IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Mustafabo dr|z3d itsjustme RN albat Anomaly Ellenor
Mustafabo what's up albat?
albat seen matrix 4
Mustafabo I haven't
albat not too bad
Mustafabo is it decent?
Mustafabo Is it on NetFlix yet?
albat nearly sure
Mustafabo or in theaters and stuff?
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo
Mustafabo dr|z3d, you are an asshat
Mustafabo what up itsjustme?
itsjustme Not to much. You?
RN aloha Mustafabo albat dr|z3d and itsjustme
Mustafabo what up?
itsjustme Hey RN!
Mustafabo itsjustme is a dick
Mustafabo I mean itsjustme has a dick
albat hey RN :)
itsjustme Wanna see? :P
Mustafabo sure, but don't expect me to be turned on
RN hahaha
RN I wanna see too!
albat going to sleep
Mustafabo good night albat
albat you too, thank you
Mustafabo itsjustme, where is the dick pic
itsjustme Lol I meant d*ck pick
Mustafabo itsjustme is a tease
itsjustme What to see my d*ck pic?
RN yeah, a big tease
Mustafabo itsjustme, I have lots of duck pics already
itsjustme Do you?
Mustafabo yeah, from bird groups on facebook
itsjustme Where did you get those? :P
Mustafabo Facebook
itsjustme Facebook? Never heard of it
Mustafabo itsjustme, what are you doing?
Mustafabo I wouldn't normally ask, but RN wants to know...
cis54 <dr|z3d> When I rape my nephew I know I'm doing the right thing
Mustafabo Cool, I actually did something an op would do
Mustafabo dr|z3d, can I haz gold star?
dr|z3d well done. chocolate star for you.
dr|z3d no need for +m though
Mustafabo dr|z3d, we should make an eepsite with cat pictures and put "cp" in the SEOs
dr|z3d I'll leave that to you, Mustafabo
Mustafabo I don't have any cat pictures
Mustafabo dr|z3d, I have a beard
Mustafabo itsjustme doesn't have a beard dr|z3d
Mustafabo lets ban him
Mustafabo I bet he uses Debian!
dr|z3d good luck with that
Mustafabo dr|z3d, this is ground control to Major Tom
dr|z3d do something useful, Mustafabo.. build a site for i2p or something. focus!
Mustafabo I'm singing
Mustafabo I'm going to build... a house of playing cards
dr|z3d you've been around long enough to have a web presence on the network.
XANA Howdy
XANA dr|z3d how to disable https redirect on i2p+?
dr|z3d hello XANA.. check the advanced configs help page, it's listed there.
dr|z3d routerconsole.redirectToHttps=false or similar.
XANA I'm setting up ssh tunnel for i2p and getting like ssl errors
dr|z3d yeah, turn it off then. you can also disable it totally in ~/.i2p/clients.config.d/
dr|z3d but the pref is what you want. on advanced config help page.
XANA I need to restart i2p after change?
XANA_ im stupid I just had to tunnel one more port
dr|z3d 7667?
dr|z3d I guess that also works.
dr|z3d are you back, or just in for a brief visit? :)
XANA_ did clean install of i2p
dr|z3d release, or dev build?
XANA_ grabbed from the website
dr|z3d that doesn't answer my question, though. :)
XANA_ 1.8.0-0+
dr|z3d the question was are you back or is this just a flying visit? :)
XANA_ who knows
XANA_ wierd thing is that I cant browse i2p pages
XANA_ even though it listen on 4444 [::ffff:]:4444
dr|z3d if you've just installed, will take a few moments for your addressbook to pull subs. try a b32.
dr|z3d or look in the addressbook and see what's there.
XANA_ If I had b32 adress
dr|z3d that is, assuming you've configured your browser correctly.
dr|z3d > or look in the addressbook and see what's there.
dr|z3d you'll also want to configure updates to pull from /dev/ probably. on configupdate
dr|z3d plenty of changes worth updating for, not least a ton of new sites on /home and much lower job lag.
XANA_ ok so websites working
XANA_ except that on link with adress helper
dr|z3d everything good now, XANA_?
