IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo Hey infidels
parabo dr|z3d
parabo Someone managed to propagate a incorrect domain name IP address to all my domain names on every major domain name server services/network
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up p
parabo Not much dr|z3d, you?
dr|z3d oh, you know, the usual shizzle dizzle. console work.
parabo You got someone you can give me an address for that can relay a package to you?
parabo dr|z3d
parabo Preferably in Canada... Outside Canada is very expensive to ship to but I'll eat the cost if it's somewhere else
dr|z3d let me think on that, parabo, no one I can think of offhand.
parabo I want to send you the phone I don't have a name for with the software forks and additions I don't have names for
dr|z3d that's very kind, but fraught with issues. like, as soon as it phones home to check for updates, I can kiss goodbye to my anonymity. :)
parabo It has i2p+ with a leaseset encrypted server for updates;)
parabo isn't that wonderful?
parabo Although running a JVM and a desktop i2p install not Android I2P app, uses data and a lot of resources
parabo you can also route through onion, but that option I don't recommend for anonymity
parabo although yeah you will be fetching torrented OTA's very very frequently
parabo You can also get the signed updates manually and use them that way
dr|z3d that is truly wondrous, parabo. i2p+!
dr|z3d are you using the mobile ui theme?
dr|z3d I ask because that's had a bunch of work done for 1.7.0 so it's not broken, but in the field testing never hurt :)
dr|z3d If the desktop UI works well, then that's also fine, but I imagine there are issues on a small screen.
parabo No, I just installed it and the browser uses whatever it uses
dr|z3d is the browser using mobile?
parabo What do you mean?
dr|z3d or is it masquerading as a desktop browser?
parabo it is defaulted to the mobile option
parabo It is Dolphin
dr|z3d ok, so presumably the console's displaying the mobile version.
dr|z3d big sidebar center screen, links from other pages to sidebar.
dr|z3d I guess it's functioning ok, or you'd have told me, right?
dr|z3d good, good :)
parabo It's not really meant for using I2P network other than when privacy/anonymity mode is enabled for cloud services and updates
parabo it starts as part of those processes, and ends after they finish
dr|z3d well, it's got a torrent client, more than can be said for android i2p.
dr|z3d and of course i2pmail. might be worth promoting those things.
parabo They can be installed into the Ubuntu proot/chroot options if the user wishes, everything is disabled except my own client tunnels
parabo I'm tired
parabo Been awake again coding
dr|z3d well, sleep's good.
parabo Yeah... I slept the night before last
parabo I'm installing Ubuntu 20.04 on my new system
parabo Finally got all the parts for it this morning the final parts arrived
parabo I need to pay $825 to repair my tablet, and 3 phones.
parabo Fucking hell
parabo dr|z3d repair my personal use non-dev devices
parabo That's with a discount of 25% for repairing 4 devices at once at the same place
parabo I think I'll just forget the tablet and S21+, since I got pre release S22+ devices coming... And I got 2 new tablets that are not as sexy as the Samsung broken one but usable. Instead of Galaxy Tab A8.4 2020 I got ZTE Grand View X 4 tablet
parabo So then I only gotta pay $180 to repair my two Nexus devices (got some non water liquids in the charging ports and they forever detect mositure and don't charge
parabo The 4a 5G and the Pixel 6 Pro
parabo Fucking humidity sensor malfunction have cost me so much to replace USB-C ports. They are just prone to never stopping thinking there his moisture or humidity in them