IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mesh I gotta say, version 1.18 of i2p(+) is significantly slower and less stable than 1.17
dr|z3d in what respect, mesh?
mesh my router just locked up again for the 2nd time in a week. Completely unresponsive. It didn't even respond to ctrl-c. Had to kill-9 it.
dr|z3d ctrl+c?
dr|z3d are you running it with the wrapper?
mesh Then I've noticed that the time to start a new router and the time to connect to a router has significantly increased. As somebody who does these these things ~100 times a day, it kinda sucks, even if it's just a an extra ~5 seconds
mesh dr|z3d: I run i2p straight from the command line. java ... i2p.Router
dr|z3d why don't you use the wrapper/service?
mesh I tend to run i2p in places where it may not necessarily be welcome. so I have a portable usb drive
dr|z3d well, running it that way isn't recommended, not least because java will use as much memory as it feels like.
dr|z3d maybe you're running it on memory constrained systems?
mesh Just the opposite. Running on developer workstations. Plenty of memory. I2P rarely takes more than a gig.
dr|z3d windows, or linux?
mesh windows10
mesh 2022/08/03 20:52:33.911 | CRIT [... Reader 286] ...nt.ClientManager: Client attempted to register duplicate destination: dhsstsr7zvy6zous4kb5hrmyfm57advufndn2fwphazj3n63qa5a.b32.i2p
mesh 2022/08/03 20:56:58.189 | CRIT [...eTimer2 5/6] ...DeadlockDetector: Deadlock detected, please report
mesh Thread 0:"Timestamper" daemon prio=1 Id=15 BLOCKED on net.i2p.router.RouterClock@6a14be94 owned by "UDPPktHandler 10/12" Id=9133
mesh at app//net.i2p.router.RouterClock.setOffset( - blocked on net.i2p.router.Ro
mesh uterClock@6a14be94 at app//net.i2p.router.RouterClock.setOffset( at app//net.i2p.router.RouterClock.setNow(
mesh terTimestamper.queryTime(
mesh at app//
mesh Client attempted to register duplicate destination is what happens when I launch my program and a copy of my program is already running
dr|z3d well, I dispute your assertions that 18 is slow and more unstable. I've not seen any issue that leads me to that conclusion here, and I run on a very low performing Win10 tablet. From that log, it suggests you're breaking it yourself.
mesh (It's not really a critical error, but I2P treats it like a big deal and I get spammed with CRIT errors)
mesh but the Deadlock detected is new, and I don't think I'm causing that
mesh dr|z3d: I mean, it's not really a question of belief. I'm telling you facts: (1) I've had to restart my router 2x this week. I left 1.17 running for *months* without an issue and (2) the I2P router/connection is significantly slower. When I run my program I see a significant pause that wasn't there before
mesh (2) is very annoying but not the end of the world. (1) is concerning because these deadlocks that freeze the router are very clearly bad if they happen to less technical users
dr|z3d the deadlock relates to clock syncing, not specifically an I2P+ issue. I don't think I've ever touched that code.
mesh yes but zzz made many changes to this code when he fixed soft router restarts in 1.18 I think
mesh I looked at some of his changes and unfortunately didn't really understand them at all
dr|z3d you have an upstream commit id?
mesh no, I was just reviewing the work he did back in may'ish I think. I remembered him touching a lot of router soft restart and clock skew stuff
mesh and then my router began deadlocking on the RouterClock.setOffset method
dr|z3d that's not helpful. you're suggesting there are code changes that may be responsible, but can't point them out. gets us nowhere.
mesh I mean frankly the code is very, very difficult to understand
mesh but logically I think zzz may have introduced a deadlock scenario. I don't know if I should report it... the logs say "please report" but it's very hard to say what's happening
mesh but like I said this wasn't an issue with 1.17 which ran *fine* for several months, from march-~july
dr|z3d it might be hard for you to understand, but a stacktrace of the deadlock attached to a bug report is the first stage in getting the issue fixed.
dr|z3d what should be pretty clear is that if you don't file bug reports, you can't expect the issue to be addressed.
mesh dr|z3d: do you think I should report it? If so, is there a special bug reporting process or do I just post on zzz.i2p or create an issue in the git repo?
dr|z3d I tend to post in -dev first, see if that gets any interest, and if requested, post full logs on gitlab.
mesh where is gitlab again? I don't think it's git.i2p right -- there's another one
dr|z3d it's linked on /home
dr|z3d filing a bug report and then nudging zzz to have a look at his convenience is another way to go about it. for deadlock class issues, zzz.i2p isn't really the place.
mesh the other problem I encountered just a few days ago was the outproxy, purokishi.i2p, just suddenly becoming invisible for no reason. I had to solve it with a router restart
dr|z3d yeah, we discussed that. keep stopping and restarting clients without pause and you'll break things.
mesh Blinded message
dr|z3d the key is the pause between events.
mesh I mean stuff like this never happened with 1.17
mesh again, my router fan fine for months on that version. And now I'm restarting multiple times a week.
dr|z3d you're hitting some pretty irregular bugs and all of a sudden it's a version issue. maybe you're doing stuff that's causing issues. I don't know.
mesh doing the same stuff I've been doing since february man. I would say the only change really is the new version. (It's also possible my i2p use has been detected and is being interdicted... but this wouldn't explain the router lockups)
dr|z3d listen. and listen carefully. when you see a deadlock in the logs with a stacktrace, don't ignore it. bring it to zzz's attention. just because it's all foreign to you doesn't mean zzz won't be able to understand where the breakage is. moaning here won't fix upstream issues.
