IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo Hey guys
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d
parabo A rebel militia stole my jihad
parabo I been training 1300 men for 3 weeks to take out ISIS, and now someone else is doing it
parabo No I was gonna have a jihad against ISIS with my army of men... I had 1300, which was the most I could arm and deploy in a single invasion event... I wanted to train them for 8 months. Now these idiot rebels are dying more than ISIS but they have more soldiers to throw into the meat grinder. I wanted to train my men enough to minimize casualties
parabo I know
parabo dr|z3d
parabo I am in the phone business again
parabo I have bought and secured a contract for further supply, $13 Nexus 5 clones with all semi compatible but much better components, and $5 gives 3 years warranty... $18 per device. And they only came with compiled Android 4.4 no apps or anything... So I been working on LineageOS/OrangeFox Recovery porting and hardware support now for 5 weeks. I am already in beta testing since all components other than the screen and ba
parabo Basically I am programming a phone to be amazing when it came with Android 4.4 bare bones and no source and didn't work right, and it's in beta... And the retail cost will be under $40
Anomaly dr|z3d: you ever heard of edex-ui ?
Anomaly dr|z3d: you should check out edex-ui
Anomaly its a cool program, its a user interface, its inspired by tron
Anomaly its on github
Anomaly and ofcourse, if you want to see it on tube.i2p
Anomaly its supposed to look super futuristic
Anomaly im using it right now
parabol I just tried to blow my brains out with a shotgun and the thing misfired. Now I'm crying and freaking out
parabol Fucking hell, why didn't it work
parabol I don't got the guts to try again
parabol According to an American in Arkansas where you can fuck a 14 year old, me getting engaged to a 15 year old is worthy of putting me on ignore
parabol So I wanted about cultural bias and global age of consent or marriage then put my p99 in my mouth and pulled the trigger only to not die
parabol Shouldn't buy a Walter anymore. Gonna replace it with another Glock 17 I think
Anomaly who put you on ignore
Anomaly parabol: look at all the great things youve done, how skilled of a programmer you are, you have alot of potential, dont let a 15yr old girl be the reason you commit suicide
Anomaly remember you said it would be a crime against humanity if you dont apply yourself to contribute to society?
Anomaly maybe commiting suicide failed because if you dont commit suicide, in the future youll look back to this moment and realize having done that wouldve been a mistake, or because allah decides its not your time to go yet
Anomaly depression is something we all suffer from, but it isnt permanent
Anomaly now im not saying allah is going to keep you from commiting suicide if your determined enough, we all have free will, and free will is a gift allah isnt going to take away from us
Anomaly when somone judges you, ask yourself, how did they contribute to humanity
Anomaly or ask yourself, why should you value their opinions to begin with
parabo Okay. The dudes didn't attack my wife's village... They got attacked by rebels with no training who said I am a waste of their time and don't want to be commanded by me... 354 rebel combatants, and 187 civilians dead, 80 ISIS combatants killed. But the idiot ISIS soldiers are still in the village and in 3 minutes there will be Tomahawk missile launched at the village since there is no civilians or jihadists left to p
parabo This, is how revolution happens. You know what my price is, to give up the revolution? My life.