IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
T3s|4 dr|z3d: Awesome! You found it and fixed it with your reproduction of HM. Back in business on -11+ with 83324aad (Build date: 2022-04-03 01:31:30 UTC). Thanks for your efforts dr|z3d :D
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: both laptops fixed and i2p is working correctly. I'll fix my Arch on ZFS install later today :D
T3s|4 dr|z3d: Arch on ZFS now also fixed and working correctly...thanks!
genka my opinion about i2pd and i2p+: if you want to give fast transit tunnels to network on the low-end device like raspberry pi, you should use i2pd cuz i think with i2p+ cpu will be bottleneck, not the network
genka it's about participation to the network
genka what do you think, dr|z3d
dr|z3d T3s|4: great, happy it's back to business as usual!
dr|z3d genka: that's possible, I guess you'd need to do some tests to see how onerous java is.
dr|z3d how's your russian router performing?
mesh modern garbage collectors are really kind of magical
mesh it's sort of amazing how good G1GC and ZGC and Shendoah are
dr|z3d yeah, but how's your Russian router performing? :)
dr|z3d did the issue with mostly russian peers sort itself out?
mesh I don't think people realize how bad it used to be with the Parallel and CMS
dr|z3d oh, my bad, confused you with genka.
mesh dr|z3d: I'm not genka. I just thought I'd share some appreciation
dr|z3d should have known..
dr|z3d mesh = gc. my bad :)
genka dr|z3d: 4703 known routers, 260 transit tunnels, 365M/2048M ram
genka dr|z3d: issue is gone
mesh genka: what gc are you using?
genka mesh: zgc
mesh I wonder, is the reason why I never get past 2800 routers due to hidden mode?
mesh genka: floodfill?
genka mesh: nah
mesh oh yeah it's your pi
genka mesh: yeah :)
genka mesh: ah no
mesh it's interesting how every router has a different view of the universe
genka mesh: nono, my bad. it's not pi
genka mesh: home server in russia
mesh I wonder how many floodfills there are out there though. they're an obvious single point of failure of the whole network
mesh genka: cool
genka i use i2pd on my pi
genka Routers: 4536 Floodfills: 1786 LeaseSets: 0
genka Client Tunnels: 52 Transit Tunnels: 711
genka 51 mb ram is used
mesh interesting
mesh though I would personally never ever trust i2pd
mesh i2pd is written in C++ which is a notoriously unsafe language:
wellicht oh dear
mesh don't know if anybody has seriously attacked i2pd but I wouldn't be surprised if it contains more than the one security exploit already found:
mesh the only thing people should use C++ for is are games and compilers and runtimes like the jvm
wellicht right. Should people still use C for operating systems?
wellicht it's notoriously unsafe, you know
genka i saw ire, i2p router written in rust, but it seems like it's abandoned
mesh no, people should stop writing operating systems
mesh genka: it is what it is. I was a bit surprised when I saw i2pd/kovri. I'm glad it exists if more people use it, especially on constrained devices. But yeah I think the idea of a router in c++ as quite risky
mesh genka: the good news is that you probably don't have hostile state actors after you and if you do they will almost certainly gain physical access to your computer and it won't really matter what language the router is in
genka mesh: :)
mesh I would keep an eye out for cves in i2pd. we'll see how safe it is in 20 years :)
dr|z3d genka: ah, issue gone, good, good.
dr|z3d more fast peers available in your pool, and a lower ceiling for individual routers permitted in tunnels at the same time.
dr|z3d and also no 2 routers from the same /8 in a single local tunnel.
genka good
dr|z3d I like to think so. diversity is good :)
dr|z3d have you enabled advanced mode in your console?
genka do i need that?
dr|z3d it's a good idea for someone like you. more overall visibility on what your router's doing, and easier advanced configuration.
dr|z3d in ~/.i2p/router.config add the line routerconsole.advanced=true
genka routerconsole.advanced=true and restart, right?
dr|z3d then wait for around a minute and it'll be activated. no need to restart.
genka thanks
dr|z3d you'll know it's active when you see a congestion section in the sidebar.
dr|z3d let me know when it's active, we'll add another line to the congestion section..
genka yep, it's active
dr|z3d ok, good. now browse to /configadvanced and add the line: routerconsole.showPeerTestAvg=true
dr|z3d now you'll see a Peer Test Avg readout in congestion.
genka i see
dr|z3d good average / total test time average.
dr|z3d you can use the first value to tune your peer profiling.
genka 631/1011
dr|z3d the default timeout for peers before they're marked as slow (not Low Latency) is 1s or 1000ms.
