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dr|z3d genka: run that question by me again. what do you want to know?
genka dr|z3d: how are services in the topic of that channel is connected to i2p+?
genka and what is saltr
genka thanks
mesh I think i2p is surprisingly sensitive to gc pauses
mesh which is a little concerning and intriguing
mesh so i2psnark does this thing where if the data directory goes away (drive unplugged) it will silently change the data directory back to the default and not tell you?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: does the dev update on always match your latest from skank.i2p/dev/
genka dr|z3d: is peer profiling in i2pd different from java router? just saw this
genka seems like peer profiling is better in java router
mesh genka: peer profiling is good on the java router if you don't have large gc pauses :)
mesh genka: it probably should be explicitly mentioned in the docs.
dr|z3d T3s|4: the dev update on links to the gitlab CI build, which is not always 100% synced with skank's build, but it's usually close enough.
dr|z3d genka: last time I talked to orignal about peer profiling he told me i2pd doesn't do any, not in the way java i2p does.
dr|z3d sustained speed on a 0 hop to on the outproxy -> 50Mb/s
dr|z3d as for profiling in java i2p and i2p+, i2p profiles all the routers in the netdb and doesn't measure for latency; i2p+ only profiles peers that will be used in local tunnel builds, and _does_ classify peers according to latency.
dr|z3d T3s|4: did your problem resolve itself with the latest build?
mesh dr|z3d: hmm that might explain why i2p+ is so sensitive to latency and gc pauses
dr|z3d not sure it's that sensitive, though the occasional peer might be marked as slow if GC is happening.
dr|z3d that classification will be corrected, anyways, the profiling is ongoing, so no big deal.
mesh dr|z3d: I noticed a pretty big perfrormance diff when I shrank the gc pauses
mesh no idea why. It's the opposite of what you would expect in most java apps. MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 or 2000 ends up being pretty bad. MaxGCPauseMillis=150 ends up performing quite well.
mesh and you end up with a lot more green dots in /profiles
dr|z3d yeah, it's been my thesis for a while now that lower gc is probably beneficial for i2p as long as the gc doesn't overwhelm the cpu.
mesh that's certainly what I've been seeing. the smaller the gc pauses the better the router performs.
dr|z3d more or less all peers on /profiles should have a good status (green dots).
mesh hehe not for me
dr|z3d if you've got a lot of peers failing tests, it indicates an issue with your connection.
dr|z3d (or general network conditions)
mesh my connection seems fine. I wonder if hidden mode has something to do with it.
dr|z3d hidden mode definitely will impact your performance.
dr|z3d really not recommended unless absolutely necessary.
mesh also frankly most of the high quality peers are in europe, north america and quite far from me
mesh i2p needs more penetration into asian markets
mesh dr|z3d: i2p goes into hidden mode automatically
dr|z3d it does in certain countries, though it can be overriden.
mesh I was able to go from virtually all peers tests failing to about a 3rd of them
mesh just by seemingly shrinking the gc pause target
mesh more benchmarking is needed but my theory is that under certain conditions i2p doesn't like 1s or even 500ms pauses
dr|z3d router.hiddenMode=false & router.isHidden=false
dr|z3d but you're right about Asia, i2p could definitely benefit from more users there.
mesh the entire concept of privacy is somewhat foreign to the Asian mindset frankly
mesh and many people here are focused on their phones
dr|z3d somewhat foreign, or somewhat illegal. or both.
dr|z3d so, mesh. blog.. :)
mesh yeah working on it
dr|z3d good man
mesh I wonder if I should put some code on github or try to setup git behind i2p
dr|z3d up to you. you can do both.
dr|z3d you can proxy to github/gitlab over the outproxy or Tor.
mesh <-- I assume this is possible with i2p+
dr|z3d there's also git.i2p
dr|z3d I use gitlab as my main repo, and automatically push to my github repos. git.i2p automatically mirrors gitlab.
dr|z3d i2p-i2pd suggests to me i2p -or- i2pd
genka very interesting moment on my java router in russia. client tunnels building through russian peers in most cases
genka is this behavior normal?
