a FF I ignore lookups
zzz drop for expl. lookup
orignal considering it as kinda attack
zzz not really, in case a router "forgets" all its ffs, it will ask a non-ff
orignal it should send an exploratory request
zzz if non-ff we also send our own RI, as a 'go away' message, so requester realizes it's a non-ff
orignal anyway I will doble check
orignal thanks
orignal will check
zzz but definitely if non-ff drop expl lookup, and a very low rate limit on RI lookup, because there is a scraper out there
orignal so we reply with own ident hash for explratiry request in non-FF?
orignal LeaseSets: 401
orignal new record
zzz no, just drop expl if non-ff
orignal no reponse at all?
orignal and when I send own back?
zzz no response for expl
zzz send your own RI back any time, no restrictions except down tunnels
orignal and 3 closest floodfill regardless if I'm a floodfill or not?
zzz yes, if you don't have the RI, for a RI lookup only. If you do have the RI, send it (but rate limit)
orignal and in which I send own routerinfo instead?
orignal and I guess leasetset requests should be dropped too
zzz yes drop LS, I don't understand the other question
orignal <zzz> if non-ff we also send our own RI, as a 'go away' message, so requester realizes it's a non-ff
orignal in which we do it?
orignal *case
zzz for an RI lookup I think
zzz not down tunnel ofc
orignal but it which case
orignal if we usually reply with list of floodfills
orignal or RI if found
zzz basically we do same thing for RI lookup whether ff or not. ONly difference is much lower rate limit if non-ff
orignal got it no
orignal so if you exceed rate limit you send own RI back
orignal we should be prepared for more attack next year
not_bob Agreed
orignal although we are ahead of them now, we must think in advance
orignal "salt" guy was really disappointed
orignal <Orignal_huesos> Какие конкретно меры по предотвращению eclipse калека предпринял в коде?
zzz no if rate limit exceeded, drop
dr|z3d tell him we added anti-donut countermeasures, orignal
not_bob Can I keep the holes?
not_bob RTP: Welcome!
RTP heyy all
not_bob Things going well?
RTP pretty good here! dealing with testing some suspected counterfeit flash drive tests.. so much of this junk hardware out there!
not_bob There are some nifty tools for testing those quikcly.
not_bob Yeah, saw that. Lovely.
not_bob And, it's been used for years.
RTP ahh yes, using f3: "fight flash fraud" :-P
not_bob A rather complex chain to make it work though.
not_bob zero click exploits are a major issue.
dr|z3d there's a good tool for that, RTP.
RTP yeah so much interesting stuff in the ANT catalogue... among other releases. Sh** goes deep.
dr|z3d it'll take dodgy thumb drives and remap them so they're correctly allocated.
not_bob dr|z3d: I don't think that's possible. The firmware lies to the computer.
RTP ahh any tool you suggest?
RTP yeah the firmware lies about capacity unfortunately
RTP which makes it tricky for most casual buyers
not_bob I've used a few, they all work the same.
dr|z3d the tool partitions the drive which ensures that the bogus capacity disappears. let me see if I can find it.
not_bob Create a large file, randomly write to it, and see what read results come back with an error.
not_bob dr|z3d: I could see that working, but still best to trash dodgy hardware like that.
dr|z3d RTP: apt install f3
RTP complex backdoor design.. layered approach to concealment ;D
RTP ahhh thanks. That's actually the one I am using now. :)
dr|z3d not_bob: not necessarily, you may find you have a drive half the capacity of what you paid for, but you have something.
not_bob Curious.
dr|z3d I've fixed drives using that tool.
not_bob I bought one once that was to be a 2TB drive. It had 32 gigs writable.
dr|z3d advertised as 32GB, actual capacity 16GB.
dr|z3d that'll teach you to buy too good to be true capacity at ridiculous prices on ebay.
