IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parrot hey hey hey!!!
dr|z3d parrot!!!
dr|z3d flown away. again.
dr|z3d hi ijm, NarratorZ
dr|z3d haha, good mooring to you to NarratorZ
itsjustme good morning NarratorZ :)
itsjustme hey dr|z3d ::D
dr|z3d what's fresh, ijm? you good?
itsjustme I'm doing alright :) how about you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, not bad.
itsjustme good :)
itsjustme hows the i2p world been? I've been kinda disconnected
Ellenor deep in code
itsjustme oh nice :)
itsjustme I saw cake being used so thats great :)
dr|z3d I suspect cake gets used more than you imagine.
dr|z3d best javascript-free pastebin out there, and the file uploader's good too.
itsjustme I don't check. I have no idea how much its used tbh lol but its good to see :D
NarratorZ There seems to have been a time recently when a large number of routes suddenly went offline
itsjustme oh? any idea why?
dr|z3d NarratorZ: any particular locale?
dr|z3d NarratorZ: or you're referring to your known peer count after a router restart perhaps?
NarratorZ Not quite sure, according to, suddenly disappeared almost almost half of the nodes
NarratorZ Did something happen the day before yesterday?
NarratorZ Another interesting thing is that after a short spike, Iranian users have fallen back quickly and are now as rare as Chinese users
dr|z3d oh, that could be a router restart on behalf of the site operator or another similar issue. or it could be something else. no idea if anything happened.. dig deeper, see if you can identify a specific country where the routers dropped off.
dr|z3d by default, Iran users should be hidden from the netdb, at least using java i2p/i2p+
dr|z3d so maybe they all found out about I2P+ at the same time and switched over from i2pd :)
NarratorZ It is certain that the Iranian government will stop at nothing to block the Internet. But apparently they don't have GFW-like subtle mechanisms and domestic alternative software to prevent people from accessing the free internet
NarratorZ Maybe this metric's the national statistics doesn't have statistics on hidden router, as you said
NarratorZ Hmm... It does seem impossible to count hidden routes, and another page shows less than 100 hidden routes, which is obviously not possible
NarratorZ But letting these routes suck blood all the time is not a sustainable solution
dr|z3d yeah, I think their methods are a bit less refined, but they work.
NarratorZ Maybe a layered network could help, like freenet's "darknet"mode
dr|z3d I vaguely recall a mention of that site counting hidden routers. it's possible with some mods to the code.
itsjustme I need to update i2pd
NarratorZ stats.i2p should be more accurate, after all, we all have to subscribe to the address book
dr|z3d it's hard to know how accurate any one site is. all of them sample the network at various points, but they can't know the full picture, by design.
NarratorZ In any case, i2p is the dark network with the highest number of nodes! Although most of them are home networks (
NarratorZ The stats.i2p number has a full 70k and has been stable, I have a feeling there is something wrong with the I2P Metrics
dr|z3d depends how either site measures routers. remember, there's a lot of churn.
dr|z3d anyways, regarding the type of connection the routers are on, you don't need to worry too much about that, not least with I2P+ .. only the faster routers will be used for your tunnels.
dr|z3d when you start I2P+, you can see what routers are considered useful by checking /netdb/ .. slower routers don't get saved to disk, so you'll only see the more interesting routers in the netdb at startup.
dr|z3d you can also get a good idea of what I2P+ considers useful by checking /profiles
dr|z3d again, only "interesting" peers that you may use for your local tunnels are profiled there.