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XANA Testing testing
XANA dr|z3d: what do you think about I2Pd?
orignal eyedeekay how come Java pubsihes IP for SSU address with introducer?
orignal this is big issue confusing everybody
XANA wdym?
orignal an SSU address in RouterInfo publishes IP address and introducers at the same time
orignal eyedeekay
orignal I was under assumtion that if an address published IP I can connect to it
XANA I do not know much about it
orignal that's why I need eyedeekay
orignal to clarify
orignal it should publish 4 or 6 in caps rather than IP
orignal eyedeekay if you publish introducers you shouldn't publish IP/port
eyedeekay I'll go through our code/comments and find out if that is correct
orignal no it's not
orignal that's why we introduced '4' and '6' with grandpa
eyedeekay Then possibly it's just a bug
eyedeekay I'll have to make sure but if it is we will just fix it
orignal let me explain
orignal I assume that adddress is reachable directrly if it publishes IP/port
orignal and can be IBGW if ipv4
orignal but Vort found out a lot of addresses with IP and introducers
orignal that shouldn't be IBGW
eyedeekay I can already see how that would be a big problem for you
orignal since I don't relay on router caps but figure it out from addresses
eyedeekay In the meantime should/can you ban SSU with published introducers from being IBGW on your end?
orignal that's what I'm going to do
orignal just didn't know that Java is still doing it
orignal it came from old code when there were no 4 and 6
orignal and you had to publish your IP to let others know your address type
eyedeekay We'll take a look at removing IP addresses from SSU with introducers and as long as we're not using them for anything on our end it shouldn't be hard
orignal also remember it's a leak
eyedeekay If we are using them for something, I'll try to find an alternative to publishing them
orignal e.g. if your user is firewalled he expects that his IP will not appear in netdb
orignal again, we did it before '4' and '6'
eyedeekay Yeah sounds more and more like it's probably a bug
orignal now if you use instroducers you add '4' or '6' to caps and explude IP
eyedeekay My only non-bug guess right now is that it might be for backward compatibility with some of the really old embedders
orignal maybe for backward compatibility
orignal when are you going yo eliminate SSU and start publishing SSU2 only?
eyedeekay Depends on a few things, but tbh probably soon now that we've solved the stupid Vuze mystery
orignal how it's possible?
orignal SSU through introducers and published NTCP2 with i and IP
orignal eyedeekay nevermind about the original issue
orignal Vort said it happens only with IP in NTCP2 and introducers in SSU
eyedeekay Don't know for sure, probably just needs a check
orignal but this example is interesting how it's possible
orignal eyedeekay looks like you don't remove i from NTCP2 if Firewalled
orignal SSU has instruders
orignal routers has U cap
orignal but NTCP2 addresses still have IP/port and i
orignal example
eyedeekay Yeah I see what you mean
orignal Vort syays these IP/port are not reachable from outside
eyedeekay > <orignal> eyedeekay looks like you don't remove i from NTCP2 if Firewalled
eyedeekay orignal I took a look at our code and it doesn't appear that this is the case
eyedeekay It looks like there might be a reason, but I'll need more time to investigate that and figure out whether there's a reason we do it
orignal then what might cause it?
eyedeekay What you said, sorry, I think we got mixed up in a double negative
eyedeekay I read our code, it looks like when we become firewalled we don't remove i from NTCP2
eyedeekay There's this weird thing we do with it though where we use it to determine if we think somebody has NTCP2, NTCP2 Inbound-only, or NTCP1 though
eyedeekay I don't know if we still need it
eyedeekay Will investigate
orignal if you are firewalled you should remove at least 'i'
orignal to tell other that this NTCP2 is not eligible for incoming connections