IRCaBot 2.1.0
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eyedeekay does not_bob_afk's blog have an RSS feed?
eyedeekay Ah there it is
RN indeed a feed
eyedeekay Now if only it were much, much longer...
eyedeekay On a lark I took not_bob_afk's rss feed, extracted all the entries which were site reviews, and re-packaged them as bookmarks files
dr|z3d there's a bunch of crap in there you definitely don't want bookmarked :)
dr|z3d if you want to arrive at a collection of bookmarks worth anything, drop reviews with less than 3 or 4 strawberries.
eyedeekay Lol yeah most of it is not great but having the descriptions packaged with the sites seems like an interesting idea, using his feed was just a way of exploring it
not_bob eyedeekay: Yeah, rss only goes back a handful of entries. It's expected that a person would subscribe to it.
eyedeekay My strategy will be to subscribe-aggregate-update-dedupe
eyedeekay starting now anyway
eyedeekay In a more perfect world I suppose I wouldn't be doing this by picking data out of your rss feed though
dr|z3d no, you'd be handpicking decent sites and describing them :)
dr|z3d you could use notbob's categorization to create sub-folders in your browser bookmarks folder, however.
eyedeekay Dunno, sure I would love the subfolders in the concept, but maybe I would want site operators to provide me with a description which I vet before approving them for inclusion in my hypothetical feed, and maybe part of the reason for me wanting to organize the bookmarks locally is so that I can search/filter them locally or use them for URL completions
eyedeekay Bookmark overload notwithstanding, descriptive bookmarks are fast and so easy to search that most people searching them don't realize they're doing it
eyedeekay They just type a couple words into the nav bar and press down
dr|z3d sure. keywords also a good alternative to sub-folders.
not_bob Or, you could just gab all the articles and parse them for the data you want.
not_bob 338 blog posts in total.
eyedeekay Sure but I was trying to be polite at least at first :P
not_bob Other people scrape my site. What's one more?
eyedeekay Lol as long as you're cool with it
not_bob My entire blog is 14 megs.
not_bob Yep, no issues.
RN weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
not_bob woooooooooo!
dr|z3d don't enourage her, not_bob
dr|z3d she has things she needs to do *cough*
RN still too hot to write to magnetic media