mesh well I'll bring it up to him. We'll see what happens, he doesn't always respond well to bug reports.
dr|z3d I've tried to invite you to get involved in the I2P+ codebase, and every time I've been ignored. I've given up. The best way to start understanding the code is to start with small things you want to implement.
mesh I don't really have time. Got to work on the actual work first.
dr|z3d and regarding zzz's response to bug reports, if they're valid, he always responds. what he's less responsive to is someone pissing and moaning in his channel.
mesh what does it mean when i2psnark through bad nonce errors?
mesh huh now it works
dr|z3d could just be a stale page and/or cookie.
dr|z3d I'm guessing that system you're running I2P+ on is 6 core, 12 threads?
mesh it looks like the problem where purokishi.i2p appears to be down is back
dr|z3d working totally fine here. swift as you like.
dr|z3d anything in the logs?
mesh it's strange. nothing in the logs. purokishi.i2p itself is unreachable and no outside sites work. It's another new problem but it's strange because every other i2p site (zzz.i2p, stats.i2p) works fine
mesh it's just magically purokishi.i2p that becomes unreachable
dr|z3d you're not hitting it super hard are you?
dr|z3d like several hundred times a minute...
mesh nope, I don't think so. In fact I rarely hit sites outside the i2p network. Just do it once in a while
dr|z3d well, you're in an army of 1 when it comes to breaking things. so give yourself a pat on the back :)
dr|z3d what up rambler
rambler Ayyo dr|z3d
rambler How goes it?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks. all good on the good ship incognet?
rambler Yeah, just waiting on things outside of my control / upstreams to announce IPs / AS
rambler Thought we'd setup shop in a Michigan datacenter but they don't want to offer us a BGP session for anything less than a full cab which redonkulous
dr|z3d that doesn't sound good.
rambler Wheels are moving though. All good on your end?
StormyCloud rambler: I know of a pretty decent provider down in Houston if you are interested in adding more locations in Texas.
rambler I already talked to Josh :)
dr|z3d you know me, busy busy. :)
rambler I've got him on Signal
rambler Busy is good
StormyCloud rambler: Perfect :)
dr|z3d small world in the hosting business :)
StormyCloud Yes it is
rambler LOL, yeah.
rambler My day job is doing contract work for another company but I may be ending that on my own will here soon.
rambler Originally was going to have gear with them, but am working on moving things away right now
rambler Yo StormyCloud those stickers look nice
rambler One would look nice next to my Tor sticker on my truck :)
StormyCloud rambler: Thank you, I put one on my car see how well it holds up
StormyCloud StormyCloud: DM me your address on Twitter and ill send one out tomorrow
dr|z3d_ *i2pchat :)
StormyCloud cant pull up i2pchat on my phone :P
StormyCloud time for an ios app dr|z3d_
dr|z3d_ ah, another one of these phone irc'ers!
rambler StormyCloud, will do
dr|z3d_ someone wants to build for ios, I ain't stopping them :)
rambler I can't imagine IRC on a phone haha
dr|z3d_ yeah, rambler, insanity!
mesh StormyCloud: still there?
StormyCloud mesh: sie
mesh very annoying. w3m has terrible color support and lynx doesn't display some unicode blocks for some reason.
dr|z3d try elinks perhaps.
dr|z3d or links2
mesh nah. links is the worst of the lot
Mustafabo 8 of my snipers are ready to deploy... out of 112
Mustafabo Also 19 months left in Pakistan for my mujhadeen forces in training before they come back
Mustafabo gonna be up to 5600 men in under 2 years, and that's without ally forces... Which I have no idea if or how many to expect
Mustafabo my plans to take all 13 islamic oppressive states/systems down and reconstruct them properly, is coming along as good as can be expected
Mustafabo Also I have 24 drones armed that I took control of and stole... But I have no network or software to control them well enough to be useful at this point
Mustafabo and it might seem dumb talking about this publicly, but worse would be hiding my intentions, or the fact that if anyone fucks with me or kills me, they will be killed possibly their nation overtaken... Putin was apparently quoted as saying the greatest nuclear threat in todays world is the rogue asset forces. I have no idea how many others are equally as much of a threat... but I know that there in less than 50
Mustafabo of the 200 50 Megaton nukes stolen from Russia in 91, left on the open market...
Mustafabo so like, I am definitely not the only idiot with nukes.
mesh wow Mustafabo is a total psycho
Mustafabo Yes, I am
Mustafabo lol, you just realized I'm insane?
mesh I thought he was just an idiot who likes bird but he's actually an idiot who dreams of mass murder
Mustafabo not just dreams ;)
mesh no, liking birds is cool and unusual
Mustafabo the largest mass murder I committed was 356 people
mesh these days it seems like all the idiots want mass murder, either of black people or the jews usually
Mustafabo Well, yeah... But most people do it or dream of it for immoral reasons
Mustafabo mesh: Only the insane idiots affect major change in the world
mesh no they don't, not at all
mesh most of them just die alone cuz nobody actually cares
Mustafabo so you're saying... Every change in the world that happens on a serious level, happens by the deeds of sane people
Mustafabo The most powerful people are all insane and murderous
Mustafabo And they have money, and backers with money, and access to resources
mesh nobody changes the world. that's a myth that stupid people tell to their kids to inspire them to do well in school
Mustafabo The reason dr|z3d recruited me here, when i2p went public, along with 50 or 60 others... he hand picked us all. Me, because my insanity is effective and sometimes I am sane enough to contribute things
parrot Hey dr|z3d
parrot hey dr|z3d, is there a new update available?
parrot nevermind, i got it