dr|z3d is that an i2p+ router you've got hosted in russia?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: just got back, thanks for your note. Earlier, when I pulled your dev update from, and restarted, which resulted in -11+ Revision 50a6c407, everything related to i2p was immediately broken again. I let that broken version run for ~1 hour and never saw anything meaningful in the router or wrapper logs. All I know is under -11+ I have no
T3s|4 zzz.i2p (et al), no snark, no IRC, etc. The only reason I can respond to you is that I was forced to revert back to -0+ - and I do mean that same -11+ update broke i2p on both of laptops.
genka dr|z3d just regular i2p java router, not i2p+
mesh it would be cool to setup something like and get it working behind i2p
mesh not sure how much work is involved. Or I could spend 5 minutes and setup a github account.
T3s|4 on both of *my laptops
dr|z3d T3s|4: hmm. that's really odd, no log output. the revision you were using does have the patch that's meant to fix your issue, but evidently it's not working quite as intended. are the routers both running in hidden mode?
dr|z3d hidden mode, ok. I'll double down on what's special there.
T3s|4 k - thanks
mesh genka: sometimes I see lots of russians in my tunnels too btw. It tends to pass as the router becomes more integrated
dr|z3d genka: was asking if i2p+ because if it is you can see the percentage of tunnels hosted by any given peer, and in i2p+ there's a lower ceiling.
dr|z3d T3s|4: ok, I'm going to disable the check for hidden mode when determining what to explore, and build a new dev update. maybe that's the issue.
genka ah, cant upload screenshot to cake.i2p
genka Error!: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
dr|z3d try fileshare.linuxfarm.i2p
dr|z3d itsjustme: cake is fail!
T3s|4 btw dr|z3d - if this is also of interest to you, I cannot grab your latest from within -0+. No matter how many times I try, I only see no update available, despite being up on -0+ for 5 hours
dr|z3d T3s|4: is that with the default url, or dev url?
dr|z3d can you browse to skank.i2p ? or ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p/ ?
T3s|4 skank.i2p is working finw
dr|z3d you've got the same peers in multiple tunnels there genka, which is something I've specifically worked on in i2p+ to avoid more of the time.
T3s|4 *fine
dr|z3d then that's really quite odd, T3s|4. and a manual check for updates doesn't show anything up?
genka dr|z3d: i see
T3s|4 dr|z3d: other than the update issue, all appears to be working correctly in -0+ (only)
mesh dr|z3d: that happens to me a good bit too
dr|z3d how many known peers in your netdb, genka?
dr|z3d building you an update to try, T3s|4, please stand by!
dr|z3d you should be able to eepget it with ~/i2p/eepget -n 999 skank.i2p/dev/
genka dr|z3d: 5280
T3s|4 dr|z3d: yep, even after ctrl-shift-r on = no update available
dr|z3d ok, T3s|4, update is uploaded.
dr|z3d genka: that's plenty, so hmmm.. maybe there's some odd networking constraints in Russia right now that's forcing more russian peers to be selected.
genka maybe you're right, dr|z3d
T3s|4 dr|z3d: ^noted, but still no update available
dr|z3d T3s|4: double check that the url's correct.
T3s|4 double-check = confirmed correct
dr|z3d ok, next thing to try is restarting your http proxy tunnel.
dr|z3d if you've been hitting skank hard, maybe you got blacklisted.
dr|z3d and make sure when your proxy tunnel restarts, it's with new keys.
genka dr|z3d how many transit tunnels does your router have?
genka if it's not a secret
T3s|4 dr|z3d: snagging it now
dr|z3d depends on the router, genka. average right now is around 2K.
dr|z3d there were some upstream changes a while back that seemed to put the breaks on participating tunnels and participating bandwidth.. still haven't got to the bottom of that.
dr|z3d another thing that differs between i2p and i2p+ is the limits on peers in the same network space joining local tunnels. iirc, in i2p it's peers in the same /24, in i2p+ it's peers in the same /8
mesh I wonder if I'm the only one who wishes it was possible to run i2ptunnel standalone
dr|z3d not a common request, mesh. or one that's every occurred before.
