IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
anonymousmaybe AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="system_i2p" name="/proc/cgroups" comm="java" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r"
anonymousmaybe system_i2p apparmor profile showing this message in journalctl -b
anonymousmaybe i can fix it with aa-logprof and submit PR
anonymousmaybe but is this known issue? cc zzz eyedeekay
anonymousmaybe cant find where the apparmor profile/s located
dr|z3d anonymousmaybe: look in /debian-alt/{distro-codename}/rules
zzz anonymousmaybe, debian/apparmor/
RN so in the console graphs, if Bandwidth in and Bandwidth out are both enabled they combine into one graph
zzz yup
RN could the same be done with the graphs for tunnel.Bps.I2P webserver.*
RN those give me a quick peek into activity of my jetty eepsite
zzz in theory yes but right now the combining is very ad-hoc for that one case only
zzz we don't have any general-purpose combining code
RN ah. ok. bigger fish in the pan I suppose.
RN should I try to figure out how to make a feature request on the git-thingy?
zzz yeah we could extend it to do more automoatically. some grand general purpose combination thing with a config UI wont happen though
zzz sure, give the git thingy a whirl, why not
RN added to my todo lis
zzz StormyCloud, looking for your approval to add your hosts to our default subscription