IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d sup rambler
dr|z3d not_bob_afk: wake up!
NarratorZ Good evening!8-)
dr|z3d hey hey NarratorZ
dr|z3d all good over there?
NarratorZ yeah.pretty good
dr|z3d excellent
NarratorZ Since switching to ssu2 the average bandwidth has at least tripled
NarratorZ It used to be about 60kb/s, but now it can easily reach 200kb/s+.
dr|z3d not sure they're entirely related events, been some strange behavior on the network lately.
dr|z3d NarratorZ: have a look at linuxfarm.i2p/stats.html and you'll see a huge variation in b/w
NarratorZ Dr, I have updated the translation of skank Chinese homepage. Here it is
dr|z3d very nice, NarratorZ, thanks :)
dr|z3d view-source:http://cake.i2p/file/OotKoFSU0q_EKl11HE2mEecJZL3SkMOAODUALU3h3_hh8izywur9/index-zh.html
dr|z3d line 87 in firefox. bug!
dr|z3d I can fix, don't worry.
NarratorZ According to data from, network has added nearly 10,000 nodes in the past two months🤔
NarratorZ The number of leasesets in stats.i2p matches this metric
NarratorZ Blinded message
NarratorZ Ah, I saw that. Sorry for missing a few 2.0.0 🤣
NarratorZ I should just used the replace to change all 2.0.0 to 2.1.0🙃
dr|z3d_ updated, NarratorZ, thanks. skank.i2p/index_zh.html
dr|z3d to follow.
NarratorZ I'm having some problems with a couple of friends using the i2p+ windows installer. The service would not start, but upgrading from the official Java I2P had no problem.🤔
NarratorZ Could it be that the system service of I2P+ are different from those of vanilla I2P?
dr|z3d dang, missed NarratorZ :|
rambler Hey dr|z3d, missed your ping
rambler Whats up?
dr|z3d usual shizzle dizzle, you?
rambler Same. Cooking some dinner, catching up on some work stuff
dr|z3d ramen? :)
rambler Close
rambler Ramen
rambler But with egg. I'm classying it up.
rambler Well it's this fancy ramen. This is Korean BBQ flavor. Very good. :)
dr|z3d lovely :)
dr|z3d if you're into korean noodles, see if you can get hold of some kimchee. great addition.
dr|z3d failing that, chinese pickled vegetables.
rambler Yeah, can really dress these noodles up. Even normal ramen is good with some dehydrated soup veggies added to the mix. And believe it or not, a spoonfull of peanut butter is really good mixed in too.
rambler Kind of like a pad thai peanut sauce
dr|z3d yeah, I've probably been there before :)
dr|z3d if you want to go low budget, some sliced hotdogs doesn't hurt, either.
rambler Spam is good mixed in, especially if fried first, haha.
dr|z3d ok, who's got a huge amount of torrents in snark and wants to test the new search feature. that's you, not_bob_afk!
dr|z3d new /dev/ build up with search enabled in ubergine,light,classic and dark themes.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - I've got a bunch - and snark search is working perfect - thanks!
dr|z3d excellent, T3s|4! be sure to let zzz know you're happy :)
T3s|4_ who wrote that code, you or zzz?
dr|z3d zzz's code. he hasn't got around to doing the styling yet.
T3s|4_ k - np
dr|z3d if you have an interest in seeing more features added, let him know.
dr|z3d currently not_bob's informing his decisions.
dr|z3d I may look into doing a realtime search with a form search as fallback.
dr|z3d I'd also like to see a collapsible advanced search panel, maybe, with things like date ranges, filesize etc.
albat hi dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d salutations, albat
dr|z3d all good?
albat how are you?
albat yes :) you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks.
dr|z3d running the latest I2P+ there?
albat my father is back to corsica
dr|z3d le maquis, n'est pas?
albat no, when it updated, it updated to i2p
albat yes there is maquis :)
albat anyhow, i use i2p only for irc
albat house is calm now lol
dr|z3d > /configupdate -> update policy -> notify only. then enable unsigned development updates and url: skank.i2p/dev/
dr|z3d what about torrents?
albat i don't run torrents
albat i can find all over clearnet@vpn
dr|z3d shame on you
dr|z3d you used to be the torrent king.
albat yes i know :/
albat if i run another eepsite with torrents, i'll switch to i2p+
albat right now i'm too busy over retroshare
dr|z3d is the wrong answer.
dr|z3d you're missing out. lots of greatness in the latest version.
dr|z3d not least, in the dev builds, a visual cpu load monitor / stat which keeps the router in check if it starts to use too much cpu.
dr|z3d and of course collapsible sidepanel sections. :)
albat for the 1st time, i'm ranked legend for hearthstone
albat it's the highest rank
albat i'm happy lol
dr|z3d great, I guess.
albat parabo will be jealous :p
albat any news from him?
dr|z3d not lately. he's mia.
albat mia? it's his new nickname?
dr|z3d missing in action.
albat oh ok
albat dr|z3d, do you know gigatribe?
albat it's a bit like retroshare but a lot less anon, so i use it with a vpn
albat i was also the muwire master, sad it's over with it
dr|z3d the developer's in #ls2 if you want to persuade him to continue development.
dr|z3d bound to bubble up, eventually, Xeha, echelon's IRC OP status.
dr|z3d if you read the original design imprint for the network, it specifically mentions both server and client anonymity to protect both.
dr|z3d except that doesn't apply to echelon, server spews out the ip address if you get a throttled disconnect. doesn't take a genius to work out why you might not want to expose the IP address of the server.
dr|z3d "it's my server, I don't care" doesn't inspire much confidence *sigh*
dr|z3d I remember when he used to run the false.i2p outproxy before meeh took over. http only, no https. go figure.
dr|z3d and the fact he runs the gateway also doesn't inspire confidence.
Xeha dr|z3d: yes, its a worrying situation that just gets worse and worse
Xeha not to mention all the BTC he stole, eh sorry, lost!
Xeha and zzz is too much of a pussy to want to recognize the issue and step in
dr|z3d I don't know what happened with the BTC. I don't think I heard much if anything about it being stolen.
Xeha the lost them twice, once was with the mtgox. we got no evidence they were stored there tough
Xeha *he
Xeha the second i cant remember, would have to read the old logs
T3s|4 Xeha: long been wary of echelon's lack of OpSec
Xeha i dont think he has much technical knowledge
Xeha has shown hes mostly clueless over the years
Xeha of course that create a issue with the integrity of the service. but aslong as it can be accessed anonymous, the risks are lower
Xeha but with such poor opsec and access to the money, the official java i2p websites, the source control, the irc networks, the "official" forums, a moderator status on posties tracker (he's the main moderator there), this is very worrysome
Xeha combine the poor opsec with his totalitarian rule and ignoring his own rules...
Xeha the situation ends up too detrimental fro the project. if zlatinb leaves, we lost another important one for java i2p
dr|z3d zlatinb has left the building. he's just trolling now.
Xeha who knows, cant judge if he really leaves. havent had much interactions with him
dr|z3d he made a formal declaration on zzz.i2p. consider him left.
Xeha he'll either continue his own work in java i2p, joins your i2p+ work or (mosty likely) joins the i2pd crowd.
Xeha we (the i2p network) wont lose him :)
Xeha i'll check the post in a bit
Xeha wow, that ones blowing up fast
Xeha nvm, /me was too stupid to read the date