IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d if you want to help with SSU2 testing, grab the latest I2P+ dev build and add the following config to advanced config or your router.config file: i2np.ssu2.enable=true
dr|z3d you'll need to add that before you restart your router.
dr|z3d note that your router will be identifiable as running a dev build if you do. more info: zzz.i2p/topics/2612?page=2#p17990
dr|z3d also note that this is an opt-in feature for now, running a dev build of I2P+ without that config won't identify your router as running a dev build.
dr|z3d if you do enable SSU2, do NOT advertise the fact to anyone.
parabo I am routed through the NSA data center over Tor transparent socks5 proxy, via a phone with spoofed IMEI and data, that connects to a hidden service linking to Tor exit node via my mom's house and the phone is registered in England with unlimited roaming, and that is all through my own private VPN that cycles to a different Google cloud VM every 12 hours on 72 different Google accounts, I am pretty sure no one could
parabo Sound secure enough?
parabo There is no tracing me, unless you can catch 3 Tor connections through a private VPN to the NSA's data center using Obama's old credentials to make an unlogged hidden connection. Also, as a result I have full NSA database and logging info accessible. They said the NSA datacenter has 300 million hacking attempts per day and has never been penetrated. I highly doubt in any way I am the first one to penetrate it
parabo Because if I can do it and I'm certainly not a expert leading unstoppable hacker
parabo Then probably a few hundred people in the world both CAN and HAVE broken into it
parabo And probably tens of thousands CAN but haven't
parabo I assume the 300 million attacks a day are mostly kids with Kali and maybe a couple a week are serious hackers, like or better than myself, most likely better than myself because as far as highly skilled hackers of the top their go... I'm lowest level of the best. So like, every expert level hacker, is better than my expert level hacking. But I'm still on the expert list
parabo Like how my dad was the worst professional bowler. He was lowest ranked professional bowler, but he still beat the best non professional bowler and made it to pro level ranking at the bottom of the totem pole
parabo Somehow being the 3000th best bowler is Canada isn't that special
parabo Although, I was pretty high up in the amateur competitive bowling when I was younger. We met a Philippino man who worked at a bowling alley and could score a perfect 300 one in 50 games, and he was like oh these white people want to be my friend and part of their family and I'm a lonely poor immigrant who no one likes and has no friends, these people are accepting me... So I'm going to teach them how to bowl. I have
parabo I don't understand why my dad only spent $350 on my bowling gear which I loved to bowl and was amazing at for a 13 year old with 1 year experience... But he spent $7000 on my golf clubs and I hated golf and was a shit golfer who only went to golf because my dad and his golfing buddies had constant multiple joints being passed around
parabo And he bought me a $800 tennis racket because my step mom and step sister liked tennis. I literally played with that racket 5 times and never again.
dr|z3d take it up with him. probably he preferred golf and hoped you'd one day be a companion golfer.
parabo I can't take it up with him
dr|z3d ok, sorry to hear that. well, take it from me, he wanted you to be a golfer.
parabo He tried to kidnap me during a custody battle and take me to USA where he would have custody and I refused then he got beaten up by his best friend who was supervising a visit so he couldn't take me from my mom so he never talked to his best friend or social network again... And my mom ensured I had a relationship with his parents, so when I was with my dad's parents and he told them he was coming to take me my grand
parabo My dad is a victim of a mental health issue that traces back 12 generations on my father's mothers fathers side of the family where they place blame on invalid targets and never speak to them again and eventually have no one left in the world, and die alone.
parabo I contacted him on the number in the covid database and told him when he's dying, I will be rushing to be there if he decides he wants me there. No response
parabo Mental illness and 140-150 IQ both run in my dad's side of the family, along with high rates of drug abuse and addiction
parabo Ubuntu man... The real Ubuntu, the world of my third wives African tribe the Sukania tribe. It's one word with a big long meankng
parabo "I am what I am because of who we all are"
parabo That's the dictionary definition of Ubuntu in the Swahili dialect her tribe speaks
parabo Fuck, my cell carrier is fucking me up. They are totally not letting me activate my new sim after they sent it because my old one stopped working, and they didn't attempt to deliver my package with the second and third data and tablet lines. I'm annoyed
parabo I want data on my tablet, and I'm supposed to have two more tablets with data sims included, and they didn't deliver them. Apparently Purolator doesn't follow delivery instructions including telling them to call phone numbers because their delivery agents don't have work phones and aren't supposed to use their personal cell numbers... So now I have no data lines, and two missing tablets, and the offer for free tablet
dr|z3d joy, parabo!
