IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme\
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo what's up itsjustme?
parabo I just sold for $25,000 USD to some anime blogger
parabo what you doing itsjustme?
rambler LOL nice
rambler Howdy all
itsjustme Hey rambler!
parabo Hey rambler
itsjustme parabo: going for a walk
parabo I just watched a 3 hour long video of 64 Phillipino Christians reverting to Islam
itsjustme Sounds.... boring lol
parabo Why would that be boring?
parabo Seeing people accept Islam is wonderful and breathtaking I even cried a bit
parabo I wish I had been at the ceremony to give them a handshake and hug welcoming them to the family and offering financial help whenever they need it within reason
j0sh Do you think there exists any limits to the man-boy relationship? Why does society see your movement as wrong? I believe there are a lot of misconceptions about this that people have. One is that people think the adult would be in full control, two some think that it's manipulative, and the whole view on adults that like children is that they want to kill and rape the boys. Now they may be the case for some people bu
j0sh t not the naMBla organization. Would you agree that people focus to much on men liking the boys as wrong but forget to consider if the boys like the men?.
j0sh Our response:
j0sh In an earlier message, you stated that you are 14. There is no way of checking this, but it is quite apparent that many boys your age have had similar feelings and later as adults have admitted to having had them. And yes, when young, one's opinion is too easily dismissed as unwise or immature.
j0sh We will publish your email without your name or alias so as to insure your privacy.
j0sh To answer your first question, there are limits to any relationship, and that includes man-boy ones. Among those limits, but not limited to them, are mutual respect and mutually consensual behavior. If such relationships were openly accepted, bad actors, if there really were any to the extent the media portray it, would easily be called out and made to desist. Ironically, this is not the case for many conventional fa
j0sh milies where problems are often hidden and fester.