IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
China @dr|z3d expectation
China @zzz I have an idea you can look into, you can open a range port on the plugin, which solves the problem of multiple addresses.
China Is there a plugin to run a small irc server on i2p
T3s|4 FMae: ^ now you can ask :)
FMae T3s|4, ty
FMae sidebar on router console of i2p+ doesnt scroll and is cut off due to screen not being tall enough. is there a fix for this?
dr|z3d FMae: Hi
FMae hi dr|z3d
dr|z3d OK, so the sidebar's not scrolling for you.. the intended behavior is for the sidebar to scroll when it's taller than the browser viewport.
dr|z3d If it's shorter the the height of the viewport, it will stick to the top.
dr|z3d And it should automatically detect when its height changes.
dr|z3d So what's happening with your sidebar? Can you describe the behavior?
FMae its pretty much stuck not scrolling. resizing browser window doesnt change it. js is enabled as well
dr|z3d and it's being cut off at the bottom of the screen so you can't see all of it?
FMae i can scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and the sidebar remains cutoff at the bottom of it
dr|z3d OK. Anything non-standard with your setup? Fractional scaling because you've got a large resolution monitor, that sort of thing?
dr|z3d e.g. the monitor is 4K resolution, but you've got it displaying at 1/2 the resolution.
FMae nothing unusual that im aware of. the browser is librewolf with and noscript but noscript has js enabled for
FMae display is 1366 x 768
dr|z3d ok, librewolf itself shouldn't be an issue, I use that no problem here.
dr|z3d can you open up the developer tools in librewolf and browse to the console tab and see if you have any errors display? ctrl+shift+i
FMae just tried the router console in my normal librewolf browser and the sidebar still doesnt scroll
FMae dont know what i should be looking for in developers tools of the browser
dr|z3d ok, I think I can reproduce the issue here, it's a viewport height related thing.
FMae Request for font "DejaVu Sans" blocked at visibility level 1 (requires 3)
FMae home
FMae Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at data: (“media-src”). blank
FMae patchWindow disabled. patchWindow.js:103:13
FMae patchWindow disabled. patchWindow.js:103:13
FMae presetting x-i2p-torrentlocation script.js:48:9
FMae The resource at “” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. home
FMae The resource at “” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly.
dr|z3d ok, not to worry, that's all fine. so let's get you fixed up until I've fixed the issue properly.
FMae i can do without the sidebar scrolling for now
dr|z3d it's an easy fix.
FMae i wanted to make sure if it were a bug it was reported so it can be fixed
dr|z3d thanks for reporting it, I'll make sure it's fixed very soon. I'll also think about adding a UI option to /configui to allow the feature to be turned off.
dr|z3d so, the fix..
FMae just getting around to testing i2+ and so far its pretty neat
dr|z3d if you browse to your i2p application folder, then docs/themes/console/{youractivename}
dr|z3d great, happy you're enjoying it so far, sorry about the sidebar glitch.
dr|z3d in your active console theme dir, create a file named override.css
dr|z3d and in that file add the following line: #sb_wrap {position:absolute!important}
dr|z3d save the file, then refresh the console in the browser.
dr|z3d so i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/override.css if you're using the dark theme, for example.
FMae yep that fixes it
dr|z3d no problem, and thanks for bringing the issue to my attention, I thought I'd fixed it previously, but obviously not. it'll get fixed soon.
dr|z3d those override.css files can be placed in any of the app theme dirs and allow customizations of the console or webapp themes.
dr|z3d (they won't be overwritten on restart or update)
T3s|4 o/dr|z3d and FMae (follow-up) - I thought I remembered you recommended a CSS change for my old laptop's previously non-scrolling display months ago, but for the life of me, I could not re-find that file. Running midnight, but finally found the change under: ~/i2p/docs/themes/console/dark/override.css. Always hard to find stuff in the dark ;-D
dr|z3d I thought I'd fixed that feature, but obviously not. Or it got rebroken somewhere down the line. :|
uop23ip Hi, i have some tiny feature request for i2psnark. :) Here Ok?
uop23ip Ok i give it a try into the void :) :
uop23ip I recognized that when i download a torrent with only 1 mp4 video in it, while downloading i can go to details and under data location and copy the local file path into a new tab to watch the video while it downloads. By watching the video in the browser while downloading, seems a little bit better with handling the partly downloaded file and i can easily refresh if needed.
uop23ip I find this quite nice. So my request would be: Can you make the data location clickable so that it opens up a new tab? That would be from mark,copy,tab+,paste,go to 1 click :). And maybe others find this way to watch while download good to.
uop23ip I don't know how peertube really works other than webtorrent, where there are some problems with signatures? under i2p, if irc what i d k told. But when i can play while downloading with this above maybe combined with preview animated webp or gif, i have some kind of tube feeling :)