IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d new ui feature in the latest I2P+ dev build - alternative display font toggle.. enable via /configui
dr|z3d (will enable the alternative font for console and webapps)
T3s|4_ thanks dr|z3d - it's working here in -36+
dr|z3d great, T3s|4_!
dr|z3d expect refinements to the font appearance over time as it beds in. should be pretty ok though, it was a supplied manual override file before.
T3s|4_ noted, and thanks for the effort :)
dr|z3d it may just be the start of a whole bunch more features/configs exposed in the UI. watch this space :)
xeiaso eyedeekay: How is the NetDB change testing going?
xeiaso Is it mergeable into master?
orignal looks like nobody cares about i2p
obscuratus orignal: Why do you say that?
orignal don't see any discussions anywhere
orignal that's why
obscuratus zzz was certainly more active. He's missed. Most of the remaining recent activity has involved issues that are more challenging to discuss in open channels.
dr|z3d orignal: ramble.i2p may soon pick up some of the slack.
dr|z3d i2pforum.i2p hasn't yet managed to gain much momentum. forum.i2p used to be the most active forum on the network.
dr|z3d and up until now, post-zzz.i2p disappearance, most of the discussions have been happening on reddit, albeit mostly user-facing stuff.
not_bob I'm still active!
dr|z3d yeah, orignal, not_bob cares. he gave you a lemon. did you say thankyou? :)
dr|z3d maybe a lemon and a shot of vodka next time, not_bob :)
not_bob I've got a number of lemons to hand out in the next week...
not_bob tor is blocked in my current location. But, i2p works!
dr|z3d well this is interesting, I'm seeing almost 600 banned hashes here on one router.
dr|z3d all attempting to spoof the ip address of my router.
not_bob That is strange.
dr|z3d part of an ongoing attack.
obscuratus dr|z3d: Are they also spoofing the same port as you?
not_bob Good luck.
dr|z3d Unfortunately I can't confirm that, obscuratus, as the RI gets deleted on sight.
dr|z3d Seems likely, though, given what we know.
dr|z3d If you're going to spoof an ip, you're also probably going to spoof the port as well, given both are non-functioning and only serve to mess with the network.
uop23ip dr|z3d, Is the spoofing "told us we have an invalid port" in the logs?
dr|z3d uop23ip: no
dr|z3d uop23ip: you'll see router that attempt to spoof your ip address in the I2P+ banlist, tagged as "Spoofed IP address (ours)"
dr|z3d a router reporting that you have an invalid port indicates that it can't connect to your i2p external port for whatever reason.
Irc2PGuest60293 real hacker cows go m0000
StormyCloud Im just the Chick-Fil-A cow nothing special to see here
StormyCloud I spend my days hanging on billboards
Irc2PGuest60293 how did albat get into StormyCloud
RN ugh! Chik-Fil-A is boycotted
RN Moof
StormyCloud Where does everyone want to do I2PCon at?
not_bob_afk The states?
dr|z3d The comfort of my own seat :)
StormyCloud dr computers arnt allowed to attend conferences
not_bob_afk Is there going to be another one?
StormyCloud Saddie is trying to organization one but location is TBD
not_bob_afk That sounds fun.
dr|z3d if only so orignal and Sadie can hook up. I know orignal's eager. *chuckle*
not_bob_afk Though, for privacy reasons I am not likely to attend, unless I go and not say who I am :)
not_bob_afk orignal and I need to do some drinking together :)
StormyCloud Yeah you would obviously be not bob :P
not_bob_afk Have you ever read anything by Chuck Tingle?
not_bob_afk I met him once. Possibly.
not_bob_afk There were ten peole at his booth all with the nametag "Chuck Tingle".
not_bob_afk One of them might have been him.
StormyCloud We could all just wear non_bob nametags
not_bob_afk And they would all be accurate, unless one of the people is named Bob.
not_bob_afk I've done some digging, and apparnetly I'm not the only not_bob in i2p history :(
StormyCloud but you could be the only not_bob_afk?
not_bob_afk StormyCloud: Only when I'm away from my keyboard, like now.
not_bob I can't seem to change my nick back? Silly.
dr|z3d Blinded message
not_bob I got it.
StormyCloud NickServ can be rude sometimes
not_bob I think it was a lag issue.