IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal Sadie should stop taking sunstances first
orignal *substances
dr|z3d orignal: what, like koolaid? :)
RN tobasco-sauce
RN just cuz I could not spell siracha
dr|z3d looks like you're having problems with tabasco, too ;)
RN true to character. LOL
RN I've been taking notes from MiXY about opsec
RN ;)
eyedeekay Irc2PGuest78327 probably not, I have to prove what you proposed works, figure out how and where to use it effectively, design a fix, then test the proposed attack against it. It would help a lot if we could discuss the specific of in private but you have stated you have no interest in that, so I have to figure out what you know for myself. I can't just ask you.
xeiaso eyedeekay which proposal are you talking about?
eyedeekay The netDB store/retrieval across contexts attack
xeiaso I don't know anything that anybody looking at wouldn't know
xeiaso *looking at the code
xeiaso There aren't a lot of specifics to it.
eyedeekay Surely you know that you yourself have given us excellent reasons to believe you know things someone merely reading the code could only speculate on, your pastebins alone indicate as much
eyedeekay You have mods that add new ways to interact with the code, some of which break the rules we use for our own codebase
eyedeekay Unless I'm more impressed than I should be, you have code for the things your proposing.
xeiaso No mods, just my own codebase. I've never modified the i2p codebase.
eyedeekay Well somebody has, unless your pastebin was just pseudo-code
xeiaso It was real code, it just uses a different library. I2P is a protocol after all.
xeiaso I don't have a proof of concept for the netDB cross context problems yet.
xeiaso But here's the thing: a bug is still a bug even if nobody is actively exploiting it.
eyedeekay Who's library?
eyedeekay And of course a bug is a bug. But without code to exploit it I have little way to test a) if it's a serious issue b) to test if any given fix works 3) deploy a fix before somebody takes a POC and weaponizes it
eyedeekay Time matters
orignal like alcohol and more
dr|z3d where's your codebase hosted, xeiaso?
xeiaso not published
dr|z3d so, let's get this straight. you "want bugs fixed" but you're not prepared to share potential exploits in private, you don't want private access to development code, and you're not sharing your codebase, publicly or privately, so that your proof of concepts and the like can be reviewed?
dr|z3d and you don't think your beahvior's hostile.
xeiaso lazy? sure. hostile? no
dr|z3d on the other hand, you're quite happy to publish potential exploits without advanced notice and expect developers to dance to your tune.
xeiaso this is the advanced notice
Hikari xeiaso: don't you have a github account though?
Hikari surely you can post something on github lol
xeiaso Just because I have a github account doesn't mean I put everything up there.
xeiaso brb uploading my all my t4 slips there
dr|z3d Hikari: you're not referring to perchance?
dr|z3d that would appear to be Xeiaso's github presence.
dr|z3d Perhaps xeiaso can confirm or deny.
xeiaso Why the snooping? My github has nothing to do with this.
dr|z3d Oh, so that is your site?
xeiaso Oh man I wish I sold github for a bazillion dollars to microsoft
Hikari deflection :)))
dr|z3d "My github has nothing to do with this."
dr|z3d pwned, xeiaso. you're an imposter, a fake, and a liar. well done.
RN more like she doesn't own that github
Hikari surely you'd be able to at least put a DNS record up, maybe a TXT record at or something, that could be proof of identity
xeiaso Indeed it doesn't.
xeiaso_ What is this, a game of among us?
Hikari actually
xeiaso_ How do we know dr|z3d is a real doctor???
dr|z3d you've stolen someone else's nick and I think you know we know you're not legit.
dr|z3d so, yeah, hostile. maybe lazy, too. but definitely hostile.
Hikari really though xeiaso, why use my name lol
dr|z3d probably because you had some small i2p snippets in one of your repos, Hikari.
dr|z3d just enough to hint at knowledge, but not too much to give anything away...
Hikari dr|z3d: before the sussy baka saga I only used i2p in high school, never mentioned it anywhere I don't think
Hlkari Hikari ain't bad, pardner
Hikari Hlkari: then do you know what I'm referencing?
Hikari really though why my name lol
Hikari that's the part that's been really confusing to me the whole time
RN imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Though this is just reputation hijacking
Hikari at some level I'm flattered, but at another I just wanna know why because it makes no sense to impersonate someone like me unless I wronged you on accident or something
Hikari and if I did slight you somehow, I'm sorry and would like to know what I fucked up so I can avoid repeating that mistake
RN знаем кой си
xeiaso I'm not mad at all.
dr|z3d Hikari: I think he's using your name because he's burnt all credibility on his original nick.
Hikari dr|z3d: better to hear it from the horse's mouth tbh
dr|z3d Hikari: true, but I don't think honesty's his strong point.
Hikari mercy is a virtue I want to live by as an example to others
xeiaso dr|z3d: excuuuuse me, I'm very honest when I say I am a small pony
RN не заблуждаваш никого
xeiaso no, I haven't been slighted at all
Hikari would be nice to close the "sussy baka" note file with some kind of explanation
Hikari I can live without one tho
Hikari no really you've been tagged in my notes as "sussy baka" and that's the name of the incident tracking this shit lol
xeiaso I needed a nick so I choose xeiaso
Hikari though at some level I have to thank you, I would never have figured out how nice RN, idk, dr|z3d, & co. are
RN имаше нужда от ник, защото старият ти беше баннат
RN you needed a nick because your old one was banned
xeiaso sorry i don't speak bulgarian
RN riiiiiiiight
xeiaso Hikari: so it was you who registered xeiaso.i2p. I was wondering who did it.
Hikari xeiaso: 我当然会注册我自己的名字。:P
eyedeekay Of course there also remains the mystery of the codebase, I'd be interested in knowing more about that but maybe it's better for me to just work it all out myself
RN you needed a nick because your old one was banned ◀━━ ban evasion == hostile
xeiaso eyedeekay: I just wrote it from scratch
Hikari time may change but irc2p still pings you out randomly
dr|z3d it's beyond just a ban evasion, RN. this moron has done untold damage to the network with threats.
Hikari xeiaso: extra credit if you can tell me what the public IPv4 of xeiaso.i2p is
dr|z3d I never did understand how a homosexual could have an issue with inclusivity statements embracing LGBT+, not that I'm a fan of politicizing stuff for the sake of it.
RN internalized homophobia from religious radicalization
RN sadly such self repression tends to lead to forms of self harm as well as harm to others