IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d uop23ip: for future reference, if you want to create a new router identity / port for an existing router, add: router.rebuildKeys=true to your router.config and restart your router.
dr|z3d that will create a new identity, assign a new random port, and then remove that config key from your config so it only happens once.
dr|z3d RN: yeah, -1+
dr|z3d the bottom page navigation buttons for snark were out of whack, needed a fix, and fixed some cosmetic issues with the buttons in some themes at the same time.
RN ahhh
RN glad I didn't set that one back to 'relase' channel only yet then
dr|z3d I think you needed a page size of 50+ to see the issue, so probably most people won't.
dr|z3d I pushed a partial fix to the release channel, but it doesn't have all the cosmetic fixes, so I may update the zip on skank.
orignal why not just delete the file?
dr|z3d which what when orignal?
orignal <dr|z3d> uop23ip: for future reference, if you want to create a new router identity / port for an existing router, add: router.rebuildKeys=true to your router.config and restart your router.
dr|z3d that config is easier. handles everything.
orignal it's not a unix way )))
dr|z3d got anything spectacular planned for this release cycle, orignal?
dr|z3d isn't zzz waiting some sort of proposal from you? I forget the details.
dr|z3d * SSU2 hash in handshake
dr|z3d that's the one.
dr|z3d > got anything spectacular planned for this release cycle, orignal?
dr|z3d > isn't zzz waiting some sort of proposal from you? I forget the details.
dr|z3d > * SSU2 hash in handshake
dr|z3d > that's the one.
China Hello
dr|z3d what up China!
China @RN Host name: I2Peek-a-Boo.i2p ?
China Why is your address so short?
dr|z3d short?
China [IRC Client] Warning - Could not resolve irc.dg.i2p, you must add it to your addressbook for it to work.
dr|z3d dead.
dr|z3d shouldn't be in your irc tunnel configs. did you manually add it?
China Yes I'm adding tunnels manually, testing.
China Are there any other available irc server addresses?
dr|z3d for this network, no, but if you create new irc tunnels, there are other networks.
dr|z3d this network: irc.postman, irc.echelon
dr|z3d search for irc in your addressbook for some alternative servers.
China Yes I may have a problem expressing myself, I'd say it's just irc.postman, irc.echelon like that are there more options available?
dr|z3d not for this network.
dr|z3d if you want to try new irc servers, create yourself a new tunnel in the tunnel manager, don't edit the existing tunnel.
dr|z3d for other networks -> /dns and then search for irc
China Are these the only two IRC addresses currently available on this network?
dr|z3d ilita is the i2pd server.
China Yes, I know.
dr|z3d (mostly Russian spoken there)
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> for this network, no, but if you create new irc tunnels, there are other networks.
dr|z3d <dr|z3d> this network: irc.postman, irc.echelon
China Yes I mentioned creating tunnels in the tutorial, so I'm creating new tunnels
China So I can add ilita to a new tunnel?
dr|z3d you can
China I'll try it.
China But could there be security or honeypot behavior in these tunnels? Any feedback from the community
dr|z3d ilita is the official i2pd server.
dr|z3d as for honeypots, you're connecting over i2p, so there's not much a server can do. obviously, opsec, never reveal personal information. and for websites, disable js and enable per site.
dr|z3d (if required)
China Okay I got it, I'll make it famous in the docs.
China I see that I can forward Telegram over i2p?
China In the http as well as socks proxy, if the browser to open the proxy can only access i2p-based sites, this part should be how to set up, you can access the Ming network?
China Hello ZZZ
China In the http as well as socks proxy, if the browser to open the proxy can only access i2p-based sites, this part should be how to set up, you can access the Ming network?
China I'm having some problems adding tunnels: when I create a SOCKS-IRC tunnel, there is a field (how to fill in the egress agent). Another problem is to create socks4/4a/5 tunnels, how to make them work as http tunnels with both i2p and com access.
