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orignal passed
Guest7544 I haven't checked yet, but does i2pd allow the creation of new tunnels via webconsole?
orignal you must wite config manually
Guest7544 How would one do that, if root acc was disabled?
orignal you don't need root to tun i2pd
Guest7544 Of course not, but the regular user doesn't have access to this i2pd user. And I don't think it's a good idea to add regular user to i2pd's group.
orignal sudo -u i2pd /bib/bash
orignal /bin/bash
orignal if you have sudo you can run under any user
Guest7544 This is not the issue
orignal also if you just run i2pd without params it uses ~/.i2pd as home folder
orignal like I run it everywhere
orignal I don't use packages
Guest7544 So, you think regular user should have access to i2pd?
orignal up to you
orignal as I said I always run it from regular user
orignal and that's how it was designed originally
Guest7544 Doesn't i2pd have a control port?
Guest7544 It does right?
Guest7544 Can I create new tunnels via that?
orignal I don't think so
orignal i2pd never writes config files
orignal only reads
Guest7544 It doesn't need to write it into config file, just keep it in ram.
Guest7544 Temporarily create new tuunels.
orignal no, there is no such thing
orignal if you need a temporary tunnel use SAM
orignal or BOB, or I2CP
orignal they are designed to create tunnels dynamically
Guest7544 Can I use those with IRC, just create new tunnel for each server? I think I'll just end up using socks for every IRC server.
orignal no you can't
orignal your app must provide SAM communicatiosn
orignal yes, socks proxy is good option
Guest7544 But if I use socks, then I will use the same connection to all IRC servers. That's disappointing but I don't see any other way right now.
orignal same address you mean
orignal you can run as many socks proxies as you wish
Guest7544 Hold on... I'm conffused a bit right now, if I create a socks proxy, set up HexChat to use that proxy, will I then have different tunnel for each IRC server I connect to?
orignal no, one
orignal but you can run two socks proxies on two different ports
orignal and they will have different addreses
Guest7544 I can't setup hexchat to use two proxies.
Guest7544 Well, I guess it's ok to use a single socks proxy for all IRC servers.
Guest7544 So, SAM can be turned off right? It's not really used.
Guest7544 Alright, thank you.
user Blinded message
user Is anyone running an i2p monero node? Again, for testing purposes.
R4SAS trusishka
R4SAS on xmpp side of this chat
user Nice, thank you.
user Can anyone say something in the next 15s?
user Alright, thank you.
apophis user is abuser
apophis how about this, Elon ?
user Again in 10s, please.
user_ test