IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d
parabo hey albat
parabo albat, what kind of deck is goods in HS now?
dr|z3d what up p
parabo nothing
parabo you coding?
dr|z3d you know, the usual. spinning plates, putting out fires :)
parabo we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn. burn mother fucker, burn
itsjustme Hey parabo and dr|z3d!
parabo hey itsjustme
dr|z3d hey hey ijm
parabo what's up itsjustme ?
parabo itsjustme fuck you
itsjustme Hey parabo
itsjustme Sorry I was bowling lol
parabo I like bowling
parabo what did you score itsjustme ?
itsjustme Like 93 lol
itsjustme I'm not good
itsjustme I enjoy it though
parabo 93 isn't bad
parabo I average around 110
parabo usually get like one strike and 2 spares in a game\
parabo itsjustme, what's the best you ever bowled?
parabo When I used to play a lot I did around 220 once
parabo dr|z3d, you like bowling?
itsjustme Idk I don't bowl much
parabo neither do i anymore
parabo I used to bowl twice a week
parabo I go maybe few times a year now
dr|z3d not as much as you, obviously, parabo :)
fox is it time to burn the mother down?
dr|z3d no, fox. fondu, maybe.
dr|z3d never a better time to install I2P+, however :)
fox as i understand they've been setting a new industrial center a blaze every other day for a few weeks. great time for a weenie roast
dr|z3d are you running I2P+ fox?
mesh he's not. kill 'im.
dr|z3d be nice, mesh. you don't have to ape parabo :)
parabo dr|z3d, I heard you like Dick's
dr|z3d parabo: I heard you like fake dicks up the aspidistra.
parabo I never said I like it!
mesh yes you did
mesh "@parabo: there's nothing I love more than fake dicks"
parabo liar!
mesh direct quote. how else would you interpret that?
parabo bullshit?
mesh "@parabo: this isn't bullshit. I really really fucking love fake dicks"
dr|z3d ok, moving on..
parabo I broke a tooth
parabo Eating gummy candies
parabo dr|z3d, you're so money, that you don't even know
dr|z3d thanks, parabo.
annoyinglylongnick dr|z3d, how are your margins?
dr|z3d tight, parabo, tight.
dr|z3d mesh: coding anything i2p flavored?
parabo dr|z3d, coding anything i2p flavored?
dr|z3d of course, parabo, of course :)
dr|z3d oh yeah, parabo.. reminder, dev builds. get on them.
parabo get on your high horse
parabo I only listen to people on high horses
parabo dr|z3d, are you a doctor of dentistry?
dr|z3d *flexes dental drill*
parabo is it safe?
dr|z3d very safe indeed.
parabo IS IT SAFE!?
dr|z3d VERY SAFE!
dr|z3d did you watch that movie?
parabo Why would I watch a whole movie?
dr|z3d do it. do it now!
dr|z3d because it's a great movie. quality.
parabo does it have Donnie Yen?
dr|z3d yeah. 3 of those.
parabo he played Ip Man
dr|z3d good actor.
fox oh no this is just java i2p in a vm
fox i2p+ is the C++ one or go?
dr|z3d fox: i2p+ is java.
dr|z3d you can update from an existing i2p java installation, and vice versa.
dr|z3d grab skank.i2p/ and drop it in your i2p app dir and then restart, you're on i2p+
mesh I will be releasing a few things at the end of the month I think
dr|z3d loading, but slow as treacle.
mesh yeah the i2p net is slow right now imo
dr|z3d maybe this time next week I'll see something on the currently empty page...
dr|z3d ok, here we go.
mesh but once the tunnels are formed it becomes fast
fox what's the main difference?
dr|z3d well you look like you've been busy, mesh, though I have no idea what you're up to there from the index.
dr|z3d oh, too many differences to mention, fox, but from an immediately obvious standpoint, the UI.
mesh yeah I'll be putting up a site soon enough that explains everything
dr|z3d maybe mesh can give you an unbiased opinion on what's different..
dr|z3d what's it do, mesh, and can you summarize the obvious differences from your perspective of i2p+ vs i2p for fox?
