IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
parabo albat
parabo dr|z3d
parabo Ellenor
dr|z3d paraboobies!
parabo i just really love boobs
dr|z3d Feel free to download and seed. Thanks in advance. :)
dr|z3d That's the latest I2P+ 1.8.0+ update.
parabo evolutionary theorum says boobs are buttocks like protrusions, designed to tempt men in situations when they can't get a glimpse of girls bums
dr|z3d indeed. boobs got men off their hands and on their feet.
parabo I find such hypothesise dumb, it's like the one that says lipstick is for making your lips look more like the lips of a happy vagina. Since they said that, I can't look my great aunt in the eye
parabo why'd they have to say that oh why?
parabo And I-I-I-I will always love boobs
parabo I will always... love BOOOOOOOOOOOBS
parabo dr|z3d, do you like boobs?
dr|z3d on the right person.
dr|z3d you pulled that torrent yet, parabo?
dr|z3d > I2P+ 1.8.0+ update now available on postman.
dr|z3d > If you're running I2P+, please download the torrent and seed for as long as you can, ideally until the next release appears. Thanks!
dr|z3d parabo: new and improved, if you need your i2p fix without i2p available.
dr|z3d >parabo: new and improved, if you need your i2p fix without i2p available.
Ellenor CHARIOTS OF FIRE. I'm alive.
Ellenor I made it home.
AmyMalik oops, *I* made it home.
regenia When is the I2P+ 1.8.0 going to be available? Not just the update file. I want to clean install
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - seeding .0+ on both rigs. I would like to help zzz with ssu2 testing, but I assume my Hidden Mode would prevent him from seeing my results when ssu2 is enabled. Is that correct? Minor nit: bump the topic to 8.0+ :D
dr|z3d hi T3s|4.. re SSU2, I suspect with logging of SSU2 packets on the receiving server, hidden mode won't cloak your IP address, but obviously you'll remain out of the netdb so immune from netdb searches.
dr|z3d server/router
regenia Huh. Got the update. The router console looked fucked up. Had the clear the cache
dr|z3d regenia: I2P+? updated from I2P or I2P+?
regenia From I2P+ 1.7.0
regenia dr|z3d:
dr|z3d oh, sure, not entirely unexepected, though ctrl+shift+r can usually fix things if they look borked.
dr|z3d that said, the main css files have a version string attached, so in theory the update should be seamless, but maybe there were big enough changes in the unversioned global.css file in your theme to require a hard refresh/cache clean.
dr|z3d did you grab the update from postman's tracker, regenia?
regenia It auto downloaded the update
regenia Had the same but much worse issue, when updating from I2P 1.7 to I2P+ 1.7
regenia dr|z3d:
dr|z3d ok, well, for future reference, ctrl+shift+r will load the new css for the console. you may need to repeat the process for webapps.. snark, susimail etc.
dr|z3d Also, if you don't mind, seeding the update torrent (and other related 1.8.0+ torrents when they're available) is always appreciated :)
dr|z3d > If you're running I2P+, please download the torrent and seed for as long as you can, ideally until the next release appears. Thanks!
regenia No prob. I just built a seedbox
dr|z3d It won't tax your system too hard, there are some _very_ fast servers hosting that bear the brunt of the uploading.
dr|z3d And after the initial download frenzy, it tends to be fairly calm.
dr|z3d Thanks!
dr|z3d If you find any issues with I2P+, feel free to let me know in here. Extra eyes on the console always good :)
regenia definitely. thanks for the support
dr|z3d you're welcome.
mesh has anybody tried watching netflix or other streaming sites over i2p?
mesh dr|z3d: what's the name of your youtube gateway?
dr|z3d tube.i2p
dr|z3d linked on /home mesh. look for the cutesy tv icon.
dr|z3d if you're streaming netflix over the outproxy, 0 hop may get you there. any more hops, you may be out of luck.
mesh in theory, with a trusted proxy, it could be reduced to 1 hop... netflix->outproxy->you
mesh which would seem to be no worse than watching netflix over a vpn
dr|z3d regenia: also, re updates, you may want to turn auto-update off and switch over to notify only. that way you won't accidentally update to standard I2P. you can also configure I2P+ to notify you of dev builds.. check /configupdate for both options.
