IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
opal hiya
opal #salt is dead long live #salt lol
opal oh i meant the other channel is proper dead
opal were you ever around during URC
opal ah good you dodged a bullet :> lol it was like anonymous irc
opal anyone could peer, people used that when nntpchan was active
dr|z3d never noticed that one.
opal yeah the code and design was kinda bad
opal speaking of, had my friend over last week, now shes gone, gonna be a busy week now with work and my own code
dr|z3d code?
opal yeah my most recent thing (and almost done, i just need to add a status output and better error handling) is a replacement for cron(8)
opal modeled after daemontools where every cronjob has its own service directory and executable
dr|z3d sounds like you got your hands full. getting that into any distros?
opal and everything is done with TAI timestamps internally so theres no need to worry about daylight savings or anything fancy
opal i think first im gonna post it on djb/skarnet MLs, and my blog, and see who is interested
opal if anyone picks it up itll be those folks
dr|z3d good luck, hopefully it'll land in debian and friends soon :)
opal and i'll have a gentoo overlay for it
opal i dont have faith for debian but good luck haha
opal ive long since hated their releng process
opal i daily drive gentoo and alpine systems
dr|z3d what about i2p? what are you daily driving there?
opal my site's accessible via opal.i2p and im using i2pd for all my connections i make on the network
opal i2pd is real nice now
opal stable finally lol
dr|z3d expect speedbumps, it's been on a fast-track anti-asshat push for a while now, thanks to the network attacks.
opal yeah ive been keeping up
opal it sucks but its life i guess
opal further proves we need networks like this to be resilient
dr|z3d network gets hardened, could be worse.
opal yup, testing in prod :D
dr|z3d from where I'm looking the attack's still live.
opal i just looked at my postfix logs, was setting up postscreen since i thought i had it enabled but didnt, but still plenty of attacks in the clear too
opal theyre just trying to bruteforce... with one password lol
dr|z3d just shy of 5K banned floodfills on a floodfill router says attack's still got wings. not that it's very effective right now.
opal 5k jesus
opal either they got machines or VMs
dr|z3d that's nothing.
dr|z3d we've seen 90K banned before.
opal im just impressed at the persistence of these attackers sometimes
opal heh Opax sorry to ping but i guess we're one letter off each other :p
Opax Thanks.
Opax opal: I thought that you were not using IRC anymore.
opal im on here, efnet, and a small net
opal i got tired of most of irc yeah
opal rejoined only to keep up with some peeps and thats it
Opax I think that I randomly generated this nick.
opal got lucky then
opal re getting my hands full, yeah i just have a lot of things i want to do, and ive been hoping this year i can knock out a lot of stuff
opal release it, let others submit patches as necessary, let it run itself more
dr|z3d any java coding experience, opal?
opal no but i kinda wanted to get into it for android app development
dr|z3d or javascript, for that matter?
opal although, android is getting worse and worse now, so buggy
opal i dont know anything past basic javascript lol, never kept up with the frameworks everyone uses now
dr|z3d bah, frameworks.
opal yep
dr|z3d vanilla javascript is fine.
dr|z3d at least for my purposes.
opal i avoid it whenever possible but yeah i can get things done in it when i need to
opal mostly userscripts
dr|z3d well, if you want to cut your teeth on java, i2p+ source code awaits :)
opal im trying to design and implement my own language, but for now ive used C for most of my projects
opal id rather deal with c++ and boost lmao
opal and thats almost as bad
dr|z3d whatever suits :)
opal i like seeing the compiler whir away
dr|z3d ant will give you the same satisfaction.
opal is java as easy to host on embedded/networking devices? ive run i2pd on my router before and it did ok
dr|z3d depends on the spec. pi4, fine.
opal i feel like java would be a bit big for the flash memory
opal my current router is an ubiquiti er-x
opal and i have pis lying around... 1st gen though lol
dr|z3d storage should be extensible on that.
dr|z3d the ubiq.
dr|z3d esp. if it's running openwrt.
dr|z3d no point limiting a router to some silly small storage limits when you can attach a usb thumb drive and have all the space you need.
opal oh, no usb on there
opal to be fair, even with extra storage, cpu and memory would likely be the next bottlenecks
dr|z3d sure, for java. wouldn't bother.
dr|z3d not on anything less than a pi4 type spec, anyways.
opal mhm
dr|z3d i2pd excels on cpu/mem constrained systems.
dr|z3d on the desktop, though..
dr|z3d you might want to take i2p+ for a spin.
opal and im correct its separate from original i2p router? like a fork
opal i'll definitely check it out to see what's been done with it
dr|z3d it's a soft fork, yes.
opal awesome
dr|z3d I'm largely responsible :)
opal how was the codebase when you picked it up
opal i know tor's C codebase is awful
opal actually glad they're rewriting it in rust, and i need to try that still
opal i dont think i use onions anymore, so if that's still missing from it, i dont care much
opal oh right, not only their C, but also their python stuff like onionbalance and chutney (their testing suite)
opal it was so awful to try working on that
opal they never pretended it's good though, so that's fair
dr|z3d it's a sprawling codebase, but you get used to it.
opal ah one of those
dr|z3d not something you pick up in a weekend, let's put it that way.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - the revision # and date did change with the 26 Feb 23:31 update - thanks :)
dr|z3d great, T3s|4!
dr|z3d that build makes a bit more effort to acquire leasesets, to offset the shitty floodfills.
dr|z3d the multihomes aren't in sync wrt updates, so you may seen a notification for one a couple of minutes newer than the one you just deployed.
T3s|4 np dr|z3d - whatever it takes to isolate this/these bastard(s)
T3s|4 and yep - 1 minute later; at ignoring :D
opal prevents some forms of user enumeration on a server. its usefulness is arguable but its nice to have an option for hardening against that
dr|z3d hopefully it gets merged. likely it will.
opal oh it wont and this is a conscious decision by the openbsd devs
opal the thread mentions that
dr|z3d oh well.
opal there *are* tradeoffs to this approach and it does add slight complexity
opal so yeah i get it
shiver hei, can report things are back to normal.
dr|z3d shiver: excellent!
dr|z3d Opax: /msg register nickserv password if you want perma-voice.
dr|z3d * /msg nickserv register password
T3s|4 shiver: glad to learn things are running well; you might want to d/l the latest build at 17:05 :D
dr|z3d not much new there, T3s|4, just some fixes for the light theme sidebar.
dr|z3d that said, I guess it really depends what revision shiver's running, maybe he gets some additional benefits.