mesh that code took me 3 months to write believe it or not, and all it does is send 'Hello World' to an echo server and get the string back. It's an evolution of the example code.
dr|z3d you need to up your game. :)
mesh well the foundation is being laid for much more interesting stuff of course
mesh there's a whole mesh computing platform at work there :)
dr|z3d ok, so you're not going to shed some light on i2p+ for fox.
dr|z3d fox: performance, UI, usability. those are the main differences.
parabo fuck you dr|z3d
mesh dr|z3d: what is the question? differences between i2p+ and iu2p?
mesh dr|z3d: I'm confused. are you asking me to explain what i2p+ is?
dr|z3d nevermind
mesh fox: i2p+ is i2p for people who want to run i2p on a computer that is not a potato. It consumes more resources (RAM, CPU, etc) but delivers much better performance. If you have a decent computer you should use I2P+. When I switched to I2P+ (and did some tweakings around zgc, peerTestTimeout, bw etc) I significantly improved performance
mesh I guess this is not in my blog yet
mesh I'll publish all the stuff -- how to install i2p+, optimize it, tune the zgc garbage collector -- soon enough
dr|z3d great, look forward to it.
mesh I hope zzz actually fixes git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/353 . It's a big blocker for us. right now you can't really run our web stuff outside an ide
mesh I guess I'll poke him about this again
dr|z3d if you've done a review of various codebases, maybe you'll put his mind at ease.
mesh all I can do is grep though the stuff in github. we'll see if that actually helps
dr|z3d sure, that's all you need to do.
fox ah I do have ram to spare though not so much cores on this box. i'll have to look at it later
fox damn parabo's gone again. wonder if that one guy ever finished his phd. he was trying to do something i can only summarize as a federated torrent coin with extra anonimity features in like elixir iirc
Irc2PGuest10191 ♫ ♪ Loo loo loo... I got some apples... ♪ ♫
fox give one to ryuk maybe he'll give you a book
RN yeah, that guy... :) He does a lot, not usre if he finished phd...
RN he did probably start his secret plan to take over the world
RN his AGI would probably qualify for an honorary phd tho
fox his nick escapes me but i remember his intentions
mesh it would seem i2p is slow today
RN mmmm
RN "Network Weather Forecast:
RN Sunny!"
RN in what way is it seeming slow to you mesh ?
mesh RN: I mean sites that were slow in the past are unusually slow
mesh but it seems to be getting better
mesh the network is very small right now. In 8 hours when Europe wakes up let's see if it gets better
fox i was always under the impression a huge chunk of the network was russians and chinese sharing files
fox lots of europe and the americas too but those two have been making moves
RN well, skank loads fastest for me, but I suspect dr made a deal with the devil to make it load that fast
RN but I'm getting quick loads
RN actually quicker than usual it appears
mesh fox: if you look at the stats sites
mesh fox: there's a kind of rhthym to the network as routers come and go
mesh stats.i2p/cgi-bin/total_routers_week.cgi makes it very clear though the daily peaks and lulls
mesh you can also see this if you run a floodfill router
RN you can also see this if you recreate "i2p by night" video
RN it was a dark pic of the globe, with little lights at each estimated gps location of a running I2P router, brighter ones had more traffic
RN I think it would probably be hard to duplicate that today with I2P updated to current
RN and that was a couple network flag days ago, so probably couldn't do it as accurately nor pretty
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
parabo albat
parabo MelanieMalik
MelanieMalik *** salutes ***
MelanieMalik Commander parabo
parabo what's going on guys?
parabo albat, what is a good deck right now for the meta?
parabo for HS
albat being in washington since 4 days
albat hmmmm
albat i don't play much anymore
albat but druid trees is good
albat better with a new card out lately
albat "sommon 2 2/2 trees then give +2+1 to your minions cost 5
albat and it's not until the end of the turn
albat one of the best card ever for druid
parabo albat, I sent you a link in PM
parabo it's me singing
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo!
itsjustme Not to much. Just hanging out. You?