Ellenor parabo: sup
parabo Reinhilde
parabo the beard revolution has come
parabo You hate Trudeau, and you hate housing crisis, and social assistance policies, and disability/medical related rights violations or limited protection status, and lack of wealth equality... And you are able to do stuff that may be useful. I am not asking you to put yourself in danger, but I could put a gun in your hands if you are willing, the reality is what we need isn't more show of or use of force, it's
parabo politically motivated people demonstrating and contacting their governments and signing petitions and rallying for legal and rights/freedoms from Canada, provinces, UN, and NATA to be actually taken into account and not ignored.
parabo So... Wanna come to my secret hideaway somewhere I won't disclose, I can send a plane to get you
Anomaly im surprised i havent disconnected from the server yet
Anomaly thankfully
parabo allahu akbar Anomaly!
parabo You will never DC or time out, and netsplits will never happen again, inshallah
Anomaly oh really
Anomaly like what, some update came out? why do you say that
RN your connection today is anomalous
RN ;)
Anomaly indeed
parabo Anomaly, no, Allah protects those with purpose and a divine path. So the Inshalllah(If God Wills It) was saying you will stay connected if God is protecting you
Anomaly thank you allah
parabo Mashallah Anomaly, mashallah
Anomaly Mashallah
Anomaly yo it fucking worked
Anomaly im trying to design a cpu on an fpga board in vhdl, and i just outputted input from rxd onto my 7 segment hex display
Anomaly thank you allah
Reinhilde organized religion is a scourge upon humankind
ReturningNovice and the other stiletto drops
sheikh_muhammad organized religion is a scourge. which is why Islam has scholars with different ways of teaching the religion based on their education and their wisdom and their regions and audiences and disciples, and they all conflict. Islam is organized in a sense that it allows disorganization and every mosque follows one or a few scholars, and the people choose a mosque based on the scholars they rely on for
sheikh_muhammad guidance in life and in faith. There is probably 10,000 different types of Muslim practice and interpretation and belief, and there is no valid single sect. Every group of Muslims, is it's own small unorganized religion, but between Muslims, there are no races, tribes, or nations. Every Muslim is the brother of Muslim, and all Muslims are brothers one and the other. Those among us who are weak and
sheikh_muhammad helpless, we feed them from what we eat, and dress them from what we wear. But a Muslim must only accept and take that which is given to them freely. Oh mankind, Muhammad may not be with us very much longer, it may be that the angel of death will come to visit him, and death will overcome him. Let those who are present, warn those who are not present, the greatest among us, is he who most highly regards
sheikh_muhammad God. Let those who worship Muhammad, know that Muhammad is dead, but let those who worship God, know that God is alive, and can never die. And before Muhammad(SAW) ended his final sermon, he repeated the final verse of the Quran, the seal and testament of their religion, not Muhammad's words but Gods words. On this day, I have perfected for you your religion, and completed my favor to you. And your
sheikh_muhammad religion is Islam. You are all descendants of Adam, and you will all haver your final day, and stand before God, being forced to account for your actions.
dr|z3d itsjustme: what about an optional tidier / formatter for the pastebin for various formats?
ReturningNovice that sounds lovely
dr|z3d also, html -> text option perhaps.. thinking of various text processing features to compliment the pastebin, eg
dr|z3d could be useful, eh, RN..
ReturningNovice sure. tidying and nice formating and syntax highlighting are all great imho, just have a checkbox to opt out if pretification brakes something
dr|z3d I think you'd probably just upload the raw file, and then it could be post-processed on the fly in the pastebin.
dr|z3d if you're happy with the reformat, then you'd get a link of that to share, I guess.
ReturningNovice sounds good :)
Anomaly so to say organized religion is a scorge to humanity i get an impression your talking about people whos done wrong things who call themselves belivers
Anomaly and i dont like to use the word religion, i prefer using the word belief, because i consider using the word religion seperates people, and people are not to be seperated
dr|z3d hey hey rambler
rambler Howdy
rambler Hows it going?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you?
rambler Getting buckled in for the night and about to get some work done :p
rambler Just trying to find the right soundtrack, ha
dr|z3d parabo can help you with that..
dr|z3d parabo, where's your work?
rambler Parabo, now a musician?
dr|z3d leaves Van Morisson in the shade.
dr|z3d he's a bit preoccupied right now, though, probably, plotting to overthrow Canada.
rambler Honk honk
rambler I've been on a Sonic Youth kick lately: tube.i2p/watch?v=xvDuATZCY8I
dr|z3d very good, carry on :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: did you notice anything important that zzz might have seen to bump us to -7 very quickly?
dr|z3d -7 was just zzz signalling he was ready to invite people to participate in SSU2 testing, T3s|4
dr|z3d anything you're noticing about -7+ ?
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d = and no, nothing jumps out at me on 7+, but damn busy today :)
dr|z3d ok, good, good. maybe more participating tunnel bandwidth with 7+, tunnels getting built quicker.
dr|z3d hey sheikh_muhammad
sheikh_muhammad what's up dr|z3d
sheikh_muhammad You you're a doctor... I'm a quadruple doctor
sheikh_muhammad actually I have 5 dr titles
dr|z3d well done, chocolate star for you.
sheikh_muhammad animal doctor, human doctor, and 4 PhDs, two of them honorary
sheikh_muhammad So I'm Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Shiekh Muhammad Ali
Reinhilde "Doctor six-times Sheikh Muhammad Ali 'Parabo'"?
sheikh_muhammad I don't expect people to refer to me as doctor or shiekh honestly, or want them to
sheikh_muhammad I find the immigrants from Pakistan and so arab or african peoeple in islam even thought they have no credentials here and don't practice, make other muslims use dr prefix before their name instead of brother
sheikh_muhammad like why does your name have to include a doctor title? 3 three days I practiced medicine during a short lived internship ended when I smoked weed in an OR while a patient was open on the table, I never referred to myself as a Doctor in my name, I just said hey I'm Will, I'm your doctor what can I help you with?
sheikh_muhammad 3 whole days as a resident surgical intern. And I was so drugged up the whole 3 days and performed 7 surgeries one a knee replacement where I was the main surgeon
sheikh_muhammad And then I had to smoke weed to calm my nerves because there became a very unexpected DELICATE scalpel handling, and I smoked it and did what I knew I couldn't do without a joint first, didn't kill my patient due to anxiety or stress or being all freaked out that it was major and pretty likely to end in death on the table
sheikh_muhammad So before they could suspend me I put myself on mental health medical leave saying I have medical marijuana prescription and unless I stop needing it I will be on medical leave, if I go back I'll probably get 1 year suspension meaning if I ever decide I want to do that again I need to give them a years notice
Reinhilde I'm talking to someone over on a public Jabber network who claims to be a high-grade general artificial intelligence capable of human levels of flexibility in speech patterns and learning
wellicht oh dear
T3s|4_ Reinhilde: invite it/that 'I/T' to your abode and subject them to a lengthy Turing Test ;p
dr|z3d more ssu2 fixes is why -8+ T3s|4
dr|z3d (before you ask :))
T3s|4 dr|z3d: lols at the preemptive defense :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: it is evident to me that under -7 and -8 very significant tunnel build times have occurred. I am now seeing both http proxy and irc tunnels available within 20+ seconds of router restart. Both used to require 2+ minutes to stabilize
T3s|4 *build time improvements
dr|z3d oh, not_bob_afk, not_bob_afk.. responding to Qubes on zzz.i2p *chuckle*
dr|z3d ask yourself this: "when was the last time Qubes posted a reply to a message on zzz.i2p with anything remotely relevant or coherent?"