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T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - Are you aware that there was an update (yesterday) while I was still on -4+ that throws a 503 error following restart?
T3s|4 For example: HTTP ERROR: 503
T3s|4 Problem accessing /. Reason:
T3s|4 Service Unavailable
T3s|4 Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.30.v20211001
T3s|4 same problem on both laptops post update
dr|z3d hey T3s|4, wasn't aware of that
dr|z3d only things pushed lately have been from upstream, and none console related afaik
T3s|4 yeah, luckily I was still able a working update from skank, and I see we're now om 5+
faggot privacyhawk
dr|z3d oh? so it self-resolved then?
T3s|4 yep - no issues now, but I needed manual intervention to overcome the 503
dr|z3d sorry about that, no idea what caused the issue, haven't see it here.
T3s|4 np, but it's been a long time since a saw an i2p 503 - and like I said it happened on both rigs following the same update yesterday
T3s|4 since *I saw
faggot I will be out of this jail in nine months for good and will lend my services as needed to further the fight for freedom to chose whom a man, as well as a boy, can be with and LOVE. We both know that sex is not the main thing. It's the love and care that is shared between the two.
faggot I myself have been involved in a relationship with a boy since he was eight years old. He is 16 years old now and we still have the same love, care, and joy. Foolish people may think he is "too young to make up his mind" or that "I made up his mind for him.” To that I say BULLSHIT! Everything has been consensual, plus we did not even have any sexual contact until the year of his sweet sixteenth birthday (and
faggot boy was it sweet). As life isn't fair, we are apart for the first time in eight years, but only for nine months. He comes to see me every weekend and we talk and laugh, then a sad time comes when he has to leave.
faggot This kid is very normal. He does things all boys his age do. He has a girl friend and a boy friend (me). I respect him and he respects me. Maybe one day he'll get married and have kids of his own, but for now he says, "not to fret.” He'll always love me for the things I've taught him, the love I've given him so freely, and the happiness we've shared with each other.
faggot So in closing, I say keep sending the Bulletins. After I read them I send them to my friend and love.
faggot If loving Robbie is wrong, I don't want to be right!
faggot Courage to all the other boys, men, girls, and women that want to just love each other. You're not alone! One day these fools will see that LOVE IS GOOD in whatever form it comes in.
SarahM robot slaves robot slaves (dubious morality)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: not sure, but I wonder about potential ssu2 linkage and those 503(s) I told you about re:4+. Good to see more ssu2 traction per zzz
dr|z3d yeah, T3s|4, he's motoring along on the SSU2 front. still no idea why you 503'd.
T3s|4 even more insane, following those 503(s), and I grabbed the latest from skank: da940046 (Build date: 2022-06-11 18:37:54 UTC), and restarted, then i2p told me an update was available, which resulted. after restart #2 in: da940046 (Build date: 2022-06-11 18:37:54 UTC)
dr|z3d oh, hang on.
dr|z3d if you installed manually via eepget, the router won't know you updated.
T3s|4 not sure, first update directly from skank, second 'update' from within running 5+ router
dr|z3d yeah, if you don't update from within the router, it doesn't know you updated.
dr|z3d Job lag282 μs