dr|z3d *ever
mesh dr|z3d: could be just me. doing everything inside the router process feels wrong
mesh though I guess there could be performance benefits...
mesh but I would rather have a separate program that connected to the router and forwarded data to a local port. This would make it easier to monitor and control what's going on and it would be easy to kill this process
dr|z3d i2ptunnel runs from a separate war.
mesh I have a sinking feeling that embedding everything inside the router won't scale should people really want to deploy lots of (or all) services over i2p
dr|z3d hihi rambler
rambler How's it hanging?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
rambler Low and to the left
rambler Ha. Not bad.
dr|z3d thanks for sharing :)
rambler I'll catch you on i2pchat
genka any chance you can add libreddit.i2p to the topic, dr|z3d?
genka and wow
genka i2pchat?
genka didn't hear about it
dr|z3d is it running on i2p+, genka? :)
dr|z3d also, it's apparently not registered yet, so there's that.
dr|z3d T3s|4_: any joy?
dr|z3d genka: if it runs on i2p+ there's a fair chance it might get linked on the i2p+ homepage.. just saying..
genka dr|z3d: what do you mean
genka why not registered
genka libreddit.i2p is registered at reg.i2p and stats.i2p
dr|z3d neither are responding with a dest when tried via jump links.
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: the update d/l succeeded, restarted into 48e5809d, which completely re-broke i2p yet again. The wrapper log just shows the restart, and the non-existent router log only 404s
dr|z3d ugh, T3s|4_, ok, more surgery required.
genka stats.i2p is redirecting me to the address helper via jump link
genka reg.i2p too
dr|z3d ok, maybe I mistyped it before. works now.
genka dr|z3d: it's running on i2pd :)
dr|z3d oh well, genka. :)
genka i just thought you could add libreddit.i2p to the topic too since not all sites there is running on i2p+
dr|z3d I'd be more motivated to if it was running on i2p+, even though it's not offering anything that's not already present in the topic. that's the other thing.
genka got it
dr|z3d still, since you asked so nicely, we can provisonally put it in the topic while you get your i2p+ shit together :)
genka dr|z3d didnt understand last part. could you rephrase please? hehe
genka libreddit.i2p*, dr|z3d
itsjustme dr|z3d: wot?
genka i can try running i2p+ rather than i2p on the other server in russia but not on the my raspberry pi, sorry :):):)
dr|z3d itsjustme: cake fail. sql?
itsjustme I will check
dr|z3d genka: your router in russia will thank you.
genka dr|z3d: :)
genka dr|z3d: thanks
genka what can i tune in wrapper.config except, dr|z3d?
dr|z3d what version of java are you running on, and how much ram are you wanting to allocate?
genka openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18, 2048 MB
genka i saw on zzz.i2p that i2p is running better with java 18 in terms of memory consumption
genka i could grab java 18 from if necessary
dr|z3d up to you.. 2048MB.. ok, let me see what I can give you in terms of wrapper.config options.
dr|z3d how many cores is it running on?
genka 4 cores
dr|z3d ok, probably enough for zgc then.
dr|z3d the numbers you may have to adjust according to whatever other additional params you're supplying.
genka got it
dr|z3d if you're setting maxMem to 2048MB, maybe set init heap to 768.
dr|z3d you don't want init heap to be more than 1/2 of max ram, ideally, for zgc to work nicely.
dr|z3d so 768 is fine.
dr|z3d > wrapper.restart.delay=10
dr|z3d restarts will happen quicker with that value.
genka 10 already
genka anything else, dr|z3d? maybe -server flag?
dr|z3d nah, server flag isn't required for 64bit. it's a legacy option.
genka so, that's all, right?
dr|z3d sure, that's about it for now. see how you get on with those configs.
dr|z3d T3s|4_: ok, new build up, hopefully this one fixes your issue :|
dr|z3d T3s|4_: you're grabbing the latest dev builds from skank.i2p I hope.. :)
genka something weird happened in web ui
genka wait, will share screenshot now
dr|z3d try a ctrl+shift+r ?
