IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
XANA Howdy :)
T3s|4 sup XANA :-)
T3s|4 o/ not_bob_afk - nick Opicaak told me on #i2p-chat about 'his' new site = openstreetmap.i2p is which is reachable and working :) Base32: j5cyyipig4ghhxbloxor4yoorph4wwcr4nklujbaxwy3dqbh2dzq.b32.i2p - not sure how often you scan reg.i2p for new URLs
dr|z3d T3s|4: notbob.i2p will pick it up soon enough if it's registered.
not_bob I scan often.
not_bob It's all automated.
not_bob I don't currently see it in my list though.
not_bob I've already added a class for it when it does show up.
not_bob And, yay. I get to blacklist another site.
not_bob Blinded message
not_bob Odd, I don't have the latest two sites.
dr|z3d if Opicaak hasn't registered with reg.i2p, then you won't see it. maybe he needs a nudge.
not_bob It's on reg.i2p
not_bob I just checked manually.
not_bob My script just hasn't picked it up yet for whatever reason.
Opicaak Thanks, dr.
Opicaak Dude, is that a CP?
Opicaak The last link on reg.i2o
dr|z3d the reason is probably the random dice roll, not_bob :)
not_bob Yep, blacklisted already.
Opicaak Holy fuck
not_bob dr|z3d: Yes
dr|z3d about time you checked host lists on a schedule and only download if last-modified has changed :)
not_bob dr|z3d: It's been a while since I've touched that code. It has worked very well in the past.
not_bob How long ago was it registered?
not_bob Hours?
Opicaak Is that directed at me?
not_bob Sorry
Opicaak Yes, it's been a few hours.
not_bob Yeah, it will pick up soon enough then.
not_bob And, that other site, will not.
Opicaak Awesome, thanks
not_bob I could just manually add it :)
Opicaak If you want to manually add it, upto you
not_bob It will show up on my site in the next hour.
not_bob It's there now, but multi-homed and all that. Have to wait for all my instances to sync.
Opicaak Didn't know you had this complicated setup for your website, interesting. Anyways, I have to reboot, my system got messed up a bit.
not_bob Opicaak: Yep, to provide 100% uptime!~
dr|z3d not_bob: works well and sometimes takes too long for a site to become visible. yes, it works, yes, it could be improved.
not_bob dr|z3d: They all become visible generally in a few hours.
dr|z3d poll, check last-modified/etag, download if new.
dr|z3d term99 should still have the code up on gitlab, if he pushed it.
not_bob *nod*
not_bob # Logic that determines if a file has changed goes here. eephead may not be reliable. Might be best to just grab the damn file.
not_bob # Just because the eephead works doens't mean the eepget will, or the other way around. Best to ignore.
not_bob Here is a comment from my code.
not_bob Yeah, looks like I just grab the whole file each time.
not_bob Ahh, no.
not_bob I am using eephead to check if it's changed first.
not_bob But, if it fails, then it has to wait for the next hour to try to grab it.
not_bob And we all know how reliable i2p can be at times.
dr|z3d well, have a think about optimizations. no pressure.
not_bob Yes, that's a script that I havne't touched in quite a while. It's just worked, so best to leave it alone.
not_bob Though, it is slow.
not_bob That script takes about 15 min to run.
not_bob Mostly waiting on downloads.
not_bob The only thing I could do to make that go faster is do the downloads in paralael.
not_bob But, that presents it's own unique issues.
not_bob A newer version of defcon will not use the i2p addressbook at all.
not_bob Not that there is anything wrong with the addressbook. But, it's not needed and it's not easy to programagicly dig into.
dr|z3d sorry, but the best to leave it alone line of thinking doesn't cut it. everything is a constant process of optimization and improvement. or should be :)
dr|z3d we're talking about simple polling of subscriptions, not some huge code undertaking, notbob.
not_bob Right, but that's not what I was talking about.
not_bob My evenutal goal is to sunset domains.
not_bob And, that is going to be a restructure. Currently data is stored in domain.i2p.* files.
not_bob The goal is to move everything into b32.i2p.* files.
Opicaak Why don't you use something like sqlite?
not_bob Ease of use?
not_bob Not that sql is hard.
not_bob I can do sql. But, it was just one layer of complexety that I dind't want early on.
not_bob As of right now each domain has sitename.i2p.class,, and so on.
not_bob But I can't easily sunset domains like that.
not_bob I also have some other fun stuff like .last_ping, .first_ping.
not_bob Which just include a date, for easy parsing by other scripts.
Opicaak I see, understood, if it works, no need to change anything.
not_bob Also, using flat files makes progation to other homes super easy.
not_bob Just rsync and done.
not_bob That's it.
not_bob Magic.
not_bob stats.i2p and other hosts providers are not likely to come back anytime soon :(
not_bob Time to clean some cruft.
orignal reg.i2p
orignal should be fine
orignal if not let us know
not_bob Pulling from reg.i2p now.
orignal it's on dedic
not_bob orignal: Did you kill that one host?
not_bob Ahh, I still see it there.
not_bob dedic?
orignal and should be handle any amount of requets
orignal dedicated server
orignal not VPS
not_bob Ahh, yes.
not_bob What happened to dns.chudo.i2p?
not_bob Yes, it was really jammed in there good.
Quaddle sup dr|z3d
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, you?