IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob I'm not really her right now.
dr|z3d breaking news. not_bob is not female!
parabo dr|z3d
parabo dr|z3d
parabo albat, are you awake?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks for ^that compelling read
parabo hi T3s|4
T3s|4 howdy parabo
parabo how are you?
T3s|4 well thanks, and you?
parabo Pretty good
parabo getting tired
parabo you up to anything interesting?
T3s|4 nope, just slammed with work
T3s|4 right ;p
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up p
MelanieMalik general parabo
MelanieMalik so there's this illinoian who i sometimes jest that i force-femmed
MelanieMalik aa why they so cute
mildseven what's news
dr|z3d what up mildseven
dr|z3d not sure what qualifies as news.
mildseven nothing much.. just waking up and had a strong iced coffee
mildseven now my stomach is full of milk
dr|z3d I guess the growth of eepsites lately counts as news. a fair amount of new stuff out there.
itsjustme *** rings parabo's door bell ***
mildseven ah really, i'll have to check them out
itsjustme Hry mildseven and dr|z3d :)
mildseven hello itsjustme
mildseven how's things
itsjustme Good, just drinking a latte
mildseven yeah not bad
mildseven just trying to decide if i need another iced coffee
term99 lots of sites popping up
itsjustme Hows the cake site you run working for ya term99?
term99 great, still use it on the regular :)
itsjustme Great! :D
term99 did you see scanner.linuxfarm.i2p? the graphs are starting to level out and give out more accurate info, although there are false-positives in there :(
dr|z3d itsjustme: about cake. minor thing. default to stripping image metadata, instead of off. also, hi!
dr|z3d and mustafabo! hi!
itsjustme I have not. I can't access i2p sites on my phone :/
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d!
itsjustme dr|z3d: wanna do a push and I'll update? I'd like the git to match what we have on website
itsjustme I know it's like 3 letters lol
dr|z3d I figured you'd be closer to the code, itsjustme :)
dr|z3d but I can if necessary.
itsjustme I'm on my phone atm
dr|z3d no rush.
itsjustme What do we need to make this public you think?
itsjustme Install script maybe and that's it. Oh I was moving setting to the sql server too
dr|z3d sure, when it's install-friendly I guess would be a good time.
itsjustme I want to make it public because security wise I think its solid
itsjustme More solid than most file hosting scripts I've seen written in php
dr|z3d sure, no issues with that, just a question of making it trivial to install.
dr|z3d extra functionality can come later.
mildeight wow i'm consistantly clocking over 200mbit on speedtest
dr|z3d mildeight: via the outproxy or direct?
dr|z3d welcome to fiber.
mildseven haha it's not fiber
mildseven Starlink
dr|z3d oh, starlink. nice.
itsjustme *** has a gig up and down ***
dr|z3d what's your latency / ping like?
mildseven yeah i'm in a new housing estate in a rural area so it was all i could get
mildseven ping is between 25-50ms
mildseven not as good as fiber but excellent for a satellite service