China @dr|z3d
RN China, are you asking how to disable the outproxy in the I2P tunnels?
China I want to use
China I created a new socks5 tunnel, which listens on port 6677, but can't open
RN not clear what you are looking for... so you made the socks5 tunnel and connected your browser to it on 6677?
China How should its export proxy be written so that the socks5 tunnel has the ability to access
RN and you can browse I2P sites with it?
RN oh
China not clear what you are looking for... so you made the socks5 tunnel and connected your browser to it on 6677? ===YES
RN if you look at the default http tunnel the 4444 one, that gives you google?
China Yes it is accessible
RN ok so if you go into the configuration for the 4444 tunnel you should see something in the "outproxies" part
China purokishi.i2p
China I tried copying it into socks5 but it didn't work
RN ok, you could use that or "exit.stormycloud.i2p" in the settings for your 6677 tunnel that you created
RN not sure if puroshiki or stormycloud is better for you if you are in China...
RN check them out and decide for your self. I'm pretty sure puro exits from Tor to get to google
China You can send me both and I'll test them.
China Puro= ?
RN you have the string for puroshiki you pasted it here, and I gave you stormy cloud in quotes. puro=puroshiki (me lazy)
RN I sholdn't abbreviate, I appologize
China OKOK
RN so you just stop the tunnel, put the *.i2p into the tunnel's outproxy settings and start it again
China Yes I am testing it.
China I see there is a socks tunnel based on socks-IRC, is it created the same way?
RN I'm not clear about the socks irc tunnel, I haven't played with that one in a while
China My test doesn't work, the socks tunnel is filled with this exit and no network
China I can't open the i2p page but can't open
China A new tunnel in socks5 will only allow you to access i2p, not
China Hello
China @@@@@@@@@@@@
dr|z3d China: you need a socks proxy server to be able to use it, not just a client network.
China I have created a socks tunnel, can't it open .i2p as well as http to open
China socks://
China Is that his grammar? I'm running a socks5 proxy on a vps, how do I write to him
dr|z3d you can use it for clearnet, not for .i2p
dr|z3d (for web browsing)
dr|z3d in the i2p client tunnel, you just specify the host port of the server you want to use.
dr|z3d or rather, you specify the destination.
dr|z3d on the server side, you specify the host ( and port of the socks server.
dr|z3d (using a standard server definition)
China Yes that's what I'm doing with the processing proxies: and the SSL processing proxies: but I still can't open
dr|z3d so you're running tor as the server and want to use that to connect?
China Yes, on the server where i2p is installed he has installed tor listening on port 9050 and wireproxy, a program that converts wireguard to socks5, listening on port 10909.
China I changed both the egress proxy and the egress SSL proxy in the socks5 tunnel but it still doesn't work is there something else that needs to be turned on or am I writing syntax that is not correct (
dr|z3d where are you putting
China Export Agent and SSL Export Agent here
dr|z3d those need to be the b32 addresses of the server.
China So I can't use other local socks as his proxy?
dr|z3d you can, but you still need to specify the b32, not the host:port
dr|z3d if you hover over the text input for outproxies / ssl outproxies it will tell you that.
China I was trying to have the ability to access at the same time that socks had the ability to access i2p
dr|z3d that's not going to work.
China How should I proceed?
China Yes, I found that out.
dr|z3d get socks working for clearnet access. see if you can make it work.
dr|z3d if you want socks, then you'll need to use something like foxyproxy to route .i2p traffic via :4444 or whatever http proxy you configure, and clearnet traffic via whatever port you assign to your client socks proxy.
China This seems to be beyond me. Sounds so complicated, my socks are working but he can only access the i2p site!
dr|z3d if you want a generic socks proxy server, you can always try something like microsocks which will be in your debian repo.
China Is there an easier way to make the socks tunnel support both I2P and .com access, like http does.
China Other socks5 proxies already exist on my vps. They listen to the address
dr|z3d not that I'm aware of. you'd need to take a socks request and forward it to http.