mesh but I was curious if anybody had actually done this
dr|z3d more hops, more slow. if you can get away with 1 hop, great.
dr|z3d and 1 hop is worse than a vpn.
dr|z3d that single hop is the bottleneck. a vpn is akin to 0 hop.
mesh It's too bad I can't tell I2PTunnel how many hops to use on a per-site basis. That seems to be the missing piece
mesh dr|z3d: there'd be no hops between you and the outproxy assuming you both configure 0-hops right
dr|z3d you can do the next best thing, and use foxyproxy and multiple http client tunnels.
dr|z3d mesh: 0 hops on purokishi server, so the number of hops is your gift to configure on your client tunnel.
mesh dr|z3d: foxyproxy lets you specify different proxies for different sites
dr|z3d is that a question?
mesh yeah
dr|z3d yes, it does. you can route all .i2p traffic over the standard 3 hop tunnel, and route clearnet traffic over 1 or more custom outproxy tunnels with simple rules to determine what request gets routed where.
mesh oh yup, that's exactly whast foxyproxy does: FoxyProxy is a Firefox extension which automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers based on URL patterns.
dr|z3d at it's simplest, rules look something like *.i2p
mesh dr|z3d: I mean I wouldn't go that far but it's interesting that this exists. somebody from the past obviously travelled to the future and stole my idea
dr|z3d As long as you configure a fallback in Firefox's proxy config, you're good. FoxyProxy + Tor + I2P is a good combination.
mesh though I guess it's a bit more subtle. there are certain outproxies you might trust (like the ones you create), and those could have 0 hop. and then whenever you want to connect to certain clearnet sites you'd want to use those specific outproxies
dr|z3d You need a fallback to handle Firefox startup, as it takes a couple of seconds to initialize the FoxyProxy extension, during which time it's not used, so Tor as the fallback handles that.
itsjustme Hi folks
dr|z3d Sure, you have to trust the outproxy.
dr|z3d hi ijm
itsjustme How are you dr|z3d?
mesh sdo when connecting to or any video streaming, go through trusted outproxy with a 0-hop tunnel, but when going to other clearnet sites, do the standard 3-hop dance through any outproxy
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, ijm, you good?
itsjustme No, I'm still sick
dr|z3d if that what suits, sure, mesh.
dr|z3d ijm: stop being sick. I command you!
itsjustme I wish that would work:)
mesh dr|z3d: I'm thinking of a solution that would functionally replace most vpn usage
itsjustme Idk if I've ever felt this horrible for so long
dr|z3d mesh: you have to ask yourself what benefit would an outproxy operator derive from attempting to determine the ip belonging to traffic flows, and the cost involved.
dr|z3d do I care about ips connecting to the outproxy? no. zero interest, better things to do with my time. and I'd need to be monitoring 3 systems currently. better things to do.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah what I'm thinking is that outproxy operators might run outproxies out of their goodness of their hearts. same reason people run i2p routers andf tor exit nodes
mesh all that's really needed is a tracker service that outproxies can ping and so the tracker can aggregrate a real-time list of available outproxies
dr|z3d the only thing I care about wrt outproxy traffic is abuse. nothing else. and then it's a question of automatically blacklisting the b32 or the target hostname(s).
dr|z3d substitute "what's needed" with "what I'd like to see" and you may have a valid point. and if you want to see something, don't wait around for it to get magically coded, do something about it yourself :)
dr|z3d otherwise you're just another user with an inflated sense of entitlement :)
mesh dr|z3d: the thing I like about the i2p model is that (1) outproxy operators have a strong incentive not to log anything as you said (2) it's very hard to block decentralized i2p outproxies unlike the tor network which is trivial to block eg
mesh and in theory it would be faster and more flexible than tor since you could decide on a per-outproxy basis how many hops you want between you and the proxy
dr|z3d indeed. and don't forget captchas.