dr|z3d given your averages, you might want to add the line: router.peerTestTimeout=800
dr|z3d again, no need to restart router. that setting will mark any router not responding to tests within 800ms as slow and remove them from the fast tier as indicated on /profiles
genka very nice
dr|z3d should make for more responsive local tunnels / service access.
genka good
dr|z3d as mentioned before, only peers you may use for local tunnels are profiled, so they get tested fairly frequently.
genka got it
dr|z3d you can determine how many profiles you're currently storing by counting the files in ~/.i2p/peerProfiles/
dr|z3d should be around 2K or less.
genka 1897
genka 4878 on my i2pd
dr|z3d so, in effect, you have around that number available for local tunnels.
genka dr|z3d nice
dr|z3d yeah, i2p+ doesn't bother profiling routers you won't use for local tunnels. waste of time, cpu, disk space etc.
dr|z3d who cares how fast an L tier peer is? :)
dr|z3d you already know. not fast enough.
genka right
dr|z3d same for routerinfo files. if they're not high value, we don't write them to disk, only stored in ram.
dr|z3d so when you restart your router you'll see your known peers drop initially, but they'll increase rapidly, normally to previous value within an hour or less.
genka dr|z3d: got it
genka ah yeah
genka electicity cut off
genka :)))
genka already turned on
genka i see less active peers on i2p+
dr|z3d power outage?
genka nah nah, at my home
genka not at russian's server
dr|z3d ah, ok. well, active peers is variable.
genka on pure i2p i saw about 2k active peers on second day of running
genka with i2p+ i see <1k
dr|z3d oh, well, different interval for measurement.
dr|z3d I think i2p measures the # peers in a 5? minute interval, for i2p+ it's 1m.
dr|z3d it helps with limiting how much you have to scroll through on /profiles
itsjustme *** pokes his head in ***
dr|z3d and note that on /profiles, /tunnels /logs /jobs and elsewhere, the page will autorefresh via ajax if you leave it open.
genka nice
genka dr|z3d: is there any systemd service that i can use to run i2p+ from ~/i2p/?
dr|z3d check the info on skank, genka, there's a systemd friendly install routine.
dr|z3d > ~/i2p/i2prouter install
genka oh, i see. thanks
genka i'm alive
genka how will i2p+ behave if the internet could be isolated in russia and will have to use only russian routers, dr|z3d?
dr|z3d that's a good question, genka, to which I don't know the answer.
dr|z3d the opposite seems more likely, though, from what I've been reading in the news.
dr|z3d i.e. the current censorship controls being exercised by the govt censor will start to fail over time.
wellicht cutting the wire work just fine
mesh russia can't really cut off the internet
mesh everything from banks to police to people selling potatoes to egypt need internet connectivity
mesh what russia can do is kill global connectivity to every phone on their networks
mesh this has apparently already been tested and is the primary concern
mesh and they can ask their isps to turn up fire walls but again they are wary of cutting off valid business
mesh many russians have vpns and many need it do legitimate business
mesh again their primary concern is phones from what I understand
wellicht mesh: it can and it will
mesh wellicht: highly doubtful
wellicht mesh: many things have been highly doubtful not that long ago
mesh it's not north korea, not yet at least
wellicht mesh: it's becoming the Soviet Union, not North Korea. Not much difference as far as cutting the wire goes.
mesh heck last I checked you can still watch youtube russia. russia threatened to block youtube but then backed down cuz they're afraid
mesh let's see if russia actually has the balls to block youtube before worrying about them cutting off all internet connectivity
wellicht *** is not worried, that's for sure ***
mesh last I checked they blocked facebook and instagram but didn't dare to block youtube
mesh still the us and the eu should work with i2p to encourage as many routers as possible
mesh i2p should sell itself as a sell vpn and the i2p router should support a special "super hidden" mode where it refuses to connect to other russian/chinese/belorussian/indian routers
mesh +serbia
genka now i have 534/710 ms peer test average, dr|z3d
dr|z3d that's good, genka.. and expected.. you're using lower latency peers to test other peers.
dr|z3d feel free to bring down that peerTestTimeout config even more. 750ms, 700ms.. up to you..
dr|z3d check on /profiles the approx ratio of green ticks to red crosses.. should mostly be green ticks.
genka i see
dr|z3d there you go, genka, libreddit.i2p added to the i2p+ homepage.
genka dr|z3d: why btw :)
genka it uses i2pd
dr|z3d being hosted on i2p+ is not a precondition for inclusion on /home
dr|z3d being a useful service is, ideally one that doesn't disappear in a couple of weeks.
genka good
genka thanks mate
dr|z3d sure thing!
