IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Yahoho I will paste the features I have enabled or modified and ask for your help to see if they are secure, private, and reasonable. Mistakes here could lead to someone being caught or compromised, which is something I do not want to see.
Yahoho ## Daemon mode. Router will go to background after start. Ignored on Windows
Yahoho daemon = true
Yahoho ## Enable communication through ipv4
Yahoho ipv4 = true
Yahoho ## Enable communication through ipv6
Yahoho ipv6 = true
Yahoho ## value to your possibilities
Yahoho bandwidth = X
Yahoho ## Max % of bandwidth limit for transit. 0-100. 100 by default
Yahoho share = 100
Yahoho ## Note: that mode uses much more network connections and CPU!
Yahoho floodfill = true
Yahoho [ntcp2]
Yahoho proxy = socks =
Yahoho ## Enable NTCP2 transport (default = true)
Yahoho # enabled = true
Yahoho ## Publish address in RouterInfo (default = true)
Yahoho # published = true
Yahoho ## Port for incoming connections (default is global port option value)
Yahoho # port = 4567
Yahoho [ssu2]
Yahoho ## Enable SSU2 transport
Yahoho enabled = false
Yahoho ## Publish address in RouterInfo
Yahoho published = false
Yahoho ## Port for incoming connections (default is global port option value or port + 1 if SSU is enabled)
Yahoho # port = 4567
Yahoho [http]
Yahoho ## Web Console settings
Yahoho ## Uncomment and set to 'false' to disable Web Console
Yahoho # enabled = true
Yahoho ## Address and port service will listen on
Yahoho address =
Yahoho port = 7070
Yahoho ## Path to web console, default "/"
Yahoho # webroot = /
Yahoho ## Uncomment following lines to enable Web Console authentication
Yahoho ## You should not use Web Console via public networks without additional encryption.
Yahoho ## HTTP authentication is not encryption layer!
Yahoho auth = true
Yahoho user = bbc283@
Yahoho pass = BbC232!
Yahoho ## Select webconsole language
Yahoho ## Currently supported english (default), afrikaans, armenian, chinese, czech, french,
Yahoho ## german, italian, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian
Yahoho ## and uzbek languages
Yahoho # lang = english
Yahoho [socksproxy]
Yahoho ## Uncomment and set to 'false' to disable SOCKS Proxy
Yahoho # enabled = true
Yahoho ## Address and port service will listen on
Yahoho address =
Yahoho port = 4447
Yahoho ## Optional keys file for proxy local destination
Yahoho # keys = socks-proxy-keys.dat
Yahoho ## Socks outproxy. Example below is set to use Tor for all connections except i2p
Yahoho ## Uncomment and set to 'true' to enable using of SOCKS outproxy
Yahoho # outproxy.enabled = false
dr|z3d please don't spam the channel like that. use a pastebin service, cake.i2p for example.
Yahoho ## Address and port of outproxy
Yahoho outproxy =
Yahoho outproxyport = 9050
Yahoho ## socksproxy section also accepts I2CP parameters, like "inbound.length" etc.
Yahoho [sam]
orignal dr|z3d lol
orignal is he trolling you? ))
orignal <Yahoho> dr|z3d ?
orignal on Ilita
orignal new attack?
dr|z3d looks like it.
orignal flood of transit tunnels
orignal more than 20K on my FF
dr|z3d tunnel spam.
dr|z3d not very effective on i2p+
orignal and 20-40 Mbs transit traffic
orignal empty transit tunnels cinsume nothing in i2pd
orignal but bandwidth come to physical limitation of the port
dr|z3d no, but handling them clogs the network.
orignal handling? single x25519 per tunnel?
dr|z3d all these spam tunnels are the reason why build success bombs.
orignal what do they spam?
dr|z3d shit tunnels.
orignal one packet per tunnel request
dr|z3d "let's see if we can saturate the network capacity by requesting a huge amount of tunnels"
orignal it made sense in January but not now
dr|z3d did you ever get around to limiting requests per router?
orignal yes I did
dr|z3d oh, great.
dr|z3d after a certain limit, tunnels are refused here. if the router keeps requesting, it's banned.
dr|z3d I see the occasional dips in build success here, mid 20s to 30s, and then it's right back up around ~80% or more pretty quickly.
dr|z3d I also adjust the max amount of permitted tunnels based on the advertised b/w of the requesting router. if you're slower, you get less allowance.
Yahoho I don't understand what is wrong
Yahoho Can I send you the server and you can install it?
Yahoho I just purchased a Canadian VPS and you came to try to restore me to a brand new system
orignal have you ever thoughr about euthanasia?
Yahoho ···
Yahoho Why should I die? We're just doing some experiments.
Yahoho I can't start i2p+ installation in debian11.
orignal because you are useless
Yahoho ~So~To be respected by others, one must respect others first. This is the most fundamental concept
orignal nobody is going to do your work for you
orignal strange that you don't understand
Yahoho Tell me loudly, how many people can you represent?
Yahoho There are 38 gentlemen here, which of them can you represent? As a Russian, tell me whom do you represent? What are you trying to say?
orignal I don't see anybody willing to help you
orignal that's the answer
dr|z3d be nice, orignal.
dr|z3d orignal's having a bad hair day, Yahoho :)
orignal dr|z3d you know this dude kept looking for it at Ilita while talking to you here
orignal <Yahoho> dr|z3d ?
orignal <Yahoho> Как получить доступ к IRC2P ?
dr|z3d maybe he thinks I'm ubiquitous :)
orignal what's that?
orignal no, he is moron
Yahoho Do not trust your eyes, do not project your own views onto others. As a Russian, go look at the sky, don't be so dark and sinister. The establishment of human civilization requires mutual help. You can choose not to help, but you cannot stop others or represent their views. Finally, as a Russian, go look at the sky where there are white clouds, blue skies, or even starry heavens.
Yahoho 有中国人吗?
RN 过去有一个频道#cn,但现在似乎没了。有来自中国的用户,但也许他们远离他们的键盘。
RN 我正在使用自动翻译。对不起,我不会说中文。
dr|z3d you can try an in-console update now, Yahoho. new dev build available with some cosmetic fixes for the console chinese dark theme override. ctrl+shift+r in your browser after the new version's running to see the changes.
dr|z3d browse to /configupdate then hit the check for updates button and a new version notification should appear in the sidebar.