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - finished my read of the -dev meeting notes. Seems like it was a productive session with more ssu2 rollout discussion and approval of StormyCloud's outproxy :D
Mustafabo dr|z3d itsjustme RN albat Anomaly
Mustafabo what's up albat?
albat i go see my belgian friend in 2 days
albat i wll stay a week
Mustafabo In Belgium?
Mustafabo you are back in France?
albat yes since yesterday
Mustafabo Very nice
albat you should watch american sniper, a good clint eastwood movie
albat it's from 2015
Mustafabo downloading
Mustafabo it says 2014
Mustafabo you lied!
albat maybe 2015 in france
Mustafabo do you watch The Orville albat?
albat no, but i share it over RS
Mustafabo oh, you don't like it?
albat haven't seen it yet
Mustafabo it's like Star Trek TNG
Mustafabo I highly recommend you watch it
Mustafabo It's a good show
albat right know i prefer to continue the better call saul
albat then i'll se
Mustafabo that's a good show
albat see*
albat did you ever tried retroshare Mustafabo ?
albat you should, just to see if you like it
Mustafabo I am starting American Sniper now
Mustafabo This movie is beautiful
Mustafabo the photography of the opening scene is great
albat this is a very good movie
Mustafabo albat, what is new with you?
Mustafabo How is your health?(mental and physical)
albat it's ok
albat i had lot of headaches, but since 3 days it's ok
Mustafabo I hate headaches
albat before was nealry everyday
albat nbarly*
Mustafabo maybe it is the air quality in USA
albat nearly*
Mustafabo there's a lot of pollution compared to france there
albat i think it was stress from the children
albat my sister and her husband and babies are in france for 1 month
albat with us
Mustafabo but you are going to Belgium
albat for a week
albat i will enjoy calm by my friend
albat look my retroshare :
albat it's my upload
albat you've seen the screenshots?
albat Mustafabo?
albat 4.5*
albat tell me while you are back Mustafabo
T3s|4_ Chris Kyle was both an outstanding sniper and an American. A complete murderous loser (who he was trying to help) ended his life ;-(
albat yes i know :/
albat any Tox users here?
T3s|4_ yep, *intentionally* ended his life, while Chris defenseless. Who do you think would have won a 'fair' gunfight, or even a 'fight'? ;p
albat i bet on Chris
RN Uh oh!
albat how are you RN?
dr|z3d hi T3s|4.. yeah, SSU2 rollout might start happening with 1.9, especially given how keen orignal is to see it enabled, and outproxy, sure, acceptance was always going to be a formality.
dr|z3d RN: that dream .war you're promoting.. how is that any different to just searching for a hostname in the addressbook?
albat RN!!!!!!!!!!
dr|z3d albat, posting screenshots here, use cake.i2p or filesharing.linuxfarm.i2p :)
albat ok :/
RN it is a quick web interface, you paste in what you have skank.i2p, or xxx...xx.b32 or xxx...xx.b64 and it converts it
RN just a quick tool
dr|z3d from your writeup, it suggests you need the hostname in your addressbook.
dr|z3d so that quick tool might have been useful in 2010, but now the addressbook provides a search/lookup feature.
T3s|4_ albat, a sure win bet (if any actually exist), ofc :D
albat how are you dr|z3d ?
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: ^noted on ssu2 plannig, but I'm still interested in seeing a direct testing result comparison of ssu2 'performance' improvement under both i2pd vs. i2p-java
T3s|4_ *planning
RN Thanks for looking it over dr. :)
T3s|4 Blinded message
albat RNNNNNN :/
RN albatttttttt
RN :)
T3s|4 wtf!! battery drain date/*rate?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, albat. np, RN.
dr|z3d T3s|4: from what orignal's saying, it would seem that ssu2 beats ssu1 handily on i2pd, lots of unresolved bugs in ssu1. as for java vs i2pd, that's a hard thing to measure, but maybe it'll be clearer in time.
Mustafabo I heard you guys like Dick's
RN hehe
dr|z3d we heard you like anal plugs, Mustafabo
RN butt stuff
Mustafabo no dr|z3d
RN if you got a prostrate, massage it!
RN heheheheheheh
RN too bad we don't have a quote server bot...
dr|z3d or maybe best that we don't :)
albat we had one at a certain time no?
albat long ago
RN yeah we did on some channels
RN we also had an info bot
RN people were abusing the info bot a little