IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo what's up?
itsjustme Not to much. You?
parabo not much
parabo I am watching stupid shit on youtube
parabo right now I'm watching a show... it's like Cops except it's firefighters
parabo The last one they showed up a child had thrown a blow torch into a fire while the father slept in his trailer
parabo watch it
parabo this time there was a car crash. everyone seemed alright but two children and the mother had neck pain
parabo so they are taking them to the hospital for checking out
parabo itsjustme, you watching anything?
itsjustme I was watching war games
mesh don't know much about network simulation but it looks like tor is about to get a lot faster
dr|z3d “I don't follow stupid orders, I simply refuse,” one fighter can be heard telling a comrade. “The motherf*cker sent me to tanks, motherf*cking piece of shit. I f*cked it up and that's it.”
parabo dr|z3d
parabo hi itsjustme
parabo what's up?
itsjustme Not much, just hanging out. You?
itsjustme I dont have the controls package for octave right now :(
parabo not much
itsjustme Slow Saturday?
itsjustme That's good
itsjustme Do you use octave much parabo?
parabo don't even know what it is
itsjustme It's an open source version of matlab
itsjustme In many ways its worse and in some ways its better
wellicht rain, rain and more rain
fox atleast it's not acidic
fox yet
itsjustme fox: yeah I mean that happens sometimes
albat hi all :)
itsjustme Hey albat!
albat i'm at washington DC :)
albat since 3 days
albat how are you itsjustme ?
itsjustme Oh nice!
albat my sister got a boy the 2 of this month
albat my mother and i are here to help her
fox welcome to the inner ring of hell, check out the smithsonian it's neat
albat i pilot my computer from france
albat so i run no darknet in usa
fox eh france is worse monitoring wise
fox but atleast you dodged that female nazi
albat female nazi?
fox the crazy cat lady
fox i don't remember her name
albat don't know who you are talking about
fox she ran for president
fox to be clear not crazy because cats that's probably the most sane thing i remember about here
albat oh marine le pen?
fox she's crazy because the racism and eugenics
fox yes that cunt
albat it's my chan over RS