genka You do not have access to hahaha
genka wait will enable vpn
dr|z3d or just use the purokishi outproxy...
genka dr|z3d: ok, will try purokishi now
genka it's fast
dr|z3d that it is :)
dr|z3d I've seen sustained speeds of 50Mb/s on a 0 hop connection, using to test. ymmv.
genka nice
genka how many hops does server tunnel have now?
dr|z3d the proxy server itself is 0 hop.
dr|z3d *proxy servers.. multi-homed.
genka nice icon, dr|z3d
dr|z3d copied from the png.
dr|z3d you can use that as your site favicon if you like. up to you.
dr|z3d I generally use an svg and remove all the apple specific favicon stuff in the header.
genka who is major
dr|z3d acetone's logging bot.
genka why he acting like that
dr|z3d no idea, probably a bug, or acetone's having some secret fun. probably the former.
mesh dr|z3d: you should write about how purokishi works
mesh dr|z3d: I've read the about page. It's a good start. But if you want others to duplicate your work and setup out proxies of their own it might help to provide more detail. Maybe let them download purokishi's blacklist and provide more info when purokishi (and how) purokishi proxies over tor.
dr|z3d if other people want to run a proxy, they can work it out themselves.
dr|z3d there is no one blacklist, it's around 60 lists pulled from all over the place.
mesh dr|z3d: why would you not share?
mesh stuff like that should have a "Download and Run" button I think.
mesh but admittedly it is more work
dr|z3d it's not about sharing, it's about not revealing the entire stack to mitigate possible attack strategies.
dr|z3d there is no download and run option, it's an advanced, multi-layered stack.
mesh one thing tor does well is they make it easy to run exit nodes.
dr|z3d there's not a lot of people prepared to run outproxies on i2p.
mesh i2p doesn't provide any "click this button to run an exit node"
mesh dr|z3d: It's probably partly because nobody knows how
dr|z3d no, I don't think that's the case at all. it's mostly because people don't have the bandwidth, or they don't want the hassle.
mesh ironically a ton of other functionality is built into the router, but not basic exit proxy and inproxy support
dr|z3d if you think the tunnel manager should provide a one click outproxy solution, talk to zzz.
mesh dr|z3d: these days servers are pretty cheap. a lot of people run their own vpns. if it was easy I could see many people getting a $5/mo or $10/mo server and setting up such a proxy
dr|z3d he's vaguely receptive to creating a tunnel type for outproxying, maybe you can encourage him.
dr|z3d part of running an outproxy is knowing what you're doing. people who want to run one will have the technical skills. it's not for everyone.
mesh I already bother zzz too much. I'm pretty sure he hates me, hehe. But yeah I think making it easy to run outproxies and inproxies should be a project priority. I find it strange that the router does everything but this.
mesh then again the legal liability in running such proxies isn't clear so who knows.
mesh in theory running an exit proxy is straightforwards. I think the hard part is probably setting up appropriate blocklists and making sure it doesn't get abused too hard.
itsjustme Poopin is a shitshow
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: ^good read, and further evidence that Russia continues it determination to lay in China's bed
dr|z3d yeah, T3s|4, it's not looking great in Russia right now on the human rights and free speech fronts.
mesh Let's hope the Russians pull it off
mesh the Russian splinternet will do far more damage to Russia than anybody else.
mesh Russia isn't China and even China wastes billions on this nonsense
genka favicon is svg on libreddit now, dr|z3d
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
mesh it does show how smart Google was make to HTTP3/QUIC encrypted and run it over UDP
genka dr|z3d: i think webui of i2p+ a bit overloaded cuz i frequently see fps drops while scrolling
genka on the pure i2p router that was fine
dr|z3d depends on your processor, genka. if you want max performance, try the classic theme.
mesh everybody thought Google was crazy for creating QUIC but QUIC completely defeats the kind of deep packet inspection that China and Russia want to do
genka using classic theme :)
genka i have i3-3110m
dr|z3d classic should be as performant as upstream, if not more so.
dr|z3d you might experience frame drops with the ajax enabled pages, notwithstanding, when they're refreshing.
genka yeah, maybe
dr|z3d also, in i2p, the default sidebar refresh is 15s I think, it's 3 in i2p+, you can always try tweaking that value on /configsidebar
genka thanks
T3s|4 mesh: all Communist governments have one thing in common: they are far more scared of their own people (and the truth) than any foreign enemy. Why do you think they are the only countries on Earth that will shoot you for *leaving*, and NOT just for entering illegally?
mesh Russia's not really Communist at all. It's more like a mafia. A criminal organization that is hiding behind a legitmate "front" that just happens to be a nation state
dr|z3d that's true of any country run by an autocrat.