RTP it's tricky as sometimes places change their quality on you... IME.
dr|z3d I was specifically referring to not_bob's purchase
dr|z3d branded is the way to go, from an authentic supplier, even it if costs more.
not_bob dr|z3d: I thought it might possibly be fine.
not_bob It wasn't.
dr|z3d I've been stung before, not_bob, you're not alone.
dr|z3d these days, branded drives are dirt cheap, so no real sense saving a couple of bucks.
not_bob Agreed.
dr|z3d the fraud is pretty amusing, though. I think some of them use ram as a cache, so you can write the full capacity, only it ends up writing over your data once you go past the *actual* capacity.
not_bob *nod*
RTP sometimes I find we can be best off buying used hardware *shrugs*
RTP at least we know it works
dr|z3d though not for flash drives, or indeed any solid state storage.
dr|z3d until you plug it in and do some tests, assuming the firmware supports it, you don't know how hard the device has been hammered and what the remaining predicted usage is. not worth it.
RTP true. And flash can go *poof* without any real warning at times... still once in a while I'll get a large used to hold for backups... but wouldn't rely on it for serious work
dr|z3d did you get anywhere with Railroad, RTP?
RTP Holidays have kept me a bit occupied, but planning to sometime soon after I get my server operating system set up. Working on hardware end of my server plan lately. :)
dr|z3d you and RN have a lot in common.
dr|z3d professional procrastinators, both. :)
RTP hahaha I like to get involved with too many projects at once. But it is a real plan to put up my i2p based blog. But... surely has not gone quickly yet LOL. I did compile / flash the coreboot based firmware for server though... That's a start!
not_bob We need more quality I2P based blogs.
not_bob RTP: Did you ever use galaxy3 on tor?
RTP You know I haven't tried galaxy3
not_bob Oh, shit. That's right.
not_bob Wehave talked about that before.
dr|z3d you just need to install the plugin first, RTP. then it'll sit there in your router waiting for you to tickle it into action. installation is a copy / paste url affair.
dr|z3d not_bob: while you're there, in your defcon css, remove any reference to the ubuntu font.
not_bob It's in there?
dr|z3d it's probably something like: font-family: Open Sans, Ubuntu Sans, .. the Ubuntu Sans or whatever it is needs to disappear.
not_bob Ahh, I see it.
not_bob Just remove the ubuntu bit?
dr|z3d the problem is it's a lot smaller relative to most other sans serif fonts, so when it's used, it janks the UI.
not_bob Let me do that across homes.
dr|z3d and the other problem is, with firefox's anti-fingerprinting on smash, access to local fonts except a small predefined selection is verboten, so you end up with ubuntu often.
not_bob Done and testing.
not_bob Slowly.
dr|z3d the top nav buttons were the main victims.
not_bob It still looks good here. Let me try android.
dr|z3d vertically misaligned text and search bar out of whack when ubuntu font was active.
dr|z3d if it still looks good, then you're fine.
not_bob Lame, thank you.
not_bob dr|z3d: Thank you for caring.
dr|z3d np nb
dr|z3d also, if you have an account on 333.i2p, feel free to use your new avatar there.
dr|z3d or indeed anywhere else.
not_bob I do have an ccount on 333.i2p!
not_bob And, I have saved it for just that use!
dr|z3d about time zzz had a new avatar. *grin*
not_bob New avatar is set on 333.2ip
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
RN should I cueue the drumroll dr?
RN queue
dr|z3d do it, RN, do it now. *chuckle*
dr|z3d done.
RN where da url?
dr|z3d he's all over his site, you'll find him :)
RN pffff
RN oh, grandpa
RN hehe, doesn't look sleepy though
dr|z3d looks like orignal's not allowing avatars on his site except for his own, or his display code is borked.
dr|z3d yeah, lame++
not_bob Yep, quite broked.
not_bob orignal: You should fix that.
dr|z3d this is where your avatar is meant to go: <dd class="avatar">INSERT AVATAR HERE</dd>
dr|z3d of course, there's an empty space in the html where it should be.
not_bob hahahaa
dr|z3d bah, sleepy. he looks like someone just woke him up and he ain't happy, RN :)
orignal what? 333?
dr|z3d yeah, F- for you, orignal
orignal avatars worked
orignal if they don't I will check
dr|z3d yours is the only one displaying right now.