China Here's the logic. You can look at the wireproxy project on github, which I use to convert socks5
dr|z3d you're going to need to experiment. just get the socks proxy working for clearnet.
dr|z3d that's your first objective.
China What's Clearnet? I don't understand. My English is terrible.
dr|z3d clearnet is normal internet, not .i2p
dr|z3d for example.
China Yes, he's normal.
China I see, the socks5 proxy generated by this wireproxy is working fine and he can establish a connection between the VPS and the remote no problem!
China curl --socks5
China "ip": "217.X.X.171",
China = wireproxy socks5
dr|z3d standard server, socks client. socks client specifies b32 of server for outproxy / ssl outproxy. get that configured correctly you're half way there.
China It's so complicated. I might not be able to handle it.
zzz stormycloud is a http proxy
zzz you have to go socks->socks or http->http
zzz you can't do socks->http
dr|z3d he's not using stormycloud, or purokishi.
dr|z3d what he wants is to use a single socks proxy server to proxy his traffic to both .i2p and clearnet.
zzz that won't work if he configs stormy as the socks tunnel outproxy
zzz or, ofc, if he does not configure a socks outproxy
dr|z3d stormy isn't part of the equation. he's got a local socks proxy server arrangement, not entirely sure what. as far as I'm aware, you can't socks proxy to .i2p, though I might be wrong about that.
zzz socks tunnel works fine to .i2p, thats what its there for
zzz turn it on and then torsocks works
zzz if he wants to get to .com via socks tunnel he must config a socks outproxy
dr|z3d yeah, he was attempting to use tor I think. but it's all a bit vague.
zzz the only one I know of is outproxy.acetone.i2p, last tried months ago
zzz was pretty clear to me
zzz <China> I have created a socks tunnel, can't it open .i2p as well as http to open
dr|z3d that bit I understood, his local setup, different. but feel free to help him out if he's still around :)
China Yes he can only open .i2p sites can't open google
China I wasn't there and now I am.
dr|z3d ok, smells like progress, China.
dr|z3d you need to specify the b32 of your socks server tunnel in your client tunnel to work with
zzz China, configure socks outproxy: outproxy.acetone.i2p
dr|z3d so if that's tor, then you need to create a standard server tunnel with 9050 specified.
dr|z3d or what zzz said.
acetone hi. my outproxy not using tor to exit clearnet
dr|z3d hello acetone o/
dr|z3d all good over there? orignal says fresh air smells nice where you are now :)
acetone It's all right. I work a lot, I hardly ever appear in IRC chats. Now I see highlights. How are u?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, not bad. :)
China My operating environment is like this I set up i2p+ and tor on the vps, and wireproxy (a program that converts wireguard to a socks proxy) I set up a link to the vps locally, and bind all the listening addresses of i2p+ and tor and wireproxy to the address, and I locally connect to the vps via the I access i2p+ via https//, and my browser accesses tor's socks5 via, and wireproxy's
China Export Proxy: outproxy.acetone.i2p SSL Export Proxy: outproxy.acetone.i2p ?
acetone China: SOCKS port: 1080 / HTTP port: 3128
China 1080 ? 3128 ?
acetone outproxy.acetone.i2p:1080 - this is socks, outproxy.acetone.i2p:3128 - http proxy
acetone you can use full address instead short: proxy4uwdijqxac2bvdx4fuhem6njmiwukuk2gelejv2nzxka2xq.b32.i2p
China Yes, it opened successfully.
China Is this your website?
dr|z3d it's his outproxy, China, yes.
China Yeah great, I opened it. Thank you very much, this will help a lot.
China Does this also apply to socks-irc tunnels in tunnel creation? There should be a clause in there as well: egress-proxy
dr|z3d anything that works with socks should work on that tunnel defintion.