mesh And Russia is really not like China. They're very, very different.
mesh China wants to control their internet because they're all about unity and they want everybody to conform IMO
T3s|4 China's Mafia makes Putin's mafia look like a childish best ;p
mesh Russia wants to control their internet because they're criminals and they see it as another opportunity to act as a toll keeper and extract money from people
mesh In the future the Russian government will force companies to pay a fee to be available to Russian internet users
T3s|4 try 1.4 Billion people, tomorrow
mesh it's just another smash and grab. It's always about money with the Russians
T3s|4 ^ try 1.4 Billion people, tomorrow
mesh genka: except you genka
mesh hehe
genka i'm not in russia
genka but very close
mesh but anyways I would say China and Russia are very different. China's not even that corrupt any more. Say what you will but Xi really did clean up *a lot* of corruption in China
mesh while Russia is by all accounts what is called a "Mafia State" ( )
T3s|4 mesh: ^that's pure speculative BS
mesh In his book titled Mafia State, journalist and author Luke Harding argues that Putin has "created a state peopled by ex-KGB and FSB officers, like himself, [who are] bent on making money above all."[28] In the estimation of American diplomats, "the government [of Russia] effectively [is] the mafia."
mesh It really is that simple
mesh T3s|4: what?
mesh I mean I know China and Russia pretty well but I'm no expert
mesh both are authoritarian states but they are very different. China is a one-party state hell bent on becoming a super power. Russia is more like a group of gangsters that are just trying to make as much money as possible before the scam comes crashing down
T3s|4 any assertion that Xi, the leader for life (tm) has ended Chinese corruption. Xi IS the Chinese Super-Mafia!
genka dr|z3d: why did you do fork of i2p btw? why didn't just do merge requests with useful changes?
mesh T3s|4: I mean China is a lot less corrupt than it was 20 years ago. I don't think anybody would deny this
mesh you might not like Xi but he really did end a lot of corruption because it was getting in the way of economic growth
T3s|4 mesh: I've been doing business in China since long before Xi...I know wtf I'm talking about...unless you have similar experience...I've heard enough speculation ;p
mesh T3s|4: I mean you can read the Wikipedia article. It's a pretty decent description
T3s|4 I know all the 'campaign'
T3s|4 all *about
mesh I'm not saying that China isn't corrupt I'm just saying that it's **a lot less** corrupt than it was 10 years ago and it's **nothing like the way Russia is corrupt**
mesh like I said in Russia the government is literally controlled by gangsters
mesh this is why people call Russia a Mafia State, cuz literally the gangsters are in charge
dr|z3d > genka: flexibility.
T3s|4 That *may* be true...but Russia is an economic joke when compared to China, or to any other developed (smaller) country
mesh yeah Russia's economy is about as big as Texas'
genka good, dr|z3d
mesh though not for long heh
mesh it'll probably shrink by 15-20% this year
T3s|4 lols - yeah about the same as Texas on a rainy Sunday, when all of the churchladies hustle their families into church; not into McDonalds or WalMart ;p
T3s|4 mesh: oops, sorry for my reference to church/God...I DO know that it is imperative for ALL Communist governments' mere survival to DEMAND that ALL their populace remain GODLESS, FAITHLESS and CHURCHLESS (tm). Ever asked WHY? ;p
dr|z3d genka: I prefer to get on with what I'm doing rather than second guess how it'll be received upstream. there's enough of my work upstream already.
dr|z3d genka: can you do me a favor and check outproxy.purokishi.i2p/about_ru.html for correctness. it's a google translate job.
genka dr|z3d: got it
genka dr|z3d: np, will check now
dr|z3d thanks!
genka i cant scroll down btw, dr|z3d
dr|z3d oh, you're in the twilight media query zone, genka :)
dr|z3d I should probably fix that.
dr|z3d if you reduce the width of your browser, you should be able to scroll.
genka i see
dr|z3d should be better now.
dr|z3d yeah, that should be fixed now with a ctrl+shift_r
genka nah, seems same
dr|z3d you didn't press ctrl+shift+r hard enough :)
genka i even disabled cache in dev tools
dr|z3d oh, wait, you're testing the english page.
dr|z3d I was fixing the russian page.
dr|z3d ok, fixed for now. not exactly how I wanted to present the page, but hey.
genka good
dr|z3d maybe I'll do a proper rework later.
dr|z3d so how did the russian look?
genka it's awful :)
genka working hard on it
dr|z3d haha, thought it might be a bit dodgy :) thanks.
itsjustme genka: you know Russian?
genka itsjustme: it's my native language
itsjustme Ah nice