IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mesh dr|z3d: purokishi still down. or at least unreachable to me. You have any ideas?
mesh it's very strange. I wonder if the gov has found a way to block it. Is it just me or can other people not reach purokishi?
Mustafabo itsjustme
dr|z3d mesh: is purokishi consistently unreachable for you, or sporadic?
mesh dr|z3d: consistently. haven't been able to reach it at all for 24 hours
mesh dr|z3d: you can still reach it?
dr|z3d mesh: haven't had an issues with it.
mesh it's very strange. it was working fine and then blammo, nothing
dr|z3d what browser are you using?
mesh dr|z3d: firefox of course
dr|z3d ok, can you try disabling DNS over HTTPS?
mesh the value of Outproxies should be "purokishi.i2p" right, not purokishi.i2p
dr|z3d correct
dr|z3d both http and https
dr|z3d the prefix is for i2pd.
mesh I actually don't have DNS over https checked
mesh weird
mesh dr|z3d: is it possible that the address has changed?
mesh what is the actual b32?
mesh I can't reach the b32.i2p address
mesh Destination LeaseSet not found
dr|z3d no, not possible the address has changed.
mesh no leaseset... it's gone
mesh if the gov got to purokishi... nobody is safe
dr|z3d something's not right there fo' sure. it's up, and it's functional.
mesh I simply don't see the lease set. And my router has lots of exploratory tunnels and is pretty well integrated
dr|z3d what version of I2P+ are you running?
mesh other sites like skank.i2p, zzz.i2p, stats.i2p, all run fine
mesh 1.8.0-11+
dr|z3d ok, that's fine, that buys you more requests to more floodfills for the leaseset.
mesh I mean the fact that I don't see the lease set would suggest floodfills don't know about it
dr|z3d no, it doesn't.
mesh I'm in contact with plenty of floodfills too
dr|z3d how many hops are you using to the outproxy?
dr|z3d you don't have to answer that..
mesh 3 hops, 4 tunnels
dr|z3d ok, so not a question of your ip being blacklisted on the firewall then.
mesh hmm, does not look like it....
mesh skank.i2p works. I'm picking random sites from reg.i2p (which works) and getting good hits on most of em
mesh I see other routers in sweden
dr|z3d ok, outproxy.puro works for me.
dr|z3d not typing the full address every time. tiring.
dr|z3d and you're running in hidden mode? only recently enabled or?
mesh always run in hidden mode
mesh i2p does it by default
mesh stopping and starting the tunnel doesn't help
mesh the fact that ia55kcrvskaitnxegirubvderl4vhva6bwkiducbkma4scy2rhca.b32.i2p doesn't resolve is particularly concerning
dr|z3d that's just bizarre. I get there instantly.
mesh the machines are healthy right?
mesh I could try restarting the router
mesh who knows
StormyCloud b32 address loads for me as well
mesh Very bizarre: I restarted the router and now everything works.
mesh I wonder wtf was going on. Could I have been the victim of a bad floodfill telling me that address doesn't resolve?
mesh there's not much visibility into the process but I thought i2p was supposed to ask multiple floodfills in that case
dr|z3d i2p+ asks multiple floodfills.
dr|z3d given you just restarted, update to the latest dev build perhaps.
mesh still running 1.8.0-11+
dr|z3d i2p and i2p+ ask multiple floodfills, but i2p+ will ask more, and concurrently, for a faster response.
mesh I wish there was more visibility into which floodfills were being asked and what the responses were. But I dunno, that was definitely some kind of persistent corruption going on there
dr|z3d if you have ssu2 enabled, you definitely want to be on the latest build, otherwise, up to you. -13+ is current right now.
mesh I wonder if my constant starting and stopping of local i2p services
mesh was viewed as an attack and led to me being blacklisted
dr|z3d I doubt that's the case, but if you do that too quickly sometimes things can get borked.
mesh I do it very quickly, over nad over hehe
dr|z3d well, don't. give it at least 5 seconds before you start and stopped service.
dr|z3d *start a
mesh I mean, while I'm developing, it's just a constant process
mesh while I was tracking down the lynx bug probably restarted various services 100x in the course of a few hours heh
mesh the midnight sky turns out to be a pretty good movie btw
mesh clooney rarely disappoints
Mustafabo dr|z3d itsjustme RN
dr|z3d Mutavabbo!
Mustafabo dr|z3d, do you like my new parrot?
Mustafabo did you click link?
dr|z3d who's that monster the parrot's on?
dr|z3d yeah, cute bird, Mustafabo
Mustafabo how are you dr|z3d ?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
Mustafabo oh yeah
Mustafabo gonna have a LAN party!
Mustafabo I got some friends coming over.
dr|z3d lantastic!
itsjustme *** pokes his head in ***
RN Mustafabo, aloha
Mustafabo RN: did you click the link?
RN didn't see it was not at kb
RN memp? what does that mean?
RN mmm... ok. queued for plausible deniablititty
Ellenor Mustafabo: your beard looks like utter garbage. Just lop it all off.
Mustafabo no Ellenor
Ellenor You, or your assistant, would look hotter without it.
Mustafabo it's not about hot
Mustafabo it's about beards
Mustafabo That's what I'm talking about. Bearded people everywhere.
Mustafabo Bearded men, listen to me. We were once proud. We were once free. Let us not forget our history.
RN studdies confirm that men with beards tend to have fecal matter in their beards regardless of heightened hygiene attempts.
RN so, you have a beard, then you are a poopy-face
Mustafabo poopy face!
Mustafabo HAHAHAHA
RN yup... wish I had a link to back that up... but it was something I read, probably on slashdot
Mustafabo I believe you
Mustafabo I use a special beard shampoo
RN ok... and you wash your hands before and after time in the toilet?
RN before is more important than people realize
Mustafabo I wash my hands a lot
Mustafabo RN: if your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two mums
RN my "dad"s are dead. they probably grew beards in the grave.
RN birth and adopted... both were clean shaved except mustache
Mustafabo moustaches are cool
RN so, by your logic... I had three mothers
Mustafabo THREE!?!?!?
Mustafabo madness
itsjustme hey Mustafabo
RN birth father, adopted father, and birth mother... that is three
Mustafabo it's just CoCo
RN three shall be the number of counting
itsjustme awww so cute Mustafabo!
RN not two, not four, but three
Mustafabo RN: madness
Mustafabo itsjustme, get birds
Mustafabo get like 11 birds
itsjustme lol why?
RN get bird flu? what???
itsjustme nah, hes saying just birds. Not bird flu lol
RN birds come with the risk of bird flu
itsjustme Does sound nice lol
RN not knocking mush... just
RN make sure your birds are clean
RN btw, mustafab[OFFLINE] …
Mustafabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo!
Mustafabo what's up?
Mustafabo did you get birds yet?