orignal let me check
orignal not true
orignal for example
dr|z3d where's notbob's avatar?
dr|z3d ok, that's one other avatar. outlier.
dr|z3d I see polistern's avatar now, not sure I did before.
dr|z3d Qball aka Qubes must have an avatar.
dr|z3d also, garbage:
dr|z3d <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
dr|z3d "">
dr|z3d <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
dr|z3d <!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang=ru> is all you need there.
not_bob Yep, just made a new post, no avatar.
orignal maybe
dr|z3d is it a mimetype thing? do you need to explictly add webp? I dunno, I doubt it, there must be plenty of jpeg/png avatars not displaying.
orignal I didn't do anything special
orignal it's standard eldrorado
dr|z3d that much is obvious :)
dr|z3d special. lol.
not_bob orignal: Everything you do is special.
dr|z3d haha, shut up not_bob
not_bob dr|z3d: Sorry, that one was too hard to pass up on :)
orignal looks like not_bib didn't select it
not_bob I did!
dr|z3d uploading != selecting, apparently.
not_bob I did both.
dr|z3d otherwise it would say "used by not_bob" on that page.
not_bob I click on "select" on the avatar gallery and it brings me back to 333.i2p
orignal yes that's what I meant
dr|z3d you probably need js enabled.
orignal I can force it in the database
not_bob Lame.
dr|z3d which is shit, but hey.
not_bob Let me try this.
orignal yes, eldorado uses js
not_bob Yep, it was a JS issue, argh.
orignal nice I see now
orignal so you can start playing with avatars there ))
dr|z3d next gen stuff.
dr|z3d just the right amount of ridiculous, but not too much.
orignal tommorow
not_bob Ш вшп шею
orignal will change it wlm logo
dr|z3d you've got a new avatar orignal. use it.
not_bob Oops, wrong lanague selected.
RTP you are right dr|z3d it does look like a very easy set up - might make for a good video as long as all goes well lol
RTP downloaded it and was about to install... but might record it in case it goes well
RTP I'd like to see more i2p blogs as well
RTP I got Railroad to work!!! :) I recorded it so will be making it into a video tutorial for anyone wanting to host an i2p blog. It's supercool. Thanks eyedeekay!
RTP I skimmed it earlier thinking I had to build it... but all you have to do really is have a working i2p browser set up and paste the link into the dang square... So easy.
dr|z3d well done, RTP!
dr|z3d told you it was easy.. plugin, see. :)
orignal look at my new avatar
orignal as promised
dr|z3d crap, orignal. I am disappoint.
orignal don't like wlm?
dr|z3d looks like something out of a hitler youth poster.
orignal it's from wlm stickers
dr|z3d well, exactly.
orignal I took on from thier telegram channel
dr|z3d I've made you one of the sexiest avatars on the entire planet. use it. :)
dr|z3d also, you remember that part in your conversation where you were insisting politics had no place on the network...
orignal I never said this
orignal I said that politics shouldn't be a part of I2P project
orignal but applied only to a project
dr|z3d right, and you're the lead developer of i2pd, so, you know, things matter.
orignal but it's not an offical position of i2pd, it's my personal
orignal unlike Java where they claim abotu LGBT support on the offcial site of the project
orignal see the difference
dr|z3d sure, there's some road between your position and I2P's, but it's still not a great look aligning yourself with a right-wing political position, even as an individual.
orignal yes, like echelon says
orignal don't use i2pd because it's run by an old white racist ))
orignal at the same time then main dev of yggdrasil is a gay
orignal but who cares
dr|z3d it's all about code, or should be.
orignal and yggdrasil project doesn't have such "Inclusion" section
dr|z3d sure, you and I are on the same page there, no argument.
orignal also my racism and homophobia is not a big secrect
orignal and (surprise!) people find is as pros of i2pd
dr|z3d surprise! would be you telling us you're really a cross-dressing transvestite.
orignal with back skin ))
orignal *black
orignal remember michael jackson?
eyedeekay Literally everyone does.
orignal he wanted to be more white than natural whites ))
dr|z3d michael had issues.
orignal I meant maybe I'm like him ))