China So my understanding is that if I create a tunnel of socks, then wherever the exit tunnel is I need to write a corresponding exit socks proxy like he told me (outproxy.acetone.i2p:1080 ) is that right? As for the SSL outproxy do I need to fill it in?
dr|z3d if you're happy using acetone's outproxy, sure, specify that. if you want to access webservers, then you need SSL specified.
China SSL= outproxy.acetone.i2p:3128 Yes?
dr|z3d same as you specified for non-ssl, yes.
China Understand that this is the most asked question on the Chinese site
China proxy4uwdijqxac2bvdx4fuhem6njmiwukuk2gelejv2nzxka2xq.b32.i2p
dr|z3d ok, well, you can make them happy, shed some light :)
dr|z3d and maybe later you can run your own socks outproxy service.
China It's me don't mind me, I need to grow, I'm very patient and love to learn
China I like to share, too.
dr|z3d you're doing fine. as zzz would say, baby steps :)
China Yes I took notes on each feature and then organized it into a logical and step by step wiki for more people to read and use it!
dr|z3d perfect.
China Chinese introduction to i2p is very little almost can not find the correct way to install and configure, are paste copy cheat click asshole.
China I filled in: outproxy.acetone.i2p:1080 in Tunnel Manager > IRC-SOCKS Configuration File > Outproxy Client can't connect are they different proxies?
dr|z3d if you want to access the proxy locally, you specify the host ( of the socks client tunnel.
China I'm using the IRC-SOCKS tunnel (that's the name of the tunnel) not the SOCKS proxy tunnel via i2p+!
China Inside this IRC-SOCKS tunnel there is an egress agent, my understanding is that if you don't configure him with this IRC agent you can only log in to i2p's IRC servers, but if you have an egress agent you can access other IRC networks, is that right?
dr|z3d sure.
dr|z3d but to access the socks proxy from an irc client, you specify the server:port of the socks client proxy tunnel.
China Yeah, that's what I did.
China But now I can only access i2p's IRC through socks5, but not the others, so what should I fill in here for this export proxy?
dr|z3d outproxy.acetone.i2p:3128 for both
China There is only one exit selector box here no more SSL exit selector box.
mrt hi folks
China It only has a checkbox for export agent
mrt after upgrading to I2p 2.4.0 ive got following issue with i2psnark:
mrt the form where to start a download has been changed, a upload element for a .torrent file has been added
mrt hat prevents me from adding it to the search keyword list of firefox which i have used before to add magnet links with ease
mrt also my account on git.idk.i2p dose not work anymore for no apparent reason
mrt so maybe someone here could forward a bug to make that form again compatible with firefox search keywords by moving that upload stuff into another form (or remove it completely i mean you can just put the torrent file in the i2psnark dir and its get loaded)
mrt i mean the right click / contect menu option "Add a Keyword for this search"
mrt when i remove the <tr> whith Torrent file: and enctype="multipart/form-data" option from the <form> the option comes back and dose still work but it is quite anoying to open up the web development tools and modifie the html code anytime i restart i2prouter
mrt o please, please, please, move that file upload field into a different form or add an option to disable it
mrt thanks in advance
dr|z3d that tr is hidden in I2P+, mrt.
mrt yea, my issue is with default i2p not i2p+
mrt <uop23ip> forwarded me here from #I2p ...
dr|z3d sure, I'm suggesting a workaround.
dr|z3d you know, until it gets fixed upstream, assuming there's the will to fix it.
dr|z3d or you can use the I2P+ snark i2psnark.war and i2snark.jar files and that will mostly fix your issue. you'll also need the I2P+ snark themes dir.
