IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal this "salt" guy is back
orignal coicidence?
orignal <Orignal_huesos> БЛЯТЬ СУЧИЙ ORIGNAL, ГДЕ ПАТРОНЫ? Было несколько часов назад 10к+ роутеров, трафон пер. Просыпаюсь - 300 роутеров, трафика нет, лизсетов нет. 4 из 6 подключенных пиров китайские.
dr|z3d orignal: confirms my suspicions it's the same guy, same attack strategy.
dr|z3d same time of year.
not_bob orignal: Спасибо за информацию!
dr|z3d zzz.i2p back online in read only mode - good start, zzz!
orignal we need it in write mode )))
orignal dr|z3d but this guy is same it's not him
orignal *saying
dr|z3d maybe, orignal, but he can't be trusted.
orignal ofc not
dr|z3d even major agrees.
orignal <Orignal_huesos> Бля, какие же все поехавшие. Поди спят в шапочке из фольги, вдруг, соседи магнетроном облучают через стенку.
dr|z3d rough translation?
orignal we are too paranoidal
orignal suspecting eveybody
dr|z3d someone wants to flex some bandwidth and test the network, fine by me.
orignal maybe
RN \o/ Thank you zzz!
dr|z3d love your new avatar, RN.
RN Thanks. :)
dr|z3d you haven't seen it yet...
RN oh...
RN is this like the new avatar you made for orignal?
RN PugMooose!
RN appiconsv2 checkpoint is slow on cpu only
RN fixed other laptop with more cpu cores and an nvidia gpu, but that gpu would be slower than cpu if I did enough fiddling to make SD recognize it
RN nvs 3100M
RN eventually friend should be sending RAM and modern nvidia card to upgrade my local server, but till then, extra laptop is working
dr|z3d nvidia gpu sounds good.
RN hahahaha, super cute
dr|z3d zzz: you haz garbage in your html.
dr|z3d check your !doctype declaration on zzz.i2p, just before that.
dr|z3d that's better, much more notbob now.
not_bob Slowly loading...
not_bob hahahahaha
not_bob I love it!
not_bob Though, why does the mirror change the html code?
dr|z3d that's a "why is the sky blue?" kinda question.
not_bob Fair point.
not_bob I2P has felt much slower the last few days.
RN there's been a bit of junk in the trunk
not_bob Yeah, I was reading some stuff orignal talked about.
RN E-BSR looks good right now for my 3
not_bob Also, the new version of i2pd continues to be crashy as hell.
RN and bw use is up for all three (Java)
RN had to reconfigure my scaling in conky a couple times since the release to accomodate higher average
RN I think I've got idk-itis
RN too many open projects...
RN eventually I'll figure out a better way to scale the e-bsr graphs
dr|z3d that site's temporary, in any event, not_bob, just intended to nudge zzz in the right direction.
not_bob zUnderstood. He may or may not fix his issues.
dr|z3d not really issues, more a visual overhaul.
RN well it is up and working for reference, so that is a blessing
not_bob His site going down was a major hit. The most active forum that I'm aware of on the network.
not_bob Most active and useful. There are other active forums...
orignal seems my favority topic has been deleted from zzz.i2p
orignal which avatar?
orignal not_bob try today commit
orignal dr|z3d why not black color?))
not_bob orignal: Thank you.
orignal race condition
dr|z3d you can haz any color as long as it's LGBT rainbow, orignal :)
orignal f#cking opnessl dudes
orignal you tptally forgot about wlm.i2p and animal.i2p ))
orignal must be block color and curly hair ))
RN so a poodle-moose
RN or an irish-sheep-moose
RN ;)
dr|z3d I could have done it in MS Paint and it would have been better than your current avatar, orignal, so be thankful :)
orignal mine is great
orignal moose knuckles
orignal and I have my avatar on my coat ))
dr|z3d well, you need a new coat then with your new avatar.
dr|z3d you know, with one of those fluffy hoods.
orignal how about WLM avatar?
orignal faces of white man and woman
not_bob zzz.i2p is slow :(
not_bob Or, it could just be me.
orignal yes very slow
orignal and last thread has been deleted
not_bob Two new eepsites today!
orignal dr|z3d do you see wlm stickers in your place?
dr|z3d no, orignal
orignal they are everywhere now
orignal worldwide
dr|z3d I make sure when I see one I have my eyes closed.
not_bob hahahahhaha
not_bob Denied for too many reuquests! Thanks zzz!
orignal ha ha
orignal good developer doesn't mean good sysadmin
orignal seem Java routers banned my floodfill completely
orignal all tunnels go through i2pd routers only ))
dr|z3d ilita family?
orignal good job guys
orignal gostcoin
orignal for excessive tunnel build requests I suppose
dr|z3d ah, gostcoin, let's see.
orignal not for connection
orignal for tunnel build
dr|z3d not banned here right now.
orignal yes, but it strange that all tunnels go through i2pd only
orignal one with 100+ Mbs
dr|z3d well, something strange, this much we know.
orignal seem Java routers recognize me as an abuser
orignal because too many tunnel build requests come from me
dr|z3d not banned on at least 2 routers here, so I doubt you're being hard-banned.
dr|z3d tempo ignored, maybe.
dr|z3d *temp
orignal too many tunnel requests dropped
orignal dropped not rejected
RN did recent 'network noise' make a lot of your tunnel requests go bad? maybe there are temp bans from some of that activity
dr|z3d what do you do when your requests are rejected, orignal? carry on making requests, or take the hint and find another router?
orignal my traffic was 100 Mbs with 30K transit tunnels
orignal dr|z3d keep trying to build own tunnels
orignal but the problem is not my tunnels
orignal I flood the networkd with requests coming from transit
RN cleary you can handle lots of requests, but not the consequences when other routers think you are crying wolf because network noise blocks your acceptance of the request or such
dr|z3d yeah, but I mean, are you attempting to build tunnels with routers that are rejecting requests?
orignal I try random routers
orignal for ever new tunnel
dr|z3d that's not the question I'm asking.
RN you should keep track of which ones are ignoring you
orignal unless I build a replacement tunnel
RN skip them for some time
orignal for expiring one
dr|z3d if a router is rejecting your requests, aren't you logging that and avoiding that router for a few minutes?
orignal well it's a next step