IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d imgur sucks. put it on cake if you want us to look at it.
parabo fuck you dr|z3d
parabo It's important
itsjustme I dont have a special needs kid
parabo must be nice
itsjustme Do you?
dr|z3d parabo is special needs.
parabo I have a step son in Africa with Malaria... He's gonna have permanent brain damage from the brain swelling and high fever
parabo well he'd be dead if I didn't pay the hospital bills, so that's a plus
parabo itsjustme, Bin Laden's office had a better books to gun ratio than Lauren Boebert
parabo He had like 1 gun and hundreds of texts, she has like 10 books and 6 or 8 guns...
parabo Lol look at my Imgur post
parabo it's hilarious
dr|z3d lol. outproxy over 0 hop -> speedtest spiked at 65Mb/s
itsjustme That's amazing
dr|z3d not bad, eh?
itsjustme Not bad at all!
dr|z3d fastest I've seen it yet.
itsjustme That's faster than some places can get at all
dr|z3d haha, yeah. you won't get that speed if your connection doesn't provide it :)
dr|z3d (obviously)
itsjustme Is that how it works?
RN *** steals unused bandwidth from dr|z3d and itsjustme to make RN go faster ***
itsjustme *** has a symmetric gig connection ***
itsjustme *** waves at RN ***
RN aloha :)
itsjustme how are you? :D
RN doing ok. just watchin tele and letting my new router burn it
RN burn in
itsjustme oh you got a new router? :D
T3s|4 o/ RN - I would like to get a couple of new mesh routers and test them in different configurations, but I cannot justify the expense in this smallish space. I am hoping a friend with a big house wants to upgrade to mesh so I can help them :)
itsjustme T3s|4: hehe
RN well, i2prouter
itsjustme I don't have a mesh either
itsjustme RN: oh? what did you install it on?
itsjustme I run i2p on a very powerful.... rpi
RN freebsd on an hp with an i5 and 4G ram
itsjustme oh nice
itsjustme 4gig is pretty small for now adays
RN yeah, it is a salvaged pc.
RN the i2prouter it is replacing is even older and smaller
RN best thing is it was free. I bricked the box I was planning to use. That only had a dual core.
RN my neighbor had some scrap pc's laying around and gave me one
itsjustme nice :D
itsjustme more powerful than my rpi
itsjustme but I have that shoved in a wall
RN yup. Thinking about giving them the bricked one. But part of me still wants the challenge of fixing it
RN hehehe
itsjustme why would they want the bricked on?
scoobyboob thinkpad t500 here. it was $30 on ebay a few years ago with no drive. i had an ssd for it anyway. i def got my moneys worth out of this thing
RN they could either fix it or tear it down for parts.
RN I know someone who puts old electronics in a rock crusher so they can melt down and recover the gold
itsjustme scoobyboob: those are great laptops
itsjustme RN: ah, ok
RN just a hobby
RN They like to do things they see on youtube.
RN and they usually figure out how to do those things well.
RN but I wouldn't call them a friend, they are currently "on my shit list"
RN my neighbor on the other hand. (S)he uses wirecutters instad of a rock crusher.
RN Whatever makes them happy as long as I don't hear it in the middle of the night.
T3s|4 lols - rock crusher on high speed @ 03:30
RN hehe, yeah fortunately the rock crusher is not my neighbor
RN Darn! did I forget something? I started my eepsite tunnel and confirmed the service is running, but it is coming up 503 instead of loading the help page.
T3s|4 maybe you have to tell your browser to accept invalid SSL certs
dr|z3d netstat, used correctly, will show you anything bound to the port you're having issues with. but you need to know how to use it, otherwise, yes, it will spew reams and reams of useless data to your console.
RN it doesn't even show the PID
RN I'd have to install something else "lsof" according to the page you linked
RN the port is busy because it tries to start at boot
RN and whatever failed it leaves it listening
RN stopped the service... let's see if the port frees up
RN and it is not about me not having a clue, it is about you making wrong assumptions
RN Reinhilde, the bumbershoot is open again! :)
RN_ port 7658 is open by java aka the router
RN_ and it generated the unable to bind error message
RN_ three times
RN_ about 2 minutes apart
RN_ so much for blaming it on something else dr
RN interesting... using w3m and loading I get a blank page, but a title string "Anonymous Webserver"
RN but the router's tunnel does not seem to be connecting to jetty
parabo hey dr|z3d
parabo hey itsjustme
parabo hey albat
albat hey parabo :)
parabo how are you albat?
albat fine, you?
parabo I am well thank you
parabo just working on some phone project
parabo What are you up to?
albat listening to some music
albat nothing much
parabo You should check out the band Sabaton
parabo Power Metal, they only sing songs about war
albat i know them :)
parabo The Great War(History Version) is their best album I think
parabo They are great
parabo One of their songs is about my great grandfather's friend
parabo 82nd All The Way, Alvin York was my great grandfathers best friend.
parabo albat, what are you doing now?
albat i told you, listening to music
parabol hey guya
parabol dr|z3d, assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
parabol albat, how are you?
parabol Reinhilde, be the awoken?
dr|z3d ok, parabol, thanks for that.
Reinhilde *** looks embarrassed ***
parabol dr|z3d, allahmuduliliah, you're welcome
parabol Marcus is outside and he is refusing to come inside
parabol It's like fucking 8C... he's a tropical birds. Like he's being fucking stupid
T3s|4 /exit
itsjustme hello :)
term99 hey ijm, hru?
itsjustme I'm well term99. you
term99 not bad either, ty. updating and working on projects, you know the deal :)
term99 trying to convert more people over to i2p and stop using http paste sites and use cake!
itsjustme how is the speed?
term99 great, i have no complaints about it at all
term99 i would like to run paste.linuxfarm.i2p with your code :)
itsjustme oh, I can send it to you. I don't really have an install though
term99 Not yet, ty. I want to get my old box back before i run more stuff.
itsjustme ah ok thats fair :)
itsjustme I should make a thing for an admin panel
term99 that would be nice :)
term99 I gotta make an admin panel for my isitup script
term99 also convert it to perl instead of bash
itsjustme well I don't know what an admin panel would do because everything gets deleted after 24 hours. Like if someone reported something it would be gone before I could do anything about it anyway
itsjustme I've never gotten a report of bad content on it which is great :D
term99 do you shred the files upon delete?
Reinhilde When I say "hot-rod computer," what comes to your mind?
itsjustme term99: nah, they are encrypted on the drive so they just get deleted
term99 i thought that might be the case, i would do the same. you could admin panel shred vs delete :)
itsjustme its on an ssd so shred wouldn't work anyway
itsjustme the admin panel would most likely just have settings for stuff like max retention times and maybe allowed file types
itsjustme then would have a section for delete all files and some stats
term99 that would be handy
term99 i need to add more to that, if head fails try a tunnel ping instead
itsjustme oh nice :D
itsjustme not bob has a smiliar thing but its more of an agrogat