mesh oh yeah, good point, tor exit nodes bring captcha doom
dr|z3d as for blocking tor nodes, you don't need a gitgub gist, tor themselves publish the tordns blacklist.
mesh in theory all we need are 3 applications: an outproxy app that anybody can download to run a i2p outproxy, a tracker app that will aggregrate all the outproxies out there, and a client proxy that would be like a smarter version of i2ptunnel, i2ptunnel+foxyproxy
mesh of course people would have to trust the centralized tracker service to give them a list of good outproxies. This would be okay because the centralized tracker wouldn't know who they were
mesh or you could build some kind of fancy dht
mesh but then you have to deal with sybill attack and other wackiness
regenia dr|z3d: Hey, it auto downloaded i2p 1.8.0 instead of i2p+ 1.8.0. Before, I was on a clean installed i2p+ 1.7.0
dr|z3d regenia: that's the part about setting updates to notify only on /configupdate :)
regenia I manually downloaded the i2p+ update from skank. I am now on i2p+ 1.8
regenia Oh I see
dr|z3d if you install I2P+ with a pre-existing profile, you won't get the full benefit of I2P+'s configs.
dr|z3d things like default subscriptions, update policy etc.
dr|z3d in any event, notify only is the sanest policy. and the /dev/ update path is recommended for advanced users.
dr|z3d it'll tell you how to change to that on /configupdate
regenia I should clean install then. Thamks
dr|z3d clean install + rename any existing settings dir.
dr|z3d if you're on windows, that'll be in %appdata%\i2p I think. on linux it's in ~/.i2p/
dr|z3d and for a clean 1.8.0+ install, you'll want the gitlab installer for now, that's the only 1.8.0+ installer available until I update the hosted installers.
dr|z3d if you wait a few moments, I'll make sure the gitlab version is bang up to date.
regenia Thats amazing. I have ample time at my hand
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d in English, that means gitlab is building new files as we speak. :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted on ^ssu2 :)
dr|z3d regenia: Development Installer links on skank.i2p now have the latest build. .jar or .exe both work on all platforms.
regenia Should I download this. Sorry, I don't understand CI stuff yet
dr|z3d windows or linux? let's make it easy for you..
regenia linux
dr|z3d the files are directly linked from skank.i2p in the Development installer row, for future reference. they download the latest available build from gitlab.
regenia Much thamks. I will go offline now
regenia Is this stable? For long-term use
regenia Like the normal releases?
dr|z3d yes, very stable. at this stage it's 1.8.0+
regenia Noice noice. Updating...
dr|z3d if, post-install, your update policy is set to notify only, you'll know you succeeded!
dr|z3d you'll also have several subscriptions in susidns.
dr|z3d remember to rename any existing i2p profile (config dir).
regenia Left for the voyage...
dr|z3d bon voyage!
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
dr|z3d shizz dizz, yo. you?
parabo oh not much
parabo going to go to the gym soon
dr|z3d you need to. you and itsjustme both. morbidly obese the pair of you. :)
parabo hey itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo how are you?
parabo what are you doing itsjustme ?
itsjustme Staying alive
parabo Also staying alive
dr|z3d welcome back regenia
parabo hi regenia
parabo dr|z3d, you working on anything?
dr|z3d always
dr|z3d did you have a look at parabo?
parabo what is?
dr|z3d Blinded message
parabo inproxy/search?
dr|z3d good guess.
Irc2PGuest53012 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Irc2PGuest53012 inproxies suck
Irc2PGuest53012 people get the impression they can look at the darknet without getting caught
dr|z3d who rattled your cage, RN? :)
regenia dr|z3d: Weather was lightly sunny. Little droplets of rain once in a while. Sailing was smooth. Slept after coming back home :)
itsjustme Hey XANA!
itsjustme Yeah :)
itsjustme How have you been?
dr|z3d regenia: good to hear the sailing was smooth. :)
dr|z3d welcome back, XANA! you been gone a while.
dr|z3d all good?
dr|z3d excellent.
dr|z3d feel free to add to the seeding pool: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=63900 <-- 1.8.0+ update, other files to follow.