IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Mustafabo Ellenor, make 7 up yours
Mustafabo itsjustme make 7 up yours
geo043 <dr|z3d> God I loved sucking my nephews cock today
geo043 <dr|z3d> It got a little hard
RN Anomaly, why did you hilite me?
RN musty
RN sorry, that's a very uncomplimentary nickname
RN aloha Mustafabo
RN lol, how you been?
Mustafabo I'm good, you?
Mustafabo what are you doing?
RN mmm
RN I'm ok... just checking in on my sekrit lair
RN dissapointed at what is available on the tv
RN my schedule is all messed up
RN lots of things chaning still
RN catching up on irc back logs
RN and having a beer
RN other than that...
RN procrastinating some of the tasks that should happen while i am here
RN wondering if I could have arranged to purchse a 2 mill lotery ticket and what it would have cost to get that money qietly into my hands
RN yes... I am drinking beer. (and whiskey, though i wont admit to it)
mesh has anybody ever tried using lynx with i2ptunnel/javai2p?
RN I don't recall if you ever said you had been "broke"
Mustafabo I've been broke
Mustafabo not recently, but many times
RN but it has been to long for me since I was fiscally dependent on others and I forgot how to live cheap
RN plus... doesn't help much that I am still smoking and drinknig beer (even if inexpensive one)
RN when I have no income
RN so
RN making bad choices
RN but not yet pushing up daisies
mesh anybody have any clue why lynx browser would be very slow when accessing i2p sites?
RN I felt that impression
RN I didn't like lynx in the console flavor...
RN I think I enedd up suing midori to acces the I2P console because I was not happy with lynx
mesh 🌐
mesh that works. cool.
RN thefucq?
RN I have not thought about midori browser for probably a few years... and that was your fix mesh ?
RN Mustafabo, if you expect me to try to load that... without touching privacy stealing sites... hheehehhe you could just put the video on an eepsite
RN I'll check the youtube link when I think enough time has passed for BP
Mustafabo it's 3 hours long
RN shit
RN thanks....
mesh RN: it's okay to access youtube via i2p
Mustafabo it's a movie
mesh (well to the extent that you trust firefox. Of course as Torbrowser has shown firefox+javascript is full of vulnerabilities.)
RN I'd rather dl via postman tracker and watch at my leisure without online tracking
mesh do neither of you heathens ever use lynx?
RN mesh, you know how physicists are always trying to find the ultimate sub particle thingy
RN it is one of those rabit holes
mesh RN: what is? the youtube video?
RN everything is full of vulenerabilities
RN *vulerabilititties
RN er
RN *vulnerable pretties
RN um
RN sorry
RN I used lynx before
RN did not use it long enough to get comfortable navigating by keyboard or kb + mouse
RN only had it on a bsd box
mesh RN: not really. the modern "browser stack" using gigantic, complicated, obscrure software with the least efficient technologies like html+css+javascript is especially vulnerable. It's probably the most vulnerable and least secure computing platform ever devised
mesh lynx is the fastest, most secure, and most privacy-friendly browser. I consider it the least bad of a bad platform
RN absolutely mesh, the modern browser is a trainwreck in the middle of a gathering
mesh though something strange happens when I browse i2p with lynx
mesh it mostly doesn't work
mesh and where it does work it's very slow
mesh it's very strange
RN have you ever tried my site?
mesh RN: what's your site?
RN I don't do anything complicated
mesh hmm, that's not cp right?
mesh j/k
mesh your site loads relatively quickly
mesh which means there's something in particular wrong with my blog that makes lynx slow?
mesh RN: do you use gzip compression?
RN um
RN default jetty eepsite settings...
RN I think
RN probably tinkered a tiny bit
RN but nothing that'd boost performance
RN aside from my router(s) being there a long time
mesh is it slow?
RN hmmm...
RN clickbaid?
RN clickbait?
RN heheh
RN not sure if I know that b32
RN will look at it eventually, when that couldn't reasonably be tied to me
RN do you run that mesh ?
mesh RN: yeah. it's just my devblog
RN ok
mesh that page loads really slow in lynx and fast in firefox
RN I'll look shortly if I haven't already
RN on the machine I am using now, a firefox profile is set up for my proxied browsing
RN just a sec
mesh I bet the problem is chunked encoding
RN has lynx been update since 2018?
mesh I think so, but old versions should be fine
RN hmmm
RN have to think about that a bit...
RN could make sense
RN anyway... gotta afk here shortly
RN was supposed to just check on the sekrit lair, water plants and make sure internet connection was still up
RN also leaving dishes in the sink
RN ugh
RN no time
mesh I was right, I think. lynx doesn't like Chunked transfer encoding. At least from my server. It's a little disturbing.
mesh I wonder if it's possible that I'm sitting some kind of ddos mitigation
mesh no, this problem only happens in lynx. no problem with firefox or links
Mustafabo itsjustme
Mustafabo wake up itsjustme
Mustafabo hi T3s|4