IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
T3s|4 RN: at 82+ atm, and with 5+ weeks remaining until 11 Dec, it's entirely plausible we could hit 100+ and your much anticipated Conky reconfig date. Only requires minor version bumps about once every other day :D
RN T3s|4, does your traffic seem normal? Mine dwindles down to zero.
dr|z3d all looks normal here, RN
RN thankd dr|z3d and major
RN ;)
RN hrmm... everytime I update above -14 traffic dwindles to nearly nothing, 0 participating again.
RN expired lease sets and barking dog in logs... but nothing stands out
RN humm...
RN all tunnels have gone yellw
RN restarting to see if downloaded update helps
RN ok that's 81... should I skip ahead to 82?
T3s|4 RN, traffic as expected
zzz Monkey, I dunno what maps to what, but today's fixes in canon -10 are important
Monkey yeah, zzz. -10 is available now at I2Peek-a-Boo.i2p
Monkey Plus is another animal all together.
zzz looks like you're have to wait for -83 to get it on this side
zzz is plus a monkey?
Monkey heheh
Monkey no, nick change is in response to someone in other channel
Monkey I run Canon and Plus in different places.
Monkey -81 looking better on graph, but I think it is messing up i2pcontrol/json again... conky is showing 0 part tunnels, but console shows 5 service tunnels.... I'll keep an eye on it for a bit
zzz that's really valuable to have somebody running both; you can quickly assess if one is broken but not the other
dr|z3d -83+ is about to turn up once I've determined it's working.
dr|z3d (or at least compliles)
dr|z3d we got more big revert patches lined up, zzz?
zzz logging FVSJ at INFO will be the clue that it works; e.g.:
zzz INFO [JobQueue 2/4] demlia.FloodfillVerifyStoreJob: 74517: Verify success for [Hash: xxxxx
dr|z3d roger that, thanks. will turn it on.
Monkey you give me too much credit on ability to assess... ;)
Monkey but, it is helpful to compare side by side
Monkey except when one renames $SIDE to $ROOF
zzz as discussed in -dev I got a ~500 line patch coming tomorrow, but it's not really doing anything functional
Monkey just teasing Dr... ;)
dr|z3d over my head, Moneky.
dr|z3d *Moankey
dr|z3d sorry, Monkey :P
dr|z3d I'm looking to + volunteers to adopt supervision of a console & webapps language, not that I doubt I'll find any.
dr|z3d or rather, I do indeed doubt that there will be any takers.
dr|z3d Almost all languages in the console are now at 60% coverage or greater. Snark is at 100% all over. Other webapps should be around that soon enough.
dr|z3d zzz: persian (fa) is a RTL language.
zzz so?
dr|z3d I don't think you're using the arabic override in the console.
dr|z3d you're welcome.
zzz thank you :)
Monkey if I knew my ability to connnect would be stable for the next 6 mo, I'd be interested in your language thing.... but I don't want to commit to something I may not be able to keep up with.
dr|z3d It's just a question of choosing a language you want to adopt, Monkey, and then either finding someone to work with to increase coverage, or feeding strings into deep or google translate when you have a free moment.
dr|z3d Mostly the console, everything else is pretty much done, though doubtless there's room for improvement.
dr|z3d re plus being a monkey, more a 600lb gorilla zzz, though it does have the occasional orangutan. :)
Monkey you want the "Monkey" to be about you? lol.
dr|z3d no, I don't. I was responding to zzz's question querying if plus was a monkey :)
dr|z3d I'm sure he has his own ideas on that score.
Monkey well, I should let you all know. This new user just informed us all your packets are belong to FED and I2P is fake.
Monkey so now that that has been cleared up...
dr|z3d 83+ is up. all looks fine from here.
Monkey I dunno what is up with these suspected Ruskis coming on and spreading fud
Monkey but it seems to be a trend
Monkey the other day someone was talking about how postman's email was broken and shut down, while it was clearly working for everyone else that spoke up...
Monkey anyway... </rant>
dr|z3d maybe they're still using the old DSA key which is now obsolete, defunct, and very much not working anymore.
Monkey nah, these appear to be calculated rants not based in fact.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: in the past 5 mins, I pulled the latest directly from skank and github; both provided 82+ which I already running
T3s|4 which I *was already running
T3s|4 Revision: eb2aac0c (Build date: 2023-11-01 22:59:53 UTC)
dr|z3d my bad, T3s|4, I uploaded but forgot to move to the web dir. try now.
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d - 83+ is up
T3s|4 RN - merely 17 bumps to go to your fateful day :)
dr|z3d All seems totally fine with -83+, if anything traffic is increased, though that could be seasonal/coincidental.
dr|z3d "could be" as in 99% likely it is.