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T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - only 4 mins behind you in snagging 02:46. 10+ had a relatively short life - any significant changes?
RN he is gonna say look at the commit log
dr|z3d hello T3s|4
RN ;)
dr|z3d and what RN said :)
dr|z3d javascript cleanups, theme improvements.
T3s|4 lols and aloha RN :)
RN console javascript?
RN aloha to you too T3s|4
dr|z3d and in the just uploaded latest build, tor exit blocklist updated.
dr|z3d (which you don't have)
RN hmmmm
dr|z3d let me know if there's anything that's not working as expected, T3s|4, the snark javascript has got optimized some.
T3s|4 yep @ 3:01
dr|z3d mostly snark, RN, the console javascript optimizations a few builds ago.
dr|z3d the sidebar refresh should be lighter on the cpu now, maybe it fixes shiver's complaint.
RN ok, but still nuggets to help toaster mitigation
dr|z3d mitigations have been in place for a while now. check your banned peer count in the sidebar for evidence.
dr|z3d should be fairly abnormal if you get a cannot connect error from the proxy for a site that's up.
RN recently I'm mostly looking at if a service of mine drops and doesn't reconnect
dr|z3d failure to build tunnels you mean?
RN my access to the machine that shows the metric I want to see is not always 100% aside from I2P connection
RN re-build
dr|z3d not sure what you're trying to tell me, RN :)
dr|z3d can you rephrase?
RN I'm more likely to notice the failure to rebuild a tunnel before what's running on it notices than the sidebar metric
RN s/rebuild a/rebuild an estabilished/
dr|z3d i2p or i2p+?
RN both
dr|z3d eepsite?
RN Canon doesn't show the metric that suggests network issues yet does it?
RN eepsite, ssh, etc
dr|z3d you mean build success or something else?
RN yeah build success
dr|z3d don't hold your breath for that in canon, unlikely.
RN I didn't notice if cannon added the ability to display that easily'
dr|z3d canon, or cannon?
dr|z3d cannon has a link to the graph on the build success label..
dr|z3d my avg for the last 24 hours on the router I'm looking at is ~70%
RN you know I'm gonna get the number of ns right
RN I gifted y'all with those nicknames when you so happily claimed Cannon
dr|z3d zzz tagged me. :)
RN yeah, but you accepted
RN so your is The Cannon
dr|z3d an amusing nomenclature fo' sure.
RN well, blame comic books
RN Canonical
RN was trying to find an easy way to wade through users confusions
T3s|4 dr|z3d: not sure if this is a postman or snark issue, but if I copy a red magnet link for a specific torrent from a postman page, then try to add it in snark, 90+% of the time, I get 'Please try form resubmission (bad nonce). However, if I open that same torrent in a new tab with all its details, and copy the magnet link, snark accepts it without issue
dr|z3d not a postman issue.
dr|z3d possibly a new snark session issue. if you hard refresh before you try after a restart, all should be well.
T3s|4 k - thanks
dr|z3d or just retry if it fails the first time. but a hard refresh should fix.
T3s|4 nope - retrying has not helped
dr|z3d ok, hard refresh then perhaps.
dr|z3d should fix, I guess you've got an old nonce from the previous session, when snark is expecting the new nonce.
RN hmmm.. I've been seing bad noce messages too
RN but on the router console
dr|z3d normally happens after a restart.
RN yeah, not restart for me... but I do have two different console I am accessing
RN but they are on different ports
dr|z3d different ports makes no difference.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks - a hard refresh works
RN so I would presume the cookes for them are separate
dr|z3d are you accessing them both from 127?
RN oh?
RN yes dr, both mapped to localhost
dr|z3d great, T3s|4
RN should I put one on a 127. and one on a 10. ?
dr|z3d that's your problem, then, RN. just use localhost for one, 127 for the other.
dr|z3d you could also use site isolation in firefox.
RN are you sure localhost and 127 would be treated different
dr|z3d 100% certain.
RN I don't actually use localhost in the browser... I guess I need to try that
RN but in that same vein, if I wanted three... then 10. would be a canditate
dr|z3d you could also just add router/system names to your hosts file, map them both to and then foo bar
dr|z3d sure, as long as the hostname is different, then no cookie conflicts.
RN yeah, I think I'm gonna try hosts... since it is different localhost depending on how I do things
dr|z3d cookies insofar as java/i2p is concerned pay zero attention to ports.
RN is that because browser, or because feature that's not been tried?
dr|z3d if you're mapping a remote router via ssh, then localhost is fine for
dr|z3d it's mostly because cookie spec.
RN gotcha
RN thanks
RN worked
RN but you knew that
RN ;)
dr|z3d that's what certainty is :)
T3s|4 lols ^at least when anyone is on the correct side of certainty; but all manner of folks throughout history have been on the wrong/incorrect side of certainty, often leading to disastrous outcomes ;D
dr|z3d snark feels faster here when switching pages, T3s|4, what about for you?
dr|z3d I don't know if the browser cares about the order of css rules, but they've been tidied up some. javascript is lighter is some places.
dr|z3d light console theme has had some work done if anyone's using that. the sidebar display issues should be gone now.
dr|z3d latest build just uploaded.
T3s|4 sorry dr|z3d - needed a reboot. Did you mean faster when switching between tabs on the torrent filter bar?
dr|z3d just faster page browsing, switching filters probably about the same.
T3s|4 well, it's snappy on my end :)
dr|z3d music to my ears :)
RN no torrents going... sorry I can't join the testing party
RN well then...
RN pffft
RN I'd think you'd want a bug hunter with my history on it
RN j/k
T3s|4 dr|z3d: indeed, that gaythings link brought a smile to my face :)
RN so much drama about noise sginifiying nothing
T3s|4 dr|z3d: if you ever run into anyone who claims it is not possible to run i2p+ on Win and also run Irc2P concurrently via CygWin, I know the correct path ;p
dr|z3d T3s|4: blog post!
T3s|4 dr|z3d: if only this weechat Boy had some spare minutes; if you run across such a corner case, send them my way ;p
dr|z3d reminds me of echelon being too busy for the last 10 years to translate (some of) the i2p website.
dr|z3d btw, for anyone running I2P+ with reverse lookups enabled, adding the following line to /configlogging will now show you the resolved hostname or ip address on RI write to disk: net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.PersistentDataStore=INFO
dr|z3d (writes every 5m)
dr|z3d lookups on write should reduce the amount of lookups performed when viewing pages with flags or explicitly displayed host(name)s
dr|z3d good caching policy on your dns server/resolver recommended.
shiver dr|z3d, tested your changes but cpu usage is still at half a core after maybe 30min.
shiver but i stopped using the console at that pc anyway, i ssh to it now.
dr|z3d shiver: hmm, ok. if you keep the tab visible but hidden, then the browser doesn't communicate that it's hidden. if you switch to a non-console tab, maybe it'll perform better.
dr|z3d ie if the browser window is covered by something else but the console is still in the active tab, then it won't stop the js refresh.
dr|z3d that said, the sidebar refresh has been optimized, so I'm surprised it's still hitting your cpu so hard.
shiver didn't have time to look what it really is.
dr|z3d ok, no worries. if you're accessing it from a different pc, maybe the issue has self-resolved anyways.
RN hmmmmm.... I seem to have an opposite thing going on here
RN cpu is around 7% but router is dropping tunnels due to "high cpu load"
RN now it is normal
dr|z3d that should be very temporary, RN?
RN seems a little jumpy
RN I'll let it run a while more and keep an eye on it
dr|z3d if it senses a spike + prolonged high usage for a minute, then it'll throttle. shouldn't happen often, may happen briefly at startup.