IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme, nuffin\
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo what's up?
itsjustme Not much. Trying to figure out why my butt hurts. You?
parabo Nothing, watching Judge Judy on youtube
itsjustme You seen the new show?
itsjustme It's free with ads
parabo I seen some
parabo I made friends with my conures
parabo I have had them about 7 or 8 months, they finally like me
itsjustme That's good :)
parabo yeah they bite a lot less
parabo with conures you are always going to get bit, but a lot less if they like you
itsjustme Will they fallow you and stuff?
parabo but they are only allowed in the living room and kitchen
itsjustme Ah so not outside?
itsjustme They should be wild and free! Lol
parabo They would die
parabo I let some birds outside that i know won't fly away
itsjustme You would die!
itsjustme Yeah that's good
parabo I lost a bird once, he flew like 6.8km in 4 days before someone found him
parabo I made a social media campaign
parabo to find him
parabo once they become starved and dehydrated they will go to a human for help
parabo and the guy found my cell number through social media
itsjustme Could always put a tucker on them
parabo I got a call at like 10.30pm when I was trying to sleep by this nice korean man who was like "I think i have your bird"
parabo He wouldn't even take a reward
parabo I told him text me your email and I'll send an etransfer
parabo he never texted me, and he knew my number cause he called it to initially contact me
itsjustme That was nice of him :)
parabo he was young, and he had kids... it was an upscale area though, so I guess he didn't care about the money
parabo he was maybe 26-28
itsjustme Yeah he probably just was happy that he didn't have to worry about the bird anymore
parabo it was Snow
parabo he died about 11 months ago
parabo he was 20
parabo I got him when he was 19
itsjustme How old do they normally get to?
parabo cockatiels, 25-35 is normal with good care
parabo but he had a bad diet
parabo I couldn't get him to eat healthy foods
parabo he was on a bad diet his whole life
itsjustme Chicken nuggets?
parabo he liked chicken strips
parabo just like only seeds
parabo he would eat whatever I was eating
parabo his favorite food was my food