genka nah, didnt help
genka wait
genka had to change scale
dr|z3d checking...
dr|z3d what's weird?
dr|z3d you're on the midnight theme.
genka cant save the settings
genka check second screenshot
dr|z3d leave that page and come back to it, perhaps, then try save again. could be a cookies thing.
dr|z3d failing that, check your logs. and that second screenshot is too small to show me anything.
genka yes, cuz i changed the scale to 50%
genka so save button appeared
dr|z3d ah, ok. so it's a ui thing then? looks like you're at 4k?
genka yes, i cant see the save button. it's somewhere on the right
dr|z3d ok, I see the issue, let me fix that and then you can grab an update if you like.
genka sure
dr|z3d thanks for spotting it.
dr|z3d_ ok, fix available from skank.i2p/dev/ genka if you're not already configured for dev updates on /configupdate
genka i have to just copy to my ~/i2pplus folder and restart, right?
genka dr|z3d
dr|z3d yeah, or download from the /configupdate ui.
genka can i just click on restart in web ui? or i have to restart with i2prouter stop/start?
genka doesnt matter?
dr|z3d if you're running with the wrapper, web ui is fine.
dr|z3d i2prouter start/stop won't respect your existing participating tunnels.
genka got it
genka now waiting 10 minutes
dr|z3d if you're changing values in wrapper.config, then you need to stop the router and restart it, not restart, in order for those values to get picked up.
genka i see
dr|z3d ok, now you can see what the proportion of peers hosting your tunnels is.
dr|z3d on /tunnelpeercount ..
dr|z3d click the table headers to sort.
genka good feature
dr|z3d yeah, handy if you want to see if there's any weirdness with your peer connections.
genka maybe i underestimated i2p+
genka will try again at my home raspberry pi if everything will be good
genka dr|z3d: why didnt your changes to i2p merged to main i2p java router?
genka merge*
genka dr|z3d: hmm, i put the to the ~/i2pplus, restarted but nothing changed
genka maybe i did something wrong
genka maybe i had to put it to ~/.i2p ?
dr|z3d either dir is fine. try a ctrl+shift+r ?
genka ah yeah, my bad
dr|z3d you can also check that you updated on /logs .. the wrapper logs will tell you.
genka now it's fine
genka thanks
dr|z3d np. thanks for reporting.
genka next thing
genka everything in /home*
genka everything in /sitemap starts with capital letter
genka i think everything in /sitemap should be written with lowercase letters or vice versa
genka dr|z3d
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: from this 0+ unbroken laptop I d/led your latest from skank.i2p (sha256sum = 056e831109b87659e245484627a2f4c937747df6f016059f68c20dc1832e7ac3), then using that update restarted i2p on my other laptop, still at Revision 48e5809d - and i2p still completely broken
dr|z3d anything in the logs, T3s|4_?
dr|z3d genka: in theory, hostnames should be lowercase, names should be capitalized. might not have got round to fixing that in the midnight theme.
dr|z3d screenshot disappeared.
genka dr|z3d: wait, i'll reupload
genka dr|z3d: yep, everything is fine with dark theme
dr|z3d genka: for now, rather than needing to update, create a file called override.css in i2p/docs/themes/console/midnight/
dr|z3d and then paste the following into it, save, then ctrl+shift+r on the midnight theme
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d that's about the best I can do. next update will have that baked into the midnight theme.
genka thanks, dr|z3d!
dr|z3d you can modify the themes any way you like with the override.css files. and they're persistent, they won't be deleted when you upgrade.
genka i see
dr|z3d T3s|4_: running a router in hidden mode to see if I can reproduce your issue.
dr|z3d before the recent patch, yeah, got issues flagged in the logs. let's see post-update.
dr|z3d can confirm your issue, T3s|4_, odd one since nothing gets published to the logs, but it's a search for routers/leasesets issue. fix should be forthcoming.
dr|z3d ok, T3s|4_, fix being built as we speak.
dr|z3d this one definitely works. sorry for the hassle.
dr|z3d --- uploaded ---
dr|z3d thanks for bringing the bug to my attention.