mrt after upgrading to I2p 2.4.0 ive got following issue with i2psnark:
mrt the form where to start a download has been changed, a upload element for a .torrent file has been added
mrt hat prevents me from adding it to the search keyword list of firefox which i have used before to add magnet links with ease
mrt also my account on git.idk.i2p dose not work anymore for no apparent reason
mrt so maybe someone here could forward a bug to make that form again compatible with firefox search keywords by moving that upload stuff into another form (or remove it completely i mean you can just put the torrent file in the i2psnark dir and its get loaded)
mrt i mean the right click / contect menu option "Add a Keyword for this search"
mrt when i remove the <tr> whith Torrent file: and enctype="multipart/form-data" option from the <form> the option comes back and dose still work but it is quite anoying to open up the web development tools and modifie the html code anytime i restart i2prouter
mrt o please, please, please, move that file upload field into a different form or add an option to disable it
mrt thanks in advance
dr|z3d I think you meant to paste second paste in #i2p-dev :)
dr|z3d but I'd wait for zzz to return, in any event.
dr|z3d China: don't confuse client and server tunnels, you want the client tunnel.
mrt oops wrong chat sry
dr|z3d > but I'd wait for zzz to return, in any event.
dr|z3d as for git.idk.i2p, eyedeekay had a cleanup a while back. talk to him about the current arrangements.
not_bob The search function is super useful.
eyedeekay mrt what is your account name, I locked a bunch of accounts with null activity because I was having bad spam problems and getting something like 6k bad signups a day
China I'm so tired. Can you recommend some favorite music?
eyedeekay At it's peak I had 121,864 non-activated spam accounts
China What's this great feature, tell me soon, I'm going to sign up!
China @eyedeekay ?
China I'm new to the community, can you give me a hint? I'll take a look and learn.
dr|z3d git.idk.i2p China
eyedeekay I'm talking about my gitlab server git.idk.i2p, last year we had a huge problem with spammers signing up and once they got their accounts activated, they would post copyrighted material then file complains with enforcement organizations
eyedeekay It was all a big ploy to get the git server taken down and thankfully DigitalOcean and SpamHaus saw what I was dealing with and worked with me on it
China I know about this site, I signed up but didn't get through.
eyedeekay What is your username on it? I will approve your account by hand.
China Did I register before? That was a long time ago I forgot to register one right now. I'll tell you the ID.
China That's great!
China I sent you the ID in a private message I signed up for an awesome ID, ~HAHAHA
China Use the proxy export plugin , where to see this plugin
China Orchid ?
dr|z3d you want zzz's socks plugin, that replaces orchid and allows you to configure a separate Tor instance as your outproxy.
dr|z3d or maybe stats.i2p/i2p/plugins .. somewhere around there.
China I'll take a look.
China orchid (Tor Outproxy)1.2.2-0.6-b1 (2019-08-21)DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE - does NOT support v3 onions
China socksoutproxy0.2-b1 (2022-02-19)Use local Tor or other SOCKS 5 proxy as an outproxy
China YES?
dr|z3d that's the one.
China socksoutproxy.su3 ~32 KB socksoutproxy-update.su3~32 KB
China There are two in here and I don't know which one to choose.
China install VS update
dr|z3d not the update.
dr|z3d once it's installed, you can check for updates in the console.
dr|z3d protip: you can't update what you haven't installed :)
China The installation was successful, where can I configure it?
dr|z3d check the link on /home, should be there.
China I have installed him and I see it inside the plugin, but I don't know where to configure it, there is no option for this configuration.
dr|z3d long time since I've used it, but plugins are installed to ~/.i2p/plugins/ so have a look around there.
China What about getting a reboot after installation?
China init 6 !
dr|z3d no need to restart the router post-install. if you need to change configs, you can restart the plugin on /configplugins
China ~~ /outproxy
China Only one node can be added, not more than one.
dr|z3d if you have feature requests, talk to zzz :)
China Add an extra socks5 if you can, and let him determine the proxy based on the heartbeat.
dr|z3d we need that in the tunnel manager, you hear that zzz? heartbeat. :)
China Any other recommendations for better plugins to use? I'll give it a try.
dr|z3d want blog, try eyedeekay's railroad.
China @zzz This plugin is great but it can add a node, can it be set up as a proxy for multiple nodes? Use heartbeat or some other way to load balance, since there are times when some nodes will leave.