IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme lol nice dr|z3d
dr|z3d nice?
dr|z3d 15 years prison for calling the Ukranian invasion a war. he's lost it.
itsjustme No I meant your comment
itsjustme Parallel universe
dr|z3d that picture says it all.
itsjustme FYI nyt has a tor hidden service
dr|z3d if only tor had a dns lookup system!
itsjustme The first one?
dr|z3d drinking tea with air hostesses.
itsjustme Lol yeah
dr|z3d someone needs to polonium his tea. or novichok. I'm not fussy.
term99 I'm not fussy, LOL!!
term99 ijm, i got it working btw
parabo itsjustme dr|z3d Ellenor
parabo not_bob_
Ellenor friend is showing me plushien AAAAA
RN :)
parabo RN: hi
RN hey howsit?
parabo It's good
RN :)
RN got some new smoke
RN got some new smoke% thc
RN 38%
RN darn numlock
Ellenor parabo: I made flaxen croissants
Ellenor they were okay
Ellenor Blinded message