IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Irc2PGuest7078 computer says: 400
Irc2PGuest7078 dr|z3d, you made me make a bad request?
Irc2PGuest7078 yes, the error page at tha link you just postered
Irc2PGuest7078 400 bad request
Irc2PGuest7078 varnish cache server
Irc2PGuest7078 did I break it?
dr|z3d quite probably
dr|z3d works for me.
Irc2PGuest7078 all I did was click an unsolicited link. We all know that is what you are supposed to do.
dr|z3d something up with your setup then.
Irc2PGuest7078 browser might have been asking for https
Irc2PGuest7078 but I copied yer link
Irc2PGuest7078 they do have a nice looking error page tho
dr|z3d I don't know how you managed to get there, but hmm.
dr|z3d retry?
dr|z3d maybe temp glitch.
dr|z3d tldr: the kremlim are now apparently all over telegram, including encrypted chat.
Irc2PGuest7078 over as in making it illegal/unavailable to the people?
dr|z3d no, as in intercepting everything.
dr|z3d maybe with assistance from the telegram developers.
albat hi people :)
RN albat!
albat hey RN :3
albat how are you?
RN doing ok... and you?
RN albat check your router update
albat new version is up?
RN not sure what you have, but possibly... lots of network issues, the newest ones work best
RN echelon has dev versions if you are on java I2P
RN or if on + dr has dev versions
albat it's ok, i only use i2p for irc
T3s|4_ o/ dr|z3d - I have grabbed several in-console updates and restarted over the past 2 days. I also within the past minutes pulled the latest from skank. However, under Router Info it seems I have been stuck at: 0ba28831 (Build date: 2023-02-24 17:50:48 UTC) for the past 2 days. Any insights?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: and my other laptop is also showing the ^same (0ba28831 (Build date: 2023-02-24 17:50:48 UTC) despite re-staring into the 26 Feb 01:52 update...
T3s|4 *re-starting
dr|z3d T3s|4: check logs.
dr|z3d joefoe_: register your nick for +v
dr|z3d > /msg nickserv register password
dr|z3d see also /msg nickserv help group
shiver moin, dr|z3d looks like i got some issues. my ff role is "Active (unpublished)". i also got almost no active peers and transit tunnels.
dr|z3d hey shiver, that's unfortunate.
dr|z3d the stealth role for your firewall is expected, I'm about to push an update that reverts that to normal behavior.
shiver the peers and tunnels dropped over a week or so
shiver only my ipv6 i firewalled
dr|z3d ok, could be something to do with the router thinking it's a floodfill, but the network not having the same view because it's hidden.
shiver was looking if i'm in hidden mode or something
shiver but no
dr|z3d no, it's a config tweak I made probably a week or so ago to hide floodfill participation by default while I figured out the best way to publish stats.
dr|z3d it's one of those old, crufty config settings buried deep in the source that, tbh, shouldn't be there, doesn't really serve any useful purpose.
dr|z3d except it allows me to effectively turn off floodfill status while I'm working through an issue :)
dr|z3d give me a few minutes, I'll build an update.
shiver take your time, still don't understand why even without ff my peers/tunnels are so low.
dr|z3d it may be because when you're a ff, you don't explore the netdb.
RN should really use fake@mail.i2p instead of just a fake email.
shiver i should enable logging for changes like ff status etc.
dr|z3d you can do, if it's automatic. but you don't need to.
dr|z3d new build coming up...
dr|z3d ok, built and uploaded.
shiver maybe i should update more often when on the dev build because of things like this :D
dr|z3d in normal times, changes like this don't happen very often, but with the network under attack, things have been a bit irregular lately.
shiver trying to connect...
dr|z3d running i2p/eephead skank.i2p can help.
dr|z3d if you get a header back, you know you have the leaseset.
dr|z3d if you don't, you know there's an issue retrieving said leaseset.
dr|z3d which, in the current climate, could indicate shitty ffs handling the lookup.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: from my logs, and I've seen multiple instances:
T3s|4 File location: /home/user/.i2p/wrapper.log
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:00 | | CRIT [... 1 shutdown] ...2p.router.Router: Shutting down the router...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:00 | | CRIT [... 1 shutdown] ...2p.router.Router: Initiating hard shutdown...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:01 | | ERROR[... 1 shutdown] ...2p.router.Router: Error shutting down the tunnel dispatcher
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:01 | java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelGateway$Receiver.getSendTo()" because "receiver" is null
dr|z3d standard behavior.
dr|z3d not that, what about the update indicator..
dr|z3d d8cff726 is current now.
shiver i'm doing eepget
dr|z3d eepget is ok as a last resort, but it won't update the console info to the latest version, so when a new version is indicated, it may well be the version you're downloading :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: the last thing I can see in my logs matching 'update' is":4
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | Launching a JVM...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | Starting I2P+ 2.1.0-9+...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | INFO: Update file exists: /home/user/.i2p/ - installing...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | INFO: 548 files extracted to /home/user/i2p
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | INFO: Update installed successfully!
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:03 | INFO: Restarting after update...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:05 | on_exit trigger matched. Restarting the JVM. (Exit code: 4)
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:20 | JVM process is gone.
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:20 | Launching a JVM...
dr|z3d then you should be good, T3s|4
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:21 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
T3s|4 2023/02/20 04:09:21 | Starting I2P+ 2.1.0-9+...
dr|z3d occasionally I may build an update with new stuff that hasn't made it to git, so the rev will stay the same.
shiver eephead: No response from: skank.i2p
dr|z3d yeah, I think you're fine, T3s|4
dr|z3d shiver: keep doing that until you get a response.
T3s|4 noted dr|z3d - and, ofc, np - thanks
dr|z3d no worries
shiver will do
dr|z3d I see that here more often than I'd like, too, shiver.. shitty ffs, probably.
dr|z3d if you want to increase the chance of having the skank leaseset available, and quicker updates as a result, you can always set a 10m crontab for eephead.
dr|z3d shouldn't normally be necessary.
shiver checking for update normally works but when you need it the most it doesn't :D
dr|z3d yeah, I might have to tweak the ls requests so they consult more ffs concurrently.
T3s|4 shiver: fwiw, I just surfed to skank.i2p moments ago - and it loaded almost instantly :D
shiver the -n option of eephead doesn't work for me
shiver got the update.
Afkaid Hello
Afkaid Something interesting in that new update ?
shiver moin Afkaid
Afkaid moin ?
shiver i don't know apart from the fix i needed
shiver moin just means hello
Afkaid ok ^^
shiver or good morning
Afkaid Ok ! I understand
dr|z3d new in the latest update is a reinstatement of floodfill mode, Afkaid
dr|z3d normally anything between the green circled ticks there indicates what's new.
shiver ff role is published now, will report back about peers/tunnels
dr|z3d not always, I don't always push everything to master at the same time as I build locally, but often.
dr|z3d excellent, shiver!
shiver thank you again dr|z3d!
dr|z3d always welcome, shiver, thanks for reporting.
dr|z3d I was in the process of making the mods you needed anyways, but it never hurts to ping me if something seems off :)
shiver maybe a dumb idea to set ff to forced i guess?
dr|z3d not dumb at all. up to you.
dr|z3d I mean, assuming you have the resources to throw at it.
dr|z3d just don't be firewalled and floodfill, or floodfill with NTCP disabled :)
Afkaid I keep the ff as automatic, but I never seen it participate
dr|z3d either of those 2 configs will get your router banned by other I2P+ routers. we don't want that :)
dr|z3d depends on a bunch of things, Afkaid, number of reported ffs in the netdb, the amount of b/w you're sharing.
dr|z3d you need to be at least N tier iirc. not firewalled, either.
shiver but you said "may be because when you're a ff, you don't explore the netdb" when i said that my peers/tunnels are low
dr|z3d shiver: yeah, because your router was a "stealth" floodfill, it wasn't advertising that fact to the netdb, but it was still configured as a FF so various things wouldn't be running, like peer exploration job.
shiver would it jump out of ff if i set it to automatic?
dr|z3d not immediately.
shiver that is what i mean, because i set it to forced it didn't change to non ff and start it's normal jobs.
dr|z3d forced is fine ordinarily.
dr|z3d and it's fine now I've reverted the behavior of ff publication.
dr|z3d (or should be)
dr|z3d the more good ffs there are on the network, the less effective any attacks involving shit ffs will be.
shiver active peers go up a bit
dr|z3d yeah, will take a while for your ff status to propagate, but it'll pick up in time.