IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d where's that blog post, NULL? :)
RN try what? why are you highliting me tatertots?
dr|z3d any progress, tatertots?
dr|z3d right now, RN..
dr|z3d right now.. aka rn.
tatertots Downloading rn
RN yes, I will harass those to lazy to type that highlite me.
RN no, you are not downloading me.
tatertots wdym highlight
RN you keep typing my name.
RN it makes my computer beep
dr|z3d that's the latest development build, recommend you start with that.
dr|z3d (it has some bug fixes over 2.0.0 and a bunch of anti-ddos patches)
dr|z3d no, I mean I thought you were going to run your own blog..
NULL Ooooh, I was having trouble getting the blog plugin to work on the server at the time, then got busy with the mirror project and helping Opicaak test things and completely forgot about that.
NULL Need to mess around with that again soon when I have more free time
NULL Was meaning to ask idk about the plugin, but haven't caught him active on here recently
dr|z3d if you're on linux on the vps, should be plain sailing.
NULL Yeah, that is what I thought, forgot the issue I was running into now
dr|z3d the issue was MacOS iirc.
NULL That was right, and I remember having it going on the server, then switching to a new server and forgot to set it up on the new one. Let me install it right now
dr|z3d tatertots: the first difference that will hit you with i2p+ vs i2p is the user interface.
NULL Soooo much better user experience
dr|z3d I2P+ also preselects routers for your local traffic that are faster and often lower latency that those that would be selected on i2p. so things should feel faster.
dr|z3d there are plenty of under the hood performance changes.. if you have the bandwidth, I2P+ will push up to 1Gb/s with a suitably configured router. I2P maxes out at 128Mb/s
dr|z3d more mitigations against the latest attacks is another feature.
dr|z3d esp. if you're running that dev build.
dr|z3d you should barely notice the ongoing attacks, except for the number of banned peers indicated in the sidebar.
dr|z3d ping me when you've got it up and running, tatertots
tatertots will do
dr|z3d you'll want to enable updates, possibly enable advanced mode, and various other things.
NULL dr|z3d, where was it again that I would find the public address for the railroad blog?
dr|z3d idk.i2p/railroad ?
NULL That is where I went first and the only mention if the address I am seeing is the picture of it in a drop down menu which I don't have running the i2p plugin. Tried looking through the admin area and didn't see it there either
NULL Sorry I meant the one the plugin would give my blog
RN scroll down on that page
NULL I am either just really tired and over looking it or blind, as I don't see any mention of where you would go to find that address except the picture shown with the drop down menu
NULL I am not sure plugin won't even save any changes in the admin panel currently so might have to uninstall and reinstall it later
dr|z3d you configure it first with an admin pass iirc. idk's page has notes.
NULL Yeah, I had did that. The plugin seemed glitchy so I am currently reinstalling it to see if that helps
RN NULL, you probably need the plugin running to get the b32 (or b64) I2P destination
NULL I am thinking the first time I installed I screwed up by accidentally refreshing the page and the plugin started to download again so hopefully this install goes smoothly
tisratil7 would i2p work perfectly on one plus 7 android?
dr|z3d tisratil7: depends what you mean by a) i2p and b) perfectly.
dr|z3d should work, either android version of i2p/i2pd or, with termux, java i2p/i2p+
traveler > NULL, you probably need the plugin running to get the b32 (or b64) I2P destination
traveler didn't know b64 was a thing? lol
traveler I must be out of the loop.
traveler does it have to do with the new mitigations/attacks or no?
RN traveler, a b64 address is the long version of a b32
RN being shorter, b32 has become the thing to use
traveler ah, gotcha
RN but the base 64 adddress is what the router uses and works interchangably in many places
traveler I've never actually seen one in use
traveler like, 'here go [...].b32.b64'
traveler I mean
RN would give you mine if I had it handy to cut paste, but I registered a name for my eepsite so usually don't bother with the b32 or b64
traveler [...].b64.i2p
traveler im tired lol
traveler gotcha
RN [...].b32.i2p vs [...........].i2p
RN you don't have to put a b64 anywhgere
RN like a regitered [ALPHA].i2p
RN s/ALPHA/foo/
RN anyway... gotta afk... ttyl traveler. Safe